Inside a cabin made entirely of some wood and stone.

Yu Shengyun was wearing a pretty light golden long dress, her delicate and straight legs were restrained by milky white socks, her delicate body was tight and her figure was attractive, she gently brushed some strands of hair on her forehead with her fingers to show her A pair of moving eyes.

She has already prepared these meals.

Under normal circumstances, she should have a simple meal with Yuchi now.

Then Yuchi practiced by the sea, and she practiced slowly in the house.

But now the food is ready, but Yuchi ran to someone else's boat.

"My man is really too strong!"

"If the attack just now was placed on me, I would definitely be a dead person."

"It turned out that he was able to block it so lightly."

"This kind of strength has far surpassed me. He is my hero."

Yu Shengyun thought softly.

Then, she couldn't help but walked out of the cabin.

Such a perfect woman with a top-notch figure, especially those water-like eyes, is already more charming than before. Now she is facing the distant ship with a little helplessness. The wooden boat called softly:

"Msanggong, I'll wait for you to eat here."

Yu Shengyun's voice was not loud, but she knew that Yuchi must be able to hear her call.

Now she has been with Yuchi for a long time.

Usually, the two of them also talk a little bit.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be shy, but when she really said these words to Yuchi in front of other people, as a girl, Yu Shengyun still felt her heart trembling shyly.

Sure enough, this is the man I love.

Whenever I go to talk to him, I feel an uncontrollable emotion.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is estimated that Sky City will also become their enemy.

"I didn't expect that in a short period of time, there would be another enemy with very terrifying strength."

"But it's nothing to be afraid of."


"If one day I leave this world with him."

"I think there should be a lot of smiles on my face."

Yu Shengyun looked at these people who were more than 10 meters away, and these people could no longer see the arrogance and complacency they had just arrived.

These few people just stood there blankly, even looking at her at this moment, Yu Shengyun's eyes turned out to be asking for forgiveness.

hard to imagine.

These people who were very arrogant at the beginning, but after a short period of one or two minutes, this has already become like this.

It fully explains what it means to turn your face faster than turning a book.

What's the matter, where did your arrogant expressions go?

Didn't you just plan to kill us?

Didn't you just plan to buy and sell by force?

what happened?

How could it suddenly become what it is now?

Your pride.

Your pride.

Why is your glory as the city of the sky gone now? Say again, "Glory belongs to the city in the sky."

Yu Shengyun originally didn't plan to take care of this kind of thing, but now these strangers also appeared at the door of her house, she could only say: "I can't help you with this kind of thing, if you start If you can restrain yourself a little bit in time, then things will never get to where it is today. I don’t understand what’s going on with your traveling merchants. If you really want to talk about bullying the weak, you basically have to figure out whether the other party is weak or not, right? "

"Against him?"

"...Hey, I can only say that you have no brains." Yu Shengyun said, she could only be indifferent to this kind of thing.

She only cared about Yuchi.

As for the others? Whatever it is, just say a few words.

Originally, this was the two-person world between her and Yuchi, and she was still thinking about whether she should have a good chat with Yuchi about some deeper 'topics' at noon today because of the good weather, but these people came out of nowhere.

You must know that she is still thinking about whether she should change into a nice outfit today.

As for these people who still want to fight back, they want to turn her, Yu Shengyun, into a bargaining chip to threaten Yuchi...

Yu Shengyun could already see it clearly.

She sighed softly: "Don't waste your time, my current strength is the first grade of Daoyun, so just you guys, this is definitely not my opponent, I don't want to kill in front of the man I love .”

After finishing speaking, she went back to prepare the dishes.

Yu Shengyun has already seen Sloven's thoughts.

Now he is very scared on the one hand, and wants to live on the other. This is already a plan to hold Yu Shengyun hostage, but after hearing the other party's strength, they dare not move: "Her strength is unexpectedly First Grade Dao Yun!?"

Daoyun First Grade is already a very powerful level.

This kind of level can be quite proud in this world.

This is the strength that geniuses in many big races can possess.

When Sloven and other guards heard Yu Shengyun's words, they couldn't understand why? !


"How could she leave the angel family with such strength?"


"And this kind of thing will be encountered by me? Are we destined to die here?!"

Sloven has fallen into despair.

This feeling of waiting to die is very terrifying. What lingers in my ears is the sound of bones breaking when I am about to die.

And the strength of this man's wife is already the first rank of Dao Yun! And this man directly knocked away the steel needle of the spaceship attack! So what kind of terrifying level is this man's own strength? !

Sloven didn't dare to think about it, but his mind was full of Yuchi's appearance.

The guards behind them, including those who said the sacks on the ground, all chose to remain silent.

Everyone's eyes can see the fear of imminent death.

They can no longer act as calm as they say they are.

They began to pray.

Start praying for God's forgiveness.


on the spaceship.

When the crew members on the ship saw Yuchi coming, they backed away in fright.

Yuchi was like a tiger entering the sheepfold.

Seeing this terrifying tiger, the flock of sheep crowded back one after another.

As for the few people who were in charge of attacking Yuchi just now, they still can't understand why this attack is ineffective!


This is not the first time they have used this kind of attack, and many people in the Dao realm have died under this kind of attack!

A Taoist realm placed in a large race is already at the same level as the patriarch of the race, so this kind of people should not appear in the wilderness, they should just stay in their own race for protection!

It turned out that today they bumped into a ghost!

And Yuchi took a rough look inside the spaceship. The spaceship as a whole seemed to be made of a unique kind of wood.

On the inner side of the wood, some more complicated lines can be seen, and a lot of power of heaven is embedded in these lines.

It is because of these heavenly powers that the 100-meter-long ship is suspended in the sky.

The decoration inside this spaceship is also quite luxurious, all kinds of things, at first glance, it is the kind of priceless existence.

Yuchi is not very interested in such things.

He just diffused his perception.

Then he frowned slightly and walked towards the deck of the spaceship.

There is a prison under the splint of the spaceship, and many races of the Wanzu are imprisoned in this prison.

But these Wanzu are now dead, injured, and some, Wanzu who are very young at first glance.

Their arms have been broken, their legs have been broken, and the broken wounds are full of abscesses.

Sharp worms can still be seen swimming in these khaki abscesses.

And they don't walk on two legs in this prison.

It is by climbing.

Their jaws moved on the cold and filthy floor, forcing the broken bodies behind them to move.

In the dark prison, a foul stench rushed towards his face.

Yuchi frowned and looked at everything in front of him.

This is the hell of living beings and humanity!

The way of heaven is no match for the cruelty of the human heart!

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