This was Yuchi's first visit to Xuantianzong. Under the leadership of the old monk, he did not feel too much pressure to enter Xuantianzong.

And other people looked at him as if they were looking at passers-by, and nothing unpleasant happened during this period.

Right now, Xuantianzong is preparing for the sect grand competition held once in a hundred years.

Whether it is Zongmen Grand Competition or Martial Arts Competition, different races have different names.

The main purpose of the competition is to update the leaderboard once every 100 years.

It can be foreseen that many people will fall off the leaderboard, and many rookies will be on this leaderboard. For Xuantianzong, the stronger the people on the leaderboard, the safer Xuantianzong will be. After all, there is not only one Xuantian Sect in this world.

Xuantianzong is not considered a powerful force among the surrounding sects. It is only because it is close to the urban agglomeration where the human race is located that its geographical location is relatively remote. This is why such a sect can exist. Appear.

And there are all kinds of races in Xuantianzong.

Some races have one leg, and some races have three hands. Weird things are placed in front of Yuchi in a mess.

Yuchi was quite calm in his heart.

Right now, he can detect the opponent's strength in his realm, as long as the opponent's strength does not surpass him, he can see through it at a glance.

Then he walked for such a long time, but he didn't find any Wanzu who could stand on the stage. The strength of the overall Wanzu can be said to be uneven, and Yuchi even found a Wanzu whose strength was only B-level. He was a little surprised.

Can the B-level Wanzu also be in Xuantianzong?

Did it come in through relationships?

I don't quite understand.

And now these ten thousand races are discussing the news about who will be the winner in this sect competition.

The old monk told Yuchi the clues he had already searched for. If he wanted to rank at the top of the character list, then he must have S-level strength. If you want to rank at the top of the local character list, you must at least have the strength of SSS. If you want to be on the sky character list, you must be able to do it, and there are very few people in the dao state.

After saying these words, the old monk and the crane walking next to him also glanced at each other.

They really don't know what Yuchi's strength is, but they can vaguely feel that Yuchi must be an existence whose strength has reached the Dao realm, otherwise, if there is no Dao realm, then the previous sea would not be so terrible. You must know that the aftermath of the battle at that time almost killed them all. This kind of strength is quite shocking.

In addition, the rules of this Zongmen Grand Competition are quite simple.

No matter who it is, anyone can come to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition. To participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition, you must first choose whether you want to participate in the list of people, the list of places, or the list of celestial characters.

Then different lists will have different schedules, and different schedules will correspond to different results.

The old monk told Yuchi all the detailed arrangements, and he was counting on Yuchi to be able to win the first place in the Xianmen Grand Competition this time.

However, Yuchi is not very interested in this kind of sect competition itself.

He is too lazy to fight some inexplicable people, he only cares about who the strongest is.

A question came out of his mouth, and he asked calmly: "What is the name of the person who ranks number one in Xuantianzong's heaven list now?"

The old monk and the crane looked at each other.

They couldn't understand what Yuchi meant for a while, but they still gave a rather straightforward answer: "Long Fengyun!"

"A dragon with unfathomable strength and shocking people!!!"

Long Fengyun's strength is really too strong. Every year, many people will challenge him, but every year no one will squeeze him from the first place in the Tianzi list, so that he becomes the suzerain of Xuantianzong , which has been going on for 1000 years.

1000 consecutive years!

This means that he has become the most powerful person in Xuantianzong for 10 consecutive times, a fearsome dragon clan.

Yuchi nodded slowly.


He had fought with the Dragon King of the Canghai in the Canghai before.

The Canghai Dragon King is said to be the ancestor of the dragon clan, so the ancestors of the dragon clan are quite strong, and the descendants of the dragon clan should not be bad now.

Thinking of this, Yuchi already had a general understanding of the situation: "Where is Long Fengyun?"

The old monk's body shook, and the crane couldn't help covering its head with its wings. The crane didn't dare to listen to what it expected.

And the old monk still didn't know, he didn't know what Yuchi wanted to do, why would he ask such a question all of a sudden?

"I'll go talk to him." Yuchi said kindly.

"Chat, chat..."

The old monk squeaked, he saw a ferocious thing in Yuchi's eyes, this kind of thing is called fighting spirit, it is impossible for someone to chat with others with such eyes, this is obviously to go Challenge the entire Xuantianzong.

Is it so cruel! ?

So where did this senior come from?

Will there really be such a terrifying true god in their human race? !

Then, with doubts in Yuchi's eyes, the old monk finally pointed straight at a mountain peak in the distance, and pointed his eyes at the year-round golden and green buildings on the mountainside of the mountain: "Senior, the ranking in the Tianzi list The number one Long Fengyun is there..."

After finishing speaking, he immediately looked at Yuchi's performance.

Yuchi's eyes had already landed on the resplendent and resplendent palaces in the distance.


There was a smile in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "I see, you two can go around casually."

"I'll go back as soon as I go."

The old monk and Xianhe watched Yuchi leave quickly with such dull eyes.

They really couldn't figure out how Yuchi was thinking about this matter. Obviously there was a path of Zongmen Grand Competition before him, why did he just ignore it?

One must know that Yuchi's strength is very strong, so he must be able to get a very good ranking among the great emperors of this kind of sect.

This can accumulate a lot of prestige for him!

In the future, when he lives in Xuantianzong, people around him will not dare to say anything to disturb him, and many people will respect him and admire him!

So why?

Why is there a broad road not to go? Is this going to take another dangerous path?

Why don't you show your cultivation in front of everyone, why don't you get the respect of others?

The old monk doesn't understand!


"You monk can't even see through this kind of thing?"

"I don't even know what kind of Tao you have cultivated for so many years. Can you understand it better than me, a crane?"

Lao Hejian was dumbfounded.

And when Yu Chiyuan left, Xianhe continued: "I probably understand what senior thinks! It's impossible for him to go and slowly participate in this kind of martial arts competition at this time, and to show his strength in front of others! In this way It means nothing to him at all!"

"He doesn't bother to show how powerful he is in front of others!"

"He only cares about whether he can fight head-on with a powerful person, that's all."

I have to say that the crane is still a very spiritual existence.

Although they have not yet reached the level of becoming a relatively powerful race, at least as cranes, they still have their own way of thinking.

He actually knew what Yuchi was thinking, which was quite powerful.

The old monk looked at the crane in disbelief:

"You mean to say that senior doesn't want respect from others at all, that is, senior doesn't care about others at all. What do you think of him?"

Does such a person really exist in the world?

No way.

If the whole world is full of people like this, then what's the use of being able to make lists of characters? Anyway, everyone doesn't care what others think of them, so these lists prove that Wanzu still has a very good face.

Xianhe said with emotion:

"Trust me, I didn't understand it before, I just thought the senior was a bit weird, but now I'm 100% sure!"

"Senior, he just doesn't care what other people think of him!"

"He has his own way of survival. Could it be that he is a senior and we are juniors. This is the reason."

Don't care about all kinds of things in the secular world, strengthen your heart, and move forward step by step.

When the old monk's face was shocked at the end of Xianhe, he added with a sigh: "This is this senior who doesn't know whose name he is!"

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