A few guys from the human race, they still want to show their awareness of being a running dog in front of Yuhe, but just when they are about to speak happily, one after another explodes in the air. .


"Senior, no!"

"Do not!"

Yuhe ignored the screams of several people: "I don't need anyone to point and point in the battle between you and me. I will get rid of these scum for you. I believe that there should be no one on your side." Rejection, and even some thanks, right?"

Yuchi's brows gradually relaxed, and the corners of his mouth gradually began to rise. He felt that the guy in front of him was really interesting.

The blood that hadn't boiled in his body for a long time, after all, began to gradually fill with that monstrous fighting spirit.

As for these guys from the human race...

It never occurred to them that Yuhe would treat them like nothing. As for Yuchi, he didn't even notice these people. The few people in his sight were like some dirt on the ground, so it's not worth mentioning in detail.


Yuhe felt the oppression from Yuchi, this is definitely not as simple as a genius, it is a brutal aura that can only be possessed after a long battle, it is a powerful aura summed up after fighting with many things Morality!

It's just that why there are so many morals summed up in a human race in the body, this should be impossible...


"so what?!"

Yu He moved violently, and slapped Yuchi's chest violently, his palm directly injured Prosis severely!

When facing Yuchi, he didn't relax at all!

He felt that Yuchi's strength was also third grade, and he even believed that Yuchi had already felt his strength!

"Not to be underestimated."

"I must go all out to fight, this is a battle that bets on the noble blood of the angel clan!"

And this palm hit Yuchi's chest directly!

Yuchi's chest sunken in an instant, accompanied by a huge breath coming out of his bones!

This breath directly split the entire surface of the Canghai into a gully with a width of 1 kilometer. mouth ah.

The gust of wind even blew away the only thin cloud left in the sky in an instant.

As a result, Yuchi just stood there calmly!

He looked at Yuhe in front of him motionlessly, completely ignoring the huge damage on his body!

Then the teeth are displayed brilliantly!

After all, he started to take the initiative to attack. He came to Yuhe's back in an instant, and rode on Yuhe's back. With a hand made of steel and iron pressing on the edge of Yuhe's wing, he directly pushed Yuhe to the ground with one hand. One of his wings was torn from his back.

One of the wings was torn off and thrown aside, the bloody wings were still trembling on the ground.

The other wing was not spared either, and the snow-white wing just fell on the surface of the sea, smudged with thrilling blood.

Yuhe is in pain!

Very angry inside!

With a backhand grab, his hands like iron pincers directly strangled Yuchi's back of the neck, and slammed it violently. Accompanied by the surge of Dao Yun in his body, the surging power was directly instilled on Yuchi's neck. The neck and head are instantly separated!

However, the head disappeared, and Yuchi's body returned to its original state during the inverted flight.

He is warming up, and the smile on his face is getting more and more.

"He is so powerful!"

Yuhe realized it!

That being the case!

Then lo and behold!

As Yu He opened his wings again, a terrifying aura burst out from his body!

Overwhelmed by those splendid feathers!

Every feather fell from the sky, and it grew in the wind, instantly turning into extremely sharp mountains one after another!

The mountains bombarded the sea, and the sea water poured back, causing extremely terrifying trauma.

And even though these mountains couldn't do any effective damage to Yuchi, they actually condensed into a strange formation under the sea that was rooted in the sea!

If the people of the angel clan saw this formation, they would immediately shout out, this is the totem of the angel clan!

Under the urging of the formation, Yuhe's body jumped up!

In the sky, his body swelled rapidly, from the original height of more than three meters, it immediately turned into a statue with a height of more than 300 meters!

The statue is full of majesty and exudes the breath of Prajna!

With the golden wings swaying gently behind the back, the surrounding world seems to change color.

The sky was full of tiny white feathers coming like a storm, under this kind of indiscriminate blow, Yuchi had no way to dodge at all.

His body was pierced by at least 1,000 finger-length feathers in an instant, like a tofu pierced by thousands of arrows!

However, his eyes were staring straight at the majestic statue more than three meters high in front of him.

He was listening to the morality from Yuhe.

His eyes are now able to see some power of heaven and earth from around Yuhe.

These are the fusion of Heaven and Dao!

And the mountains made of feathers one after another on the surface of the vast sea are quite terrifying.

"I know you."

At some point, Yuchi bared his teeth and laughed maniacally.

Yuhe couldn't understand!

What is insight?

In his eyes, Yuchi's body began to gradually swell, from the original height of a normal human being to 5 meters!

From 5 meters to 10 meters!

Then it changed from 10 meters to 100 meters, so that in the end the height has reached 1000 meters!

It's actually twice as tall as Yu He's body!

The morality gushing out of the body even shook the world and began to mourn, making that tragic whistling sound.

Yuhe instantly understood!

The human race man in front of him has completely understood the way of heaven he is in!

That is to say, the other party has been summarizing constantly, so that just seeing the technique released by the other party, this is already the way of heaven that can be reversed and hidden in the technique!


On the surface, Captain Yuchi is sitting in the very center of the sea, fishing silently, not doing anything else!

In fact, this heart is constantly researching various heavenly techniques!

Today it has finally reached a new height.

"This is the strength that talents in the Dao Seed Realm can have!"

"He's only at the third rank of Dao Yun!"

"There is still a long way to go to the Dao Seed Realm!" Yuhe was extremely shocked.

Although the SSS++ level and above are collectively referred to as the Dao realm, there is a big difference between the Dao realm!

Dao Yun can see the Dao!

The Dao species can decipher the Dao!

In almost all cases, it is impossible for all cultivators to cross the realm of Dao Yun and obtain the abilities that can only be possessed in the realm of Dao Seed!

As a result, Yuchi did it!

"Damn it!"

"This person must be killed, otherwise there will be a big threat to our angel family!!" Yuhe has no way to keep calm!

And Yuchi's punch was extremely fast!

When Yuhe didn't react at all, it hit his chest with a bang!

The power of the fist was extremely terrifying, it tore Yu He's armor instantly, pierced his chest directly, and entered his chest cavity, Yuchi grabbed his spine and yanked it out!

With the entire spine being ripped out from the body, Yuhe's eyes were full of shock and confusion.

He still couldn't understand why the angel race's unique Heavenly Dao technique was directly penetrated by a young man of the human race in an instant!

Even after the other party analyzed his way of heaven, he showed a rather terrifying understanding ability!

It's actually more comprehensive than Yuhe's!

"damn it!"

"damn it!"

The body recovered instantly, and Yuhe's body looked a little embarrassed.

Like a frightened rabbit, he quickly retreated on the surface of the sea, which was already broken into pieces, and there were such feathery mountains everywhere.

And Yuchi's body expanded even faster, 1000 meters is not the limit!

Driven by morality in his body, his body quickly increased to 2000 meters!

Then, under Yuhe's shocked eyes, he slowly pulled out a dragon spine from the back spine.

The dragon's spine is so big and aggressive.

As soon as the dragon's spine came out, the world was overshadowed.

White clouds all over the sky gathered above the sea, the sky and the earth were dark, with thunder and lightning.


When the dragon's spine was swaying, the whole world was crying, accompanied by Yuchi's gradually crazy laughter, Yuhe looked at the dragon's spine in front of him!

He can't understand!

It was as if a piece of sky was directly pressing towards him, he had nowhere to hide, he could only watch helplessly as his body was instantly smashed into pieces by the dragon spine!

The power of the dragon's spine remained undiminished, and the hundreds of meters long spine slapped terrifyingly on the surface of the sea, and the sea surface was directly blasted.

With the sound of explosions, the sound of Yu He's body exploding, and the screams of lightning and thunder between the sky and the ground, the entire sea was instantly filled with a dead zone of howling ghosts and wolves.

And Yuhe didn't die at all.

He had an epiphany when he was in danger, and made a direct breakthrough, his strength jumped from a third rank to a second rank! ! !

Under the blessing of the second-grade Daoyun, he was like a brilliant white light, instantly piercing through Yuchi's body in this world of black lights, blind fires, ghosts, crying wolves and howling.

Yuchi's body exploded, and blood flowed from a height of a thousand meters!

The blood and muscles, along with the fragments of the skin and the explosion of the bones, collapsed over the vast sea, just like a fallen Living Buddha!

Yuhe is embarrassed!

His body was floating in the sky, his eyes were full of shock: "If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have been able to change from rank three to rank two so quickly!"

"But you!"

"After all, it's still not as good as me!"

The voice just fell.

Yuchi's body that fell from the ground slowly turned his head, a pair of crazy eyeballs were firmly fixed on Yuhe's body.

And then this overwhelming palm was pressed down from the sky, and the majesty like the palm of the Tathagata clasped on Yuhe's face!

"damn it!"

"What kind of power is this? Why can your third rank be free from the constraints of my second rank!"

The difference between the second rank and the third rank is the gap!

How can such a gap be bridged!


Yu He's body was crushed by Yuchi and smashed into the sea!

The surface of the sea exploded again!

Flames spread from the water in the vast sea, and Yuhe's body was directly driven into the ground with a palm to a depth of more than 3000 meters!

This was caused by Yuhe trying his best to block the ground!

The huge five-finger prints were buckled in the sea, and a tsunami with a height of more than 1,000 meters had already appeared on the sea! These tsunamis swept towards the edge of the sea, and their momentum was terrifying!

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