The overall situation of human beings is still good now, and there are quite a lot of martial arts in human beings.

Martial arts halls teach warriors to learn from the most basic breath, and then slowly move forward step by step.

This is a little accident for Yuchi, he has only left the human city for a few years, and there are already so many martial arts halls in the human city, and the former beast masters have all turned into warriors now. .

The general trend.

As for the previous soul beasts, they have all left now, and they don't know where they are going.

In addition, Yuchi also learned about a boy named Song Bei from the old man.

This young man should be around 13 years old, and was adopted by the old man a few years ago, and then he treated him as his own child while training him as his own disciple. Now that the old man has few days left to persevere, he asked Yuchi to meet Song Bei as an elder. The young man's current mood can be said to be quite depressed, and even more irritable.

Yuchi agreed.

This doesn't take much time.

This time, he simply took a look at the other party, then he could leave the city with Yu Shengyun and officially head to the Moon God Sea.

But there are a few acquaintances in front of him, and how did Yu Shengyun talk to Qin Lanyu and others together? They definitely didn't know each other before.

And when Yuchi came over, simply nodded his greetings and explained the situation.

Yu Shengyun looked at Yuchi full of love:

"Go find this child over there, and I will walk with them among humans."

"Call me after you've settled it, and then we'll leave here together."


Yuchi looked at Qin Lanyu, then at Fengyi who was very excited.


Then he simply hugged Yu Shengyun, and then went to find Song Bei alone.

Yu Shengyun smiled and looked at the girl in front of her: "After the matter here is over, let's find a place to sit."

Feng Yi looked at Yu Shengyun enviously, and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"


Song Bei's own talent is quite strong. When the old man accepted him as a disciple, he didn't understand anything. It's only been two or three years now, and Song Bei is already stronger than his peers. There is also a lot of arrogance in itself.

It belongs to the old man who only obeys. Even if the other people are Yuanyuan in front of him, he will not be convinced at all.

He felt that one day he would definitely be able to surpass the old man's realm.

But now the old man's situation is not optimistic, the child's psychology obviously has undergone a different change.

Now this child is still studying in a nearby college. This college is not an ordinary college, but a college specially established for warriors.

Song Bei is now wearing a very ordinary martial arts uniform, kicking his challenger off the ring, the other onlookers immediately came to the side of the loser, helped the loser up, and looked at Song Bei at the same time His eyes were a little scared.

"Song Bei's strength is really very strong, and now he may have reached the level that can only be achieved at D level."

"He's only so young now!"

"This already has this kind of strength. When he grows up a bit, he may have strength beyond A-level!"

The students' feelings towards Song Bei itself are very complicated.

On the one hand, they really think that Song Bei is a very powerful kid, who possesses such strength at this age.

On the other hand, they are really afraid of Song Bei, because Song Bei is really desperate to fight recently.

He really wanted to completely defeat his opponent, so much so that the opponent had already surrendered, but he still went to launch further attacks.

As a result, all his opponents who lost the game suffered serious injuries. Although the Warrior Academy itself has a special treatment area, these students need to lie down for at least a week before they can recover. .

Now Song Bei looked at the students around him, and he was in a very bad mood: "I just want to ask, is any of you able to defeat me? Don't you usually want to defeat me? Now I am standing in this place , come if you have the patience.”

"Only gossip secretly behind his back, what kind of a real hero is this!"

"If you have the ability, come and challenge me now. If I admit defeat today, then I will not be called Song Bei. It is completely fine to write my name upside down."

The more Song Beiyue said, the angrier he became.

He looked at the students around him, as if he wanted to eat people.

And Yuchi stood not far away watching the situation here.

The dean of the college has already received the news from the Supervision Department, and now the dean has taken the initiative to come to Yuchi.

Yuchi got a general understanding of Song Bei's situation through the dean. This kid is good at everything, but his temper is quite straightforward. Now that there is a problem with the old man, basically no one can control him.

When he told Yuchi about Song Bei's situation, the dean looked at this casually dressed man very curiously.

To be honest, the college they are in is a combination of junior high school and high school. The dean himself really doesn't know who Yuchi is. He hasn't reached the level of knowing Yuchi's identity. .

It's just that the man who can be greeted by the supervisory department by name must be a very powerful existence.

It's just that this powerful existence doesn't seem to be well-known on the Internet, at least the dean doesn't know who the man in front of him is.

"Could it be Song Bei's uncle?"

The dean guessed this way, as a warrior with full A-level strength, he couldn't feel even a little bit of warrior breath from Yuchi's body, and then thought to himself: "The opponent's strength is either stronger than me, Either they have no strength, there are only two possibilities, and the other party doesn't seem to be very old."

"I guess it's the nepotism of the Supervisory Department, that is, the status is relatively high, and it's just a simple powerful person."

The dean felt a little contemptuous in his heart, but it was absolutely impossible to say such a thing, and he still wanted to secure his position.

At this time, Yuchi didn't intend to talk too much with the dean at all. After he learned about Song Bei's general situation, he came to the arena where Song Bei was now.

When he had just arrived not far from the ring, he could see another student kicked off the ring by Song Bei.

Is Song Bei's strength still strong? The little guy looks a little irritable.

Then when Song Bei clamored for these students to continue to challenge him...

Yuchi squinted his eyes and showed a big smile: "Song Bei, can I have a very simple exchange with you?"

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