Song Bei heard Yuchi's inquiry from the audience.

His expression suddenly became very puzzled, who is this man in front of him?

How come I've never seen it before?

And since this person knows his name, does the other party know him?

Ha ha, this is also possible.

After all, his current strength is so strong, it is absolutely no problem if the other party really wants to win him over by saying they know him.

There are too many people who want to be his master Song Bei.

Then, when the students next to him were surprised, Song Bei had already given a very clear answer: "Will I be afraid of you?"


He added:

"Suppress your own strength if you have the ability, and suppress your strength to a level similar to mine. We will fight with real swords and guns."

"Otherwise, if you only use the advantages of your own realm to fight me, then what kind of hero are you?"

"You just know how to bully some children."

After talking.

His eyes were very proud, his body was covered with sweat, he just stared straight at Yuchi not far away.

Yuchi nodded with a smile:

"I swear by my personality, I will definitely control my own strength to be equal to yours."


He stepped onto the stage step by step.

He didn't show any impatience either, he stood on the ring slowly, moving his wrists a little.

With the soft cracking sound of the bones in his wrist, Yuchi's palms were clenched together like twisted bones.

With a smile on his face, he said to the dean: "Please call an ambulance here, and arrange more emergency personnel."

The dean nodded quickly after hearing this.

He did so immediately.

When Song Bei heard what Yuchi said to the dean, he was even more disdainful:

"You fight with me, if you are stronger than me, then you can still beat me!"

"But if your strength is only controlled at the same level as mine, I really won't lose to you!"

"Don't underestimate me. If you really want to say who the ambulance was arranged for, it might be!"

The other students also looked at Yuchi worriedly.

They still really want an elder to come out to educate Song Bei, but things are just like what Song Bei said, Song Bei's own talent is still very powerful, he is almost invincible in the same level .

His master is that respectable old man. The apprentices taught by this old man have basically never gone through any detours. His own understanding of martial arts has reached a peak level among his peers.

In case Yuchi lost the game, wouldn't Song Bei go straight to the sky with arrogance?

Yuchi didn't say anything.

He simply smiled, and then waved to Song Bei, indicating that Song Bei could attack.

But Song Bei snorted coldly: "Pretending to be! I don't believe you can really beat me. Do you think you are my master?"

When he finished speaking, he kicked Yuchi's face very sharply, very fast.

There is such a small taste in the volley leap.

And Yuchi was quite calm, just grabbed Song Bei's ankle with one hand, and when Song Bei's eyes looked a little strange, he grabbed the opponent's ankle as if swinging a sack, and smashed the opponent's face directly. In the arena.


Accompanied by the instant burst of blood and Song Bei's eyeballs staring like dead fish eyes, he kicked the opponent twenty or thirty meters away with another kick.

Song Bei felt severe pain and dizziness.

The breath of death is quite terrifying.

There was a shocking tremor on the ground under the circumstances just now.

Yuchi was still smiling: "I forgot to remind you, if you think your own strength is not enough, if you think you can't beat me, if you are afraid of me, then you can jump off the ring by yourself."

"Then let's pretend it never happened."

"You can still show off your abilities in this small academy, there is no problem at all."

The students around couldn't help but wrinkled their faces.


He just smashed his head on the ground and kicked it out, who the hell is this man who is so ruthless!

And Song Bei's attack was so fast, and the method of attack was so brutal, was it actually caught by the opponent lightly?

As for Song Bei himself.

He struggled to get up from the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and broke more than 10 teeth in his mouth.

The whole face is numb and dizzy.

Then he violently pulled out a wooden knife from the weapon rack on the edge of the ring, shouted the adults, and killed in the direction of Yuchi with his face covered in blood.

Yuchi stood on the spot without moving, and when the opponent came in front of him, he kicked directly on the opponent's chest.

Song Bei's chest suddenly sank into a big hole, and with the sound of the whole bone shattering, his body flew another 20 to 30 meters away with a cluster of brilliant blood, and smashed to the edge of the ring. , almost fell directly from the ring.

"What are you, you came here to educate me?!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Song Bei's face has become quite calm, the whole person is like a person who has lost his mind, his eyes can't see the direction of Yuchi clearly, but the embarrassed steps are still rushing towards Yuchi's position past.

There is already a killing intent!

He wanted to kill Yuchi.

The whole face is distorted!


Yuchi slapped him first, then locked the opponent's neck in front of him with one hand.


A punch hit the opponent's right shoulder directly.

The opponent's right shoulder was shattered in an instant, and with this arm thrown behind him, he showed a completely strange appearance. When the other students covered their eyes and dared not look at it, Song Bei was already howling to the sky in pain.


And another punch hit the opponent's left shoulder casually, and the opponent's left shoulder still ended up like this.

The heart-piercing screams echoed in the sky.

It's not over yet.

Yuchi kicked Song Bei's right knee casually, and then went to smash his left knee, until Song Bei was kneeling on the ground like a piece of mud.

The smile on his face hasn't changed since the beginning.

Song Bei was already passed out from the pain.


Yuchi didn't give him the chance to be unconscious at all, stepped on the other's ankle, exerting a little force.

Accompanied by the contact between the ankle and the stone ring, the piercing pain instantly awakened Song Wei from his coma.


At the same time, there was a tragic howl, which was even louder than the sound of killing a pig.

Then Song Bei passed out again.

I repeated it several times until finally I couldn't even cry out.

He could only stare at the sky with his mouth wide open, his dark eyes could no longer see the previous look at all.

Wait until Yuchi stretched out two fingers to directly poke his shoulder bone.

Song Bei's wailing finally came, with a hoarse voice, filled with prayers:

"Stop fighting, I admit defeat."

"I admit defeat..."

"Admit defeat."

Yuchi calmly withdrew his hand, and casually let go of the left hand that grabbed the opponent's collar, and threw the opponent on the top of the ring like a rag bag.

His eyes looked towards the surroundings who were dumb and didn't dare to speak at all.

When he saw the dean standing there dumbfounded, Yuchi also smiled and said: "Then this kid will trouble you."

The dean was taken aback.

Terrified, he replied in a cold sweat: "...Yes...Yes!"

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