"Is there something wrong with you?"

"I'm going to see patients in the hospital. What identity do you want me to show? Is there something wrong with you? I'm not a bad person. Don't you have a lot of surveillance in your city? Doesn't it show that I'm a good person? ? Now please get out of the way immediately, I don’t care if you belong to the Supervision Department or not, just make way for me immediately!"

Feng Yi was very angry, she didn't even change her clothes, when she heard the news, she immediately got out of her business.

As a result, Qin Lanyu was about to be found in the hospital, and this happened!

It's really annoying!

These people in the Inspection Department feel like they have nothing to do every day? !

It is completely against ordinary people like them!

Very very disgusting!

It was still a normal era, if it happened in the era when the ten thousand races were fighting, these people would probably treat them more ruthlessly than the ten thousand races.

And just when she was about to get angry, the guards let her go.

At the same time, the director of the Supervision Department cursed in his headset: "Are you out of your mind? I asked you to secretly protect the situation at the scene, not to fight against the public. Are you out of your mind?" No way to understand what I am saying now, am I asking you to block the hospital? Are you sick?"

"You sealed off the hospital, isn't it just..."

"Ouch, me."

"Mud horse..."

"Hey, lying mud horse!"

The director of the Supervision Department is about to vomit, and the people in the Supervision Department under him are really used to being domineering!

Let them do this kind of thing, the first way they think of is to do this kind of shit!

It turned out to isolate all the people regardless of the three or seventy-one!

No matter how critical these people who came to see a doctor are now, they are all turned away uniformly, and we will talk about it across the board.

Brain shit?

"Aren't you doing this to make things difficult for me?"

"Are you really going to let Yuchi see my joke?"

"I tell you, you secretly maintain the order here!"

"If people come to see a doctor normally, you let them go to see a doctor normally, and don't restrict ordinary people in any way!"

"I just want you to avoid those people who don't have eyesight coming to make trouble, that's all."

The director of the Supervision Department really vomited.

His group of subordinates are just like those reckless men.

A bunch of ruffians.

But Fengyi didn't know that the man who stopped her just now was scolded, she just glanced at him angrily, and then decisively entered the hospital.

After taking the elevator all the way to the designated floor, she finally found Qin Lanyu, and at the same time there was a girl opposite Qin Lanyu.






This girl is too beautiful, my God, did this girl come out of a painting! ?


Feng Yi couldn't help covering his mouth, walked over in two or three steps, and greeted him familiarly:

"Sister Lanyu, I'm here, and..."

"Hi~ beauty!"

"What's your name?"

"Please give me your advice when we meet for the first time. My name is Fengyi. Fengyi, who is in charge of heaven, means a lot of meaning!"

Yu Shengyun looked at this beautiful girl in astonishment. This girl is also very good-looking. At first glance, she looked like an optimist, and then she quickly said to Fengyi: "Hello! , My name is Yu Shengyun."

Feng Yi immediately came over, and this was posted next to Yu Shengyun: "Hello, Miss Yu Shengyun, you are really super beautiful, where are you from? Where is your ancestral home? You Tell me about it, maybe the two of us are from the same hometown! And it’s really the first time I’ve seen a girl as beautiful as you!”

Then I couldn't help staring at Yu Shengyun, and then said to Qin Lanyu, who was sweating coldly on his forehead, in horror, "Sister Lanyu, look quickly, this Miss Yu Shengyun is a natural , not that kind of artificial!"

Qin Lan said: "..."

She didn't even know how to speak.

My good sister!

Do you know who the other party is? Do you know the relationship between the other party and Yuchi? ! You just come here and say this kind of words!

And why are you so happy, the old senior in the room seems to be dying, and Yuanyuan next to him is still watching stupidly.

elder sister.

Take a look at the situation at the scene.

And Feng Yi didn't realize this kind of thing at all.

This world is so bad, if you are not optimistic, you will commit suicide a long time ago.

She smiled and waved at Yu Shengyun: "Miss sister, I'll go visit the patient first, don't leave later, I'll treat you to a big meal! Then don't worry, I'm a good person Yes, I have absolutely no bad intentions!"

Qin Lan said: "!!!"

What words!

Words of tigers and wolves.

And Yu Shengyun couldn't help laughing, she is really a girl with a good personality!

As for saying that you have no bad intentions towards me...

In fact, now that I feel it, the strength of human beings is still average. Even if you have bad intentions towards me, there may be nothing you can do now.

Yu Shengyun nodded brightly: "Then you can go to work first."

And just when Fengyi was about to sneak off to chat with the old man, see if the old man wanted a beautiful wife after his death, and burn two more paper figurines or two luxury sports cars for him, Qin Lanyu just stopped him. took her hand.

Then when Fengyi couldn't understand, she whispered: "He's back."

Fengyi was curious: "Who?"

Qin Lan said: "Yuchi."




Feng Yi was pleasantly surprised: "Ah, is the man I like back?"

"Where is there, show me quickly, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

Qin Lan said: "..."

She's about to cry.

I'm really going to cry.

elder sister!



I call you daddy!

You don't want to be so generous, other people's lovers are still here, so you just say such things!

As for Yuanyuan, who was watching the whole time, she seemed not so sad anymore.

She was also thinking about burning something for her grandfather.

Otherwise, burn down the house.

The kind of big villa.

Coupled with a few old ladies, it should be fine.

The ancestors came first, and they came after. They will all come to this point, there is nothing to be sad about.

It made it seem like she wouldn't make it to this day.

As for Yuchi who came back, she has nothing but respect!


The real strong!

Later, when Fengyi was clamoring to find Yuchi to have a look, the lieutenant from the ward came out. He met the surprised eyes of the other disciples and nodded kindly: "I'm done, you guys You can go in."

The disciples nodded immediately.

The disciples are also stupid now.

I just feel that this beautiful and outrageous girl... Could it be his woman? !

This is too happy!


(Book friends have seen this, please give me some praise, thank you book friend bosses, thank you bosses for your support!)

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