In the resplendent palace of Xuantianzong, a dragon man with a size of 3 meters was kneeling on the ground. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, facing the direction where the statue of the ancestor of the dragon clan, Canghai Dragon King, was. The location is already cleared.

One can clearly feel that aggressive aura from his body, this is Longwei, a kind of power that makes people feel creepy at a glance.

Especially this kind of dark golden eyeballs, the noble aura permeating in these eyeballs will make many races bow down.

He is Long Fengyun.

Long Fengyun has been cultivating himself in this place for 3 months, and he has been thinking about why his ancestors were killed by others.

What kind of person can defeat his ancestors?

He can't understand.

Because in their impression of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan is a well-known existence among all the clans. Do you really want to say that they can defeat the ancestors of the Dragon Clan?

This kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

And in the process of his calm thinking, his tightly closed eyes slowly opened, the two layers of eye membranes under his eyes moved sideways, and the pair of brilliant golden eyeballs that appeared looked behind him, and then slowly Turning his head slowly, he saw a human youth appearing at the door.

"Who are you?" Long Fengyun asked indifferently.

This place is the important place of Xuantian Sect, and usually no one can come to the important place of Xuantian Sect.

Only those who rank first in the Tianzi ranking list are worthy of enjoying the condescending palace complex of Xuantianzong.

So what happened to this young man of the human race?

The other party was wearing ordinary gray cloth.

Not even wearing shoes.

Stepping on the smooth ground of Xuantianzong with bare feet, his body is not considered tall, his body is not considered strong, and his eyes are even more unpretentious.

"Nobody." Yuchi smiled.

He felt the opponent's strength for a while, then sighed softly, turned around and prepared to leave.

In fact.

Long Fengyun's strength is not considered strong, but only the fifth rank of Dao Yun.

In the Xuantian sect, he might be a relatively powerful person, but for him who is currently at the third rank of Daoyun, this kind of strength can only be said to be lackluster.

Then there is no need for him to continue to stay in Xuantianzong.

The so-called Xianmen Dabi, in the end, is nothing more than a group of children fighting and killing. It doesn't mean much. It's better to go back to the small island in the sea to go fishing.

Long Fengyun: "Slow down!"

Yuchi: "Huh?"

Turning around, the footsteps about to go stopped, and he looked behind him.

Long Fengyun gradually stood up from the ground, and his body became taller and taller, so that the last 3-meter-high dragonman appeared in front of him.

The tail shines with dragon scales, and the body is covered with fine dragon scale armor.

The breath is strong.

Long Fengyun: "I can't feel your breath, is your strength stronger than mine?"

Yuchi: "Yes."

Long Fengyun: "How strong you are."

Yuchi: "Better than your ancestors."

Long Fengyun: "..."

He knew that the man in front of him didn't mean any ridicule, nor did he mean any insult. Light cloud.

It seemed that the other party was talking about a very simple and simple thing.

"Have you got a meal yet?"


"What did you eat?"


It's just like this kind of dialogue, there is no derogatory meaning in the ordinary!

And Long Fengyun quickly returned to calm.

The Dragon Clan is worthy of being a Dragon Clan. The ability to suppress surprise in the body is quite powerful, and their mentality is still not easy to be interfered by some waves: "You mean you defeated my ancestors?"


"It's just a dead soul. He is a person worthy of respect, but in the end he was still defeated by the proud blood of the Dragon Clan. To be honest, if he gives me a chance to revive him, then I may not be able to defeat him in a frontal battle." He crushes."

Long Fengyun didn't dare to speak anymore.

The scales on his body glowed with golden light, which meant that he was quickly suppressing the restless state of mind in his body, and his state of mind seemed to have no way to keep calm!

damn it!

First of all, a strange man appeared in Xuantianzong's palace, secondly, the strength of this strange man was bottomless, and then this strange man actually said that he had defeated the ancestor of their dragon clan, and finally this man was so indifferent. All these things stated? !

He didn't have any hesitation, didn't have any worries, everything was just a simple talk.

What a calm state of mind.

Long Fengyun: "You are not telling lies, I can feel the huge Dao aggregates in your body!"

Yuchi: "Really? Then you are amazing."

Long Fengyun: "..."


Long Fengyun walked towards Yuchi step by step, with a calm tone: "I don't know if I know the name of the senior, after all, the strongest of the human race is placed in the Xuantian Sect, and it is just a word ranking. It’s just a member of the list. I don’t know when such a powerful warrior appeared in the human race, please tell me your name so that I can remember you.”

Yuchi didn't answer, and asked directly: "Do you want to avenge your ancestors?"

Long Fengyun: "Think."

Yuchi: "Oh, you are not qualified."

Long Fengyun: "..."

He really wanted to blow the head of the human man in front of him so much. Although he didn't mean to look down on him when he spoke, he was just discussing the matter, but why is it so matter-of-fact...

Do not!

Make the dragon unhappy!

Long Fengyun: "We can try! The potential of the dragon clan is very strong!"

Yuchi: "Not strong."

Long Fengyun: "How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

Yuchi: "I tried it, your ancestors lost like this, do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

Long Fengyun: "I'm not afraid of losing."

Yuchi: "Then are you afraid of death?"

Long Fengyun: "..."

He just wanted to have a good discussion with the other party, to feel what kind of strength the other party is like, but why did the other party talk about death at the level of death? Doesn't this world exist? Simply sparring?

Long Fengyun: "Senior, this junior just wants to ask you for advice, and doesn't have the determination to fight you to the death."

Yuchi: "Then you are not as strong as your ancestors. I don't know if it's because you are cowardly or the dragon blood in your body is not as pure as your ancestors'."

Long Fengyun: "..."

He gritted his teeth, and an extremely complicated expression appeared in his eyeballs. He had no way to maintain his inner peace. He could only forcibly suppress the anger in his body and look at the human youth in front of him. He didn't say what his name is now, but he just appeared suddenly, took a look at him, and then left! !

Long Fengyun bowed heavily: "Please compete with me."

Yuchi nodded: "Is it okay to fight to the death?"

Long Fengyun raised his head and gritted his teeth: "... yes!"

Yuchi: "OK."

Nodded, walked out: "Make arrangements for the funeral."

Long Fengyun: "..."


Long Fengyun finally couldn't hold back anymore.

His heart was already full of rage, just when he was about to speak, Yuchi came to him at some point.

He calmly stretched out a hand and put it on Long Fengyun's head: "I'm just kidding, I have no grudge against you, but you are indeed not my opponent now, and I don't attack lightly or hard, you There's no need to fight a lunatic like me at this time."

Immortal caresses me! Get long life!

Long Fengyun looked at Yuchi floating in front of him, he wanted to move, but his body was held firmly in place! ! !

The blood in the body and even the heart are completely frozen, only thoughts can flow slowly!


He looked around him, it was as if a lot of chains sprang up around him, piercing his body.

He looked at the man in front of him again.

Although the man of the human race was not as tall as him, the aura of looking down on the world made him feel extremely terrified.


It's really scary!

He just stood here quietly, with a kind expression on his face, and Long Fengyun knew one thing...

The other party was right.

I am really not his opponent...

No matter how much the dragon's blood in his body erupts, this cannot be the opponent's opponent.

A real difference between cloud and mud! ! !

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