
Yuchi is eating with Yu Shengyun.

The food I ate was also some fruits that were abundant in the surrounding area. Although I didn't know what it was, it tasted pretty good.

During the meal, Yuchi mentioned something about the Shenhua clan.

Yu Shengyun should know more than Yuchi.

After all, she used to be the saint of the angel family, she can be said to be an encyclopedia-like treasure to a certain extent.

Yu Shengyun put a small fruit into Haomei's mouth, and when she swallowed the fruit after chewing, she thought for a while.

Then he gave an answer: "The Shenhua tribe only exists in legends. According to legend, in a very, very, very distant era, the ground was full of various flowers."

"And this flower is different from other flowers."

Yuchi: "Different from other flowers?"

Yu Shengyun: "Yes!"

"Just like the flowers around the Moon God Sea."

"It's not that the flowers choose the soil, it's the soil that makes the flowers."

"In other words, without soil, ordinary flowers simply cannot survive."

Yuchi nodded.

can understand.


Yu Shengyun handed the clear spring water in the small wooden bowl in front of Yuchi to Yuchi's side, and at the same time looked at the man sitting next to her: "The god flower is different, it is said that there will be some strange souls in the god flower. .”

"The beliefs of these souls are quite terrifying. They firmly believe that there will be a moon god in this world."

"It's just crazy."

Yuchi said something next to him: "Is the moon god called Pharos?"

Yu Shengyun nodded immediately: "Yes, Moon God Pharos!"

"The moon god Pharos is the belief of the Shenhua clan!"

"And the Shenhua clan itself does not have some patriarchs in a simple sense. They exist for the moon god Pharos."

"The Shenhua family is also completely different from other ordinary flowers."

"Before I said that ordinary flowers live according to different soils. It is the soil that chooses these flowers, but this is not the case with the Shenhua family. They can pollute the soil in a rather unique manner. "

"It's like a divine flower appearing on a cliff."

"Then as long as this divine flower takes root successfully, a large area around the cliff will be turned into lunar soil."

"When the lunar soil is melting, many terrible monsters will be born in the lunar soil as guardians of the lunar soil."

"As for why it is called lunar soil, it is said that it is the skin of the moon god Pharos, and the skin of the moon god Pharos is called lunar soil."


Yu Shengyun also rubbed her delicate skin: "It is indeed a bit scary, this legend."

Yu Shengyun has a relatively clear understanding of these legends.

But she also believes that this kind of thing is just a legend, how could there really be such a magical flower that can surpass the soil.

Can they still pollute these soils and turn them into lunar soil no matter what the soil is?

Then it's too embarrassing.

Yuchi felt that this kind of thing didn't seem to be a legend, because this kind of thing could have a certain correspondence with the content in the illustrated book in his mind.

"Let's see."

Then, under Yu Shengyun's gaze, a light blue flower appeared in Yuchi's hand.

This flower is light blue all over.

The bud resembles a painful human face, but is made of ordinary petals.

The stem of the flower bud looks like a very slender finger, with finger-like joints that can be seen.

The roots of the buds are many, many very thin blue hairs.

On the whole, it doesn't look like a normal flower, and there is an indescribable disgusting feeling.

Even this flower is not like a flower at all, but like a kind of ghost stuff in human skin.

Yu Shengyun immediately moved towards Yuchi's side, she didn't like the feeling this flower gave him very much.

"What is this?" Yu Shengyun asked suspiciously.

"This is the flower of the Shenhua family, Haiyuehua." Yuchi said.

He stared at the flower in his hand, and when Yu Shengyun's face gradually showed disbelief, he suddenly said: "Are you interested in seeing what it looks like when this flower is planted?"

"Is it similar to the rumors in your impression?"

Yu Shengyun immediately shook her head, her pretty face shaking like a rattle, but immediately nodded again.

want to see!

"me too."

Yuchi understood now.

He stood up, and Yu Shengyun followed him and walked towards the outside of the cabin.

It is already night.

Dark night and blue sky.

The string of moonlight overhead looked a little gloomy.

Yuchi found a piece of soil that looked pretty good, and then placed the flower on the soil.

With this flower quietly floating above the soil, he seemed to smell the chance of survival.

The flower roots began to tremble crazily.

The hair-like flower roots began to kill towards the soil!

As the soil began to turn blue in an instant, the originally illusory divine flower materialized at a terrifying speed!

This is actually a technique used by Yuchi, not to summon the divine flower itself, or to revive it.

And this technique is completely different from other techniques at first glance. This technique itself has a strong desire to survive!

The technique itself is another kind of different existence!

The soil began to change color, and the god flower began to survive!

The originally dark black soil had only been in just three minutes, but it had already completely turned into a faint blue!

And the pollution, which was only about one meter away, has now spread to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Once the normal flowers touch the blue soil, these flowers will wither instantly.

During this period, a small mouse appeared.

This little mouse came to the blue soil with its head poking its head, and originally wanted to take the soil as its own!

As a result, as soon as the mouse came to the soil, its vitality quickly disappeared, and in the end only a skin was left.

Its soul has bloomed a divine flower!

A divine flower with a mouse's head!

And the blue divine flower in the middle seems to be more powerful!

The speed of the spread is becoming more and more terrifying.

From the original spread of half a meter per second to the current spread of 10 meters per second, and then to 100 meters per second.

The surrounding area is getting more and more wrong!

The air starts to cool.

The light starts to turn blue.

The temperature is starting to make people feel creepy!

Yu Shengyun looked at the scene in front of her in shock, this kind of thing gave her a shocking sense of fear.

This is simply not normal stuff.

If this kind of thing is allowed to be devoured at will, then just this flower, I am afraid that it will be completely wiped out by him for a hundred miles around!

Yuchi can basically conclude that what Yu Shengyun said before is true.

His heavenly way directly overwhelmed the heavenly way of this divine flower, and instantly withdrew the power of this divine flower, and as a result, something strange happened!

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