Qin Lanyu returned to her daily life.

She was sitting in the former clinic, looking at the clock hanging on the clinic, she did not expect that so many years had passed by.

The other party has grown to the point where it is hard for her to reach.

"Yu Shengxuan is indeed a very good woman."

"If I were Yuchi, I would love her very much."

"The gap between me and her can be described as a world of difference."

Thinking of Yu Shengyun mentioning her own strength, Qin Lanyu felt a little helpless, "The opponent's strength has already reached the first grade of Dao Yun."

"And my current strength is only C-level."

"I don't even know when I will be able to reach the C+ grade!"

"It doesn't take a few years to reach the C++ level!"

"I can't even imagine when I will be able to reach the SSS level one day..."

"As a result, the SSS level is just the beginning!"

"If you want to break through this level and reach the ninth grade of Daoyun, you probably don't have decades of effort. This is absolutely impossible."

The more she knew about the gap in strength, the more Qin Lanyu couldn't imagine how terrifying the current Yuchi was!

I'm afraid that this city can be destroyed within a few seconds.

And what Yu Shengyun said was also very straightforward.

If you also like Yuchi, then competition is very welcome on her side, but one thing has always been very clear.

In the battle of ten thousand races, men and women are quite equal.

It's just their strength, let's not talk about whether Yuchi himself has even the slightest feeling for them, but even if Yuchi loves them desperately, it is absolutely impossible to have too much communication with them, the strength of the other party is too much immature.

There are so many dangers in the outside world.

Not to mention helping Yuchi to fight, but not hindering Yuchi from fighting, this is already quite difficult to do.

Most of the time, if you don't pay attention, you will die, and the fragile one is like a small mosquito.

Sensibility and rationality, in such a situation where all races are fighting, still need to favor the rational side.

"So if I want to fight with him by his side someday."

"Then my strength must not just stay at the SSS level."


"You still have to work hard!"

"Let's not talk about whether you can catch up with him, but if you can go to the outside world to see, it's okay."

Qin Lanyu was quite emotional.

There are still many stages in a person's life, and each stage has different ideas. In the past 10 years, she was a psychologist. Now the psychologist has gradually stopped doing it and started to be persistent. in their own martial arts.

And when Qin Lanyu was thinking more, Fengyi had already started to work hard.

She didn't think that much.

She just likes Yuchi.

Now there is a road ahead, for the glory of human girls! In order to defeat the girl of the angel family!


"Crush the duck!"

She cheered herself up, this is a war without gunpowder.

She don't want to lose!

come on!


Flash forward for several months.


Yuchi finally brought Yu Shengyun to the side of Moon God Sea.

The Moon God Sea is a very vast ocean!

After arriving at the Moon God Sea, if you have never left this area, you might think that the whole world is an ocean!

This is the clear sea surface as far as the eye can see, and even the very flat seabed can be seen through this sea surface.

The breeze blows across the ocean, and there are many birds flying in the distant sky.

Yuchi chose a place, a cliff near the ocean.

The vertical drop from the cliff to the ocean is about 10 meters.

This distance is just right.

And on this cliff, there are stones, but there is no other green vegetation to cover it.

So in this green environment, staying on this cliff for fishing is also a great thing in life.

Yu Shengyun went to get the cabin.

She had already asked Yuchi about it, and Yuchi thought that he would stay in the Moon God Sea for about 10 years.

Let alone 10 years, even if it is only a year, Yu Shengyun will take good care of the cabin this time, she doesn't like to be seen by the world, especially when she stays with Yuchi in the middle of the night when.

As far as Yu Shengyun's own strength is concerned, it is quite simple to deal with a log cabin.

She just needs to use her imagination well, and then all this will become a reality.

Yuchi no longer participated in this matter.

He casually sat on the edge of the cliff, reached out and pulled out a fishing rod.

I haven't fished for a long time.

In the future, I can finally return to the peace before.

But when Yuchi was about to go fishing, he found that something was wrong with the fishing rod in his hand.

Why is this fishing rod so dim.

There are cracks on it.

Originally, this fishing rod looked dark red, and there were many lines on it. These lines were very high and deep when viewed from a close distance, but if viewed from a distance, they looked like blood vessels crawling on the surface. This fishing rod is the same as above.

But now this fishing rod is too dim.

It was almost as if he had been seriously injured.

"Could it be when I fought that woman before?"

"That woman didn't just hurt me, did the same damage happen to the fishing rod that was the source of my body?"

Yuchi was quite puzzled.

He started to use his own way of heaven to cultivate the fishing rod, and the effect was quite obvious, and it only took an hour before and after.

This fishing rod has been completely restored to its previous state.

Yuchi didn't think much about it.

He threw the fishing rod towards the sea, and along with a transparent silk thread floating between the cliff and the sea surface, a completely different little bait appeared at the end of the thread.

Is it a dewdrop?

There is only a small dewdrop as long as a little finger, but it looks a bit transparent.


About 5 minutes had passed, and a reminder that he hadn't heard for a long time finally appeared in his mind.

[Previous Difficulty: C Grade]

Didn't think much about it.

Lifting the fishing rod and looking at it, a brand new page opened in the atlas in my mind.

[Past: Moon God Sea-Sea Moon Flower]

[Difficulty: Dao Yun First Grade]

[Race: Divine Flower]

[Technique: Lunar Soil Spread]

[Introduction: Flowers from the depths of ancient times, each flower lives with a broken soul. They believe in the moon god Pharos. Come to the world once and for all, bringing light to the world. 】

Yuchi fell into some doubts for a short time.

Luna Pharos?

what is that?

What is the divine flower in other races?

What does the technique 'moon soil spreading' mean?

As Yuchi's own strength is getting higher and higher, the types of ancient dead souls he can communicate with become more and more strange. In the early years, he was still in the sea of ​​darkness, but later it became more and more weird. After this moon god sea, he was able to fish Come up with a flower.

The key is that the strength of this flower actually has the first grade of Dao Yun?

Isn't this a bit scary?

The strength of a flower has the first rank of Dao Yun.

Then what kind of special existence is this flower itself?

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