After Yuhe left with several human races, all the ten thousand races in Xuantian Sect could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

For them, even though Yuhe's arrival killed many people, it showed a kind of contempt and contempt for other ten thousand races.

But this is the simplest situation right now.

All races contend.

No one can survive this battle.

Skills are not as good as people can only recognize.

If this is not the case, then hide within your own race and don't come to places like Xuantianzong, this is no problem.

Just like the human race now, even if the human race thinks that their hiding place is very good and has not attracted the attention of other ten thousand races, in fact, there are some well-informed ten thousand races. The location is just known, but it is absolutely impossible to let them come and slaughter the entire human race.

Killing people in the Xuantian Sect and rushing to other people's races to carry out massacres are two different situations.

The former can only be said to be ruthless, while the latter is a kind of madness.

The former will not have other high-ranking people say a word, but if someone dares to do the same behavior as the latter, then they will attack the entire group of ten thousand races!

In the final analysis, at least it is necessary to leave a way for others to retreat. Most of the races fighting each other on the battlefield of ten thousand races are sensible people, and they will not really push others to a dead end. Otherwise, if others treat them like this one day, then they will it's over.

"That's the way it is said."

"But it is estimated that a peerless genius who finally appeared in the human race this time will fall on the edge of the sea."


"Originally, this human race should not have been discovered, but obviously there are some problems within themselves."

The Wanzu people were chattering, and they began to clean up the battlefield situation in Xuantianzong.

They are even more prepared to write a letter directly to their superiors, trying to tell Yuhe what he is doing now. Even though it is not clear whether this letter will have any effect, they still have to do what they should do, otherwise After Yuhe came to bully Xuantianzong today, another suzerain came to bully Xuantianzong, so this matter will be endless.


Proxis is dead after all.

As the younger sister of Prosis, Prosia originally returned to the Dolphin Clan to transfer the Dolphin Clan to the area where Xuantianzong is located.

And the past few months have just happened to finish this matter.

In the end, I finally returned to Xuantianzong...

She suddenly learned that her brother Prosis was directly killed by members of the Angel Clan in this ruthless battle against the suzerain.

for a moment.

Kneeling on the ground in shocking crying, his fists hit Xuantianzong's ground again and again.

Eyes full of blood and tears.

Painful cries resounded through the heavens and the earth.



When Prosis chose to agree with Yuchi's succession as suzerain, he had already embarked on a road of no return.

Perhaps what Yu He said was not all wrong.

At least Prosis was in a hurry.

He counted on himself to be able to lead the entire dolphin clan towards continuous revival, but no matter how powerful a person is, he is still alone.

He underestimated the cruelty of this world.

He highly regarded the power of Xuantian Sect's suzerain.

He misread the promise of peace between the Suzerains.

Such is the final price.

When the other ten thousand races saw Procia's performance at this time, they could only shrug their shoulders.

Who hasn't seen something like this?

This is the Wanzu.

This has never been a story, and it has never been a legend in the mouth of a poet. This is a rather cruel and bloody fact before us.

Elsania came to Procia's side. She hugged Procia in her arms, feeling her crying in her embrace.


Even if she is not of the same race, Elsania can still feel the trembling in Procia's heart at this time.

Before the Dolphin Clan could stand up, their knees were severed by Yuhe of the Angel Clan!

Cruel reality.

"Senior, what about your side?" Elsania sent Procia to the other suffering porpoise beside her.

She looked briefly and hesitantly at the sky, her jewel-like pupils filled with anxiety and apprehension.

Finally, he spread his elven wings and flew into the sky, followed the wind and the breath of the sea where the sea was, and tried his best to fly towards the direction where the sea was.

For Elsania.

If this time Yuchi was killed by Yuhe of the Angel Clan, then Yuchi died, which means she died too.

It also represented that no matter how hard she tried, she could not escape the cruel fate of death in the end.

Yuchi is already a small boat in the ocean.

The boat capsized.

The bystanders were all moved to tears.

So is she.

Yuchi did not know when she became a bright light in Elsania's heart. This light cannot be extinguished, otherwise Yuchi would not be able to do it, so how could she, Elsania, be able to do it? How about doing this thing well?


"Please don't have an accident."

The sky is clear, the sky is as blue as washing, and the mountains, rivers and land are under your feet.

Crystal clear teardrops fell from Elsania's eyes, slid across her beautiful face and were blown away by the strong wind, leaving behind a ray of indifferent rainbow.

What a cruel, what a real world.


and life.

This is two different things.


In the middle of the sea, Yuchi closed his eyes tightly, holding a fishing rod in his hand, sitting there quietly.

When he slowly opened his eyes at a certain moment, a figure appeared behind him.

It was Yuhe.

Yuhe looked at Yuchi who was sitting quietly on the edge of the sea, he was not in a hurry to do it directly, but expressed his intention of coming first.

"I'm Yuhe, I'm from the Angel Clan, I'm 28 years old this year, I became an adult at the age of 18, and it's only been ten years since I practiced."

"Now the cultivation base is the third grade of Dao Yun."

"The noble and pure blood of the angel family flows in the body."

"There is only one purpose for coming here today, and that is to destroy Your Excellency here."

There was arrogance in his bones, momentum in his eyes, and his expression was consistent throughout the process of introducing himself.

There are a few Human Race guys beside him.

After these guys heard the few words Yu He said, they felt great panic in their hearts.

The behemoth in front of me is only 28 years old this year! Within 10 years, has this directly reached the third rank of Dao Yun? ?

What a terrifying talent this is!

Only 10 years!

Is this the true sense of a young talent or a peerless genius?

It turned out that when Yu He evaluated other geniuses, he was actually a genius with extremely terrifying strength!

In the angel family, it can definitely be regarded as a top-notch existence!

In 10 years, he rushed to the third rank of Dao Yun!


The key is that there is not only one Yuhe in the angel clan who is so terrifying, the other clansmen are also quite ferocious.

No wonder Yuhe can survive till now!

This is backed by the entire angel family at the end.

Several human races looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, they had already seen the final result of this battle.

But it's also good.

After this thorn in the human race is eliminated, even if the human race is not treated well, it is relatively safe.

And now after several human races saw that Yuchi was still sitting there leisurely fishing, one of the human races yelled directly at Yuchi: "Master Yuhe from the angel clan is talking to you now, why are you No answer!"

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Yuhe with carelessness.

Yu He didn't bother to talk to him, his eyes were fixed on Yuchi's back consistently.

And Yuchi finally moved.

He stood up slowly, the bloody fishing rod in his hand disappeared slowly, turned around and looked up, he looked at the shining golden river in front of him with a slightly confused expression: "I smell the blood of Prosis on your body , Did you kill Prosis?"

Yuhe didn't have the slightest idea of ​​avoiding suspicion.

He smiled:

"Why do you still care about Prosis at this time? He is just a dolphin family. He is not strong enough, so he was naturally killed by me."

Wei Chi nodded slowly.

indeed so.

His strength was weak, so he was naturally killed by someone.

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