Now Yuchi finally left the Angel Clan together with Yu Shengyun, and officially set foot on the direction of the Moon God Sea.

But unexpected things still happen.

When Yuchi led Yu Shengyun to advance quickly in the sky, his footwork stopped slowly. He just stood in the sky, frowning slightly, and then looked at Yu Shengyun with curiosity and concern. When falling over.

He said: "Sheng Yun, I think human beings still have some private matters to deal with, but this time you can go with me."

Yu Shengxuan was stunned.

A while ago, Yuchi went back to the human city to deal with private affairs, but in fact it wasn't personal affairs at all.

Yu Shengyun knew very well in her heart that this was obviously a fight in the past.

In the end, she won the battle, and she didn't explain in detail when she came back, and she didn't ask any questions about this matter.

But now it is said that human beings have some private affairs, so there are really some private affairs.

And at the same time Yu Shengyun nodded, Yuchi also said: "I come from the human race, although whether I admit it or not, I am from the human race. There are not many people who have made friends with me in the human race. Very few."

"Now an old man is dying, and he will pass away in a while."

"Think about our trip to the Moon God Sea this time."

"I guess I won't come back for quite a long time, and I won't go back to the human race again, so I think I'd better go back and have a look, to see how the human race's current martial arts are doing. Going to see if there is anything they are puzzled, but also to see the old man's situation."

Yuchi is still gentle after all.

Even if he doesn't come from this world, even the human race in this world doesn't have much essential relationship with him. But gradually became clear about his thoughts, and gradually suppressed the ancient demons and ghosts in his body, now Yuchi is much calmer than before.

In contrast, human nature gradually emerges.

Yu Shengyun definitely agrees, she nodded carefully in response, but said with a smile:

"I wanted to go to the human race before, but you didn't take me there. Now you finally took me there. I'm still very curious about what kind of race the human race is. After all, I've only heard about it before. Woolen cloth."

Yuchi smiled and touched her delicate cheek.

"Let's go."



In the human city.

Yuanyuan has grown up a lot, and now she has the appearance of a standard adult girl.

And recently she's been feeling quite depressed.

That is her grandfather, this old man, he has been ill for a long time.

The hospital has also delivered the worst news recently.

It should have been impossible last night, but a miracle happened last night.

That is to say, the old man who was difficult to speak at first is now alive and well.

It's a bit of a flashback feeling.

The doctors also said that this incident really shocked them.

This is exaggerated.

Will any miracle happen?

Where are there actually so many miracles?

The reason is very simple.

When Yuchi left the human city last time, he also left a ray of heaven in the old man's body.

This ray of heaven is quite weak, and it is used to help the old man avoid death at a critical time.

It's not that Yuchi is reluctant to part with his own way of heaven, but because the old man's body can only resist such a little way of heaven. After all, this bit of way of heaven is not comprehended by his old man himself, but given by Yuchi.

A small amount of this kind of thing is beneficial, but a large amount is a toxin.

Now that the old man's body has been forcibly saved, it seems that this step can be repeated continuously so that the old man will not die.

Actually not.

The old man's soul is too fragile.

The old man is not like a Medusa, nor is he like a cherry blossom in a silver coffin. He doesn't have such a powerful soul, so even if Yuchi re-condensed a physical body for him, his soul can't be controlled at all, damn it still die.

So now the old man is just relying on this ray of heaven to hang his life, at most it will last for a month, and when the last boiled oil is exhausted, the heaven is broken, and the soul is annihilated, then he will leave completely this world.

Qin Lanyu stood beside Yuan Yuan.

Now the two of them are staying in the corridor, and Yuanyuan is crying silently.

Qin Lanyu has nothing to do now.

She used to be a psychiatrist, and even though she hasn't been a psychiatrist for a long time, some of her previous knowledge is still there.

But under such circumstances, is it possible to bring the dead back to life?

There is no way.

Now she also picked up the phone and simply glanced at the messages on the phone. The messages on the phone were sent by Fengyi.

She came back from another city immediately.

In the years since Yuchi left, the relationship between the few people must have been very good. Qin Lanyu also slowly left her previous profession from the previous psychiatrist, and together with Fengyi, began to slowly explore martial arts.

Although it is far from reaching the level of seeing through the way of heaven, it can be said that a few people are helping each other now, which can be said to be a small success.

"Kite kite!"

"Feng Yi will be back later!"

"Then don't worry! No matter what happens, we will definitely stand by your side and walk with you!"

Yuanyuan nodded sadly and moved after hearing this: "Thank you, sister Lanyu, and sister Fengyi, you are all good people."

It can be said that Yuanyuan grew up under the watchful eye of Qin Lanyu and Fengyi.

Although warriors generally have a longer lifespan, there is also a basic requirement, that is, the warriors themselves are required to follow the correct path. If they practice rashly, the warriors will be the ones who will be damaged in the end. After all, they will hurt the origin.

The old man is because of his special situation. He has practiced too many miscellaneous exercises, which has caused his body to be riddled with holes.

But Qin Lan didn't speak much.

This is to help Yuan Yuan to the corridor of the hospital, ready to have a good chat with her and help her to give some simple enlightenment.

Then there was a soft conversation between the two.

Not far from the stairs, two figures appeared.

When the two figures first appeared, Qin Lanyu and Yuanyuan hadn't noticed that the hospital was full of people after all.

When the two figures passed by them and a nurse was leading them forward, Qin Lanyu glanced at the two figures in a daze.

This look.

One thousand years at a glance.

Then she couldn't help standing up.

this man...


It's him! ?

is he back !

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