The prison is simply not like a place where people can stay.

These prisoners in the prison are not like things that normal Wanzu can do.

Yuchi understood why the previous Sloven said that being their prisoner was a very terrifying thing, this guy didn't exaggerate in any sense.

In this spaceship, the existence of these prisoners is more sad than the bugs that may be hidden in the wood.

They have been tortured beyond recognition.


It's really unbearable to look at, it's horrible.

If a child sees this kind of scene, then without a year or two of careful care, they will never be able to recover.

If a child is crying here...

Then just seeing this kind of picture will stop crying in an instant.

The ground is full of blood of various colors, and body tissues of various colors are intertwined. This prison is like a demon's stomach. The walls are covered with that kind of blood, and even the roof is covered. stool.

"I see."

"This turned out to be more real than I imagined."

Facing this scene, even Yuchi, who had seen many things, couldn't help frowning now.

Traveling merchants also do this kind of population business, and these people are all ethnic groups who are alone.

In terms of their identities, they should be like Yuchi, they all left their own race to live in the outside world.

But their luck is not so good, they don't have the absolute strength to compete with these people.

They were arrested for various reasons, and now they are made into this kind of inhuman and ghost-like appearance.

Most of their strengths have not reached Dao Yun.

The strongest one is nothing more than a person of the ninth rank of Dao Yun.

Fortunately, there are no humanoids here, otherwise this kind of scene would be even more uncomfortable.

That being the case, Yuchi has nothing to say.

He healed the bodies of these people without any hassle, and then opened the door of the prison.

Yuchi's intention was very obvious, that is to let these people go where they came from, and escape from this prison as soon as possible.

There was only so much he could do.

As a result, after Yuchi finished this kind of thing, he suddenly found that the behavior of these prisoners was completely different from what he expected.

Although these prisoners have been treated, their eyes have completely lost their expression.

Their consciousness has been completely destroyed.

Even the vast majority of prisoners...

Just after they were cured, they directly picked up various broken weapons on the ground.

Then in front of Yuchi, they cut themselves into that kind of inhuman and ghost-like appearance.

That is to say, Yuchi saved them, but they sent themselves to hell again.

Can't even speak.

One by one, they crawled around on the ground, obviously completely forgetting who they really are.

Even Yuchi, Yuchi was silent for a while.

"Forget it, there is no way to recover."

Then these individuals who could no longer be classified as living beings were instantly wiped out by him.

At the same time as these creatures died, Yuchi could hear the sound of the soul being liberated.

This sound is like a creature that has not been able to fall asleep for a long time, and is finally able to rest on the ground.

And these tourists are really ruthless.

In order to prevent these prisoners from escaping, they directly cut off each other's souls.

So much so that the other party becomes a broken existence.

Once the soul is broken, there is no way to recover.

Only the most basic obedience remains.

It is estimated that there are some people from all races who still like to collect this kind of inhuman existence very much.

"I still need to pay a little attention to this kind of thing in the future. If I want to avoid this kind of thing from happening again, then I may have to be more serious than now. Sky City... I remember this place .”

Yuchi came to the outside of the prison, holding the corpse of a Wanzu in his hand.

This Wan Clan had already told him the location of Sky City under his pressing question just now.

As for how to press the question.

very simple.

Crush the opponent's soul, and then splice it together.

Then accompanied by the cracking sound of various bones, then they are very easy to surrender.

Nothing too difficult.

But in 30 seconds, he killed the opponent hundreds of times.

And every method of death is to follow what they have done to these prisoners as much as possible.

It's a pretty fair thing to do.

Yuchi was very happy to do these things.

When the other Wanzu watched Yuchi slowly turn his head to look at them, their legs were already trembling disobediently.

Still want to run!

As a result, he fell to the ground without taking two steps.

Supporting his hands, he kept crawling backwards, trying to escape from the demon's grasp, but what greeted them was Yuchi baring his teeth.

Then I heard various horrifying howls in the spaceship, which of course belonged to these crew members.

They were killed by Yuchi at a very fast speed, the whole process was like trampling some biting bugs to death.

It was just a hundred or ten people, and in just a few seconds, they all died together.

The howling sound only lasted a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the begging and crying stopped abruptly.

The 100-meter-long spaceship appeared along with a terrifying crack, and the spaceship was swallowed by the cross crack.

The spaceship was also destroyed.

When all this is done and Yuchi reappears in front of Sloven...

Sloven already had a premonition of his own death.

He is no longer as neat as when he first came, and he can no longer show the arrogance when he said three things.


When the guards behind were wiped out one after another.

Sloven slumped on the ground, forced his head up, and said to Yuchi almost like a roar:

"You, you can't kill me!"

"You, you must not kill me!"

"I am from Sky City, and my spaceship has my current location. You have destroyed my spaceship now, and the people of Sky City already know that there is danger on my side! Then they will The person who came here to look for you, your soul characteristics have been captured by us, you have no chance to escape at all!"

"If you kill me now!"

"Then there will be no one on your side!"

"Then you will be treated the worst by Sky City!"


"You are bound to die!"

"The wife next to you will also be killed after being brutally humiliated!"


"You let me go!"


"You let me go!"

Sloven's face was already grim, and what he shouted was hysterical.

Yuchi looked at the opponent's appearance.

He said indifferently: "Stand up like a man. Now that I kill you, I feel ashamed."

Sloven was silent for a moment.

He was so frightened by Yuchi's current expression that tears flowed down his face.

What a look of indifference.


Was he nothing in the eyes of the other party from the beginning? !

Yuchi didn't say anything, he destroyed the opponent's body conveniently, and then imprisoned the opponent's soul in his sea of ​​consciousness, directly under the sea of ​​consciousness, where there are countless demons without souls.

And Sloven thought that Yuchi had let him go!

He only felt the world spinning, and when he came back to his senses, he saw a scene that he would never forget!

What kind of world is this in which demons and ghosts exist!

What is this place again? !

Are ghosts walking in the night? !

With the arrival of his spirit, he has already seen these things murderously approaching him in front of him!

His fate will be exactly what he did.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was his scream.

The sound was also heard by Medusa and Sakura in the Silver Coffin, and in this hoarse roar, there was the kind of fear that came from the soul.

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