Yu Shengyun had finished praying.

Now stand up and look at the little tree in front of you.

There were not many smiles on her extremely beautiful face, but Yu Shengxuan who was standing beside her said seriously:


"This time you may really want to leave our angel family."

"According to what you told me before, you probably won't come back for a long time in the future."

Yu Shengyun nodded after hearing this, she turned her head and gently brushed away the black hair scattered around her ears, her gentle eyes were full of reluctance:

"Yes, this time we are going to the Moon God Sea. The Moon God Sea is quite far away from the Angel Clan. Even though I am now the first rank of Dao Yun, if it is only me, I will not dare to go there. far away."

"This time, I went there with Yuchi."

"Maybe in the next 5 years, 10 years, I won't come back, or even farther away, so master, you must take good care of your body."

"I'm still thinking that if one day I get pregnant, I need your help to take care of me a little bit. That big man really doesn't know much about this kind of thing, and I can't do it myself. clear."

What Yu Shengyun said is true.

The angel race is really not a particularly large race in terms of population. If a woman wants to conceive, it is not relatively smooth like humans. That is, her own reproductive ability is actually not enough. .

Many women of the Angel family need to receive a special array of pregnancy and support when they are pregnant, and they also need to take a lot of special medicines.

It is absolutely impossible for a woman from the angel family to conceive in the wild and want to give birth to the child.

Yu Shengxuan naturally smiled and nodded after hearing this.

She held Yu Shengyun in her arms, just like she was responsible for delivering the baby when Yu Shengyun was just born.

Twenty or thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

How time flies.

Feeling the reluctance of the woman in her arms, Yu Shengxuan also reminded: "The world outside is not very safe recently."

"Having a headhunter is quite dangerous."

"The nature of this headhunter is quite cruel, and he has a habit of collecting heads, so under such circumstances, you must not leave Yuchi's side alone, no matter if you really have some disputes with him in the future, or Or miss our angel family..."

"You must stay by his side obediently and don't run around, it will be very dangerous."

The headhunter only appeared in the last year, and I don't know what race this guy is.

But as far as the rumor is concerned, this guy likes to collect heads of different races and hang them in his home to show off.

Its own strength is also very terrifying. The Tiandu Division sent people to encircle and suppress it two or three times, but in the end they returned without success.

A very cunning and treacherous person, especially likes to hunt and kill females of all races.

After hearing this, Yu Shengyun must have nodded seriously. Leaning in her master's arms, she said in a muffled voice:

"Master, there are actually many things that I didn't tell you before, but don't worry, since I have reached this step with Yuchi step by step, it is absolutely impossible for me to act on my own will, even if I die. will die with him."

Then when Yu Shengxuan seemed to notice some different emotions in Yu Shengyun's words.

She even took the initiative to say: "Actually, I know that the reason why Yuchi chose to be with me at the beginning was not because he liked me so much."

"In fact, at the beginning, I couldn't feel any joy from him, he treated me like an object, he just wanted to prove through me that he was still a normal person. "

"That period of time was really uncomfortable."

"I feel like I'm a tool for him to prove himself, and I really can't feel any pity for me from him. The kind of feelings that are deliberately shown make me more uncomfortable than ignoring me."

Yu Shengxuan was quite surprised after hearing this.

Is there such a past? I don't know, I don't know at all.

On the cheek of Yu Shengyun hidden in her arms, there was a hint of relief:

"But it's okay now. He doesn't just care about me superficially. I can also clearly feel that although he is a person who is not good at expressing, many times he is really very interesting."

"It's just that this kind of fun can only be understood after getting to know him in depth."

"And now he is indeed a man who I can entrust for my whole life, and I am willing to dedicate everything to him, even including my own life."

"Anyway, I still conquered this man to a certain extent. As a saint of the angel family, I am actually a little happy at this time."

After hearing this, Yu Shengxuan had mixed feelings in her heart.

She really didn't know some of Yu Shengyun's opinions, and she didn't know much about Yuchi, but she just found it difficult to understand Yuchi.

It was as if he was standing on the bridge, but looking down at all the living beings under the bridge.

And they are all these mortal beings under the bridge. It seems that no matter how much these mortal beings feel and feel, in his eyes, it is just a simple scenery, a fleeting scenery.

Yu Shengxuan said: "It's really good to hear you speak your mind to me, and I'm also very happy."

"But you should have told me about this kind of thing from the beginning. After all, to be honest, the two of us have been in a master-student relationship for so many years. If you told me about your relationship with him at the beginning, Maybe I can give you a little bit of advice, although I myself don't know much about love."


Gently stroking the soft hair of the woman in her arms, feeling the other party's nod in her arms, she finally said: "Okay, let's go back, and don't let your man wait too long among the angels." It's been a long time."

"Afterwards, I don't know whether it was my imagination or pure speculation."

"I always feel that this man will take you to see what the world really looks like, and sometimes I really envy you. There will be such a man by my side, unlike me."

"I'm still stuck in the development of the Angel Race itself, and I can't get away from it at all."

Yu Shengyun nodded earnestly, and left her master's arms, then she said in a relaxed tone: "If one day Yuchi and I really have a result, will this result be like the one we had before? Just as I said in a joke, this child's father will take this child to kill people everywhere, so this kind of picture is quite exaggerated."

After hearing this, Yu Shengxuan burst into laughter: "If it was him before, then he should be able to do this."

"But who can say clearly what will happen in the future."

"He is also slowly changing. After all, no matter how ancient the world is, how can people or thousands of creatures have the same principles?"

"And there are periods of life, and different periods of time, but people will have different feelings."

Finally, when Yu Shengyun nodded firmly, Yu Shengxuan took her hand: "Let's go, dress nicely, and leave our angel clan with your man!"

"And this time, if your man didn't stand up to help at a critical moment, then we don't know how to deal with the matter of the Red Snake Clan. The snake-eating wolves of the Snake Clan are still confused about how we did it? "

"I never thought that there would be such a man standing in the dark."


She said kindly.

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