Yuchi knows the Sea God Mountain.

Silver Coffin Luo Ying and Medusa were originally trying to quickly restore their souls. Judging from the current state, they can be fully restored in no more than 10 years. This is also due to the fact that Yuchi's own strength is too strong , otherwise this kind of long-term damaged soul wants to fully recover, and it will be impossible to do it in a few hundred years.

As a result, the guy's yelling was heard.

Before Sloven's soul was completely engulfed by these demons and ghosts, he enjoyed some of the most perfect cruelties in the world, and he finally understood what it meant to live or die in the true sense.

When the voice slowly disappeared in the end, even though Medusa was well-informed, there were some disturbances in her heart.

Looking at the silver coffin Luo Ying not far away, slowly walking towards the little rabbit, Medusa also said helplessly: "Hey, don't trouble these little rabbits, if you are really capable, When you regain your body in the future, you can trouble Yuchi, and in his head, what are you doing to bully him, an imaginary animal in heaven."

Yincoil Luoying turned her head and glanced at Medusa quietly: "Do you think I'm a fool? You felt the terrifying power of Youlan a while ago, do you think that kind of power is something we can defeat?" ? Sorry, I have completely lost my fighting spirit towards him, I just want to recover my body, and then escape to the ends of the earth."

"Before that, I just wanted to be the last to beat some rabbits in his head."

After finishing speaking, this witch kicked a little rabbit off the mountain.

The little rabbit probably flew several thousand meters, and fell into the white sea of ​​clouds.

Apparently no harm was done.

As for the blue energy that Yincoil Luoying mentioned, it was the power that Yuchi obtained from the divine flower.

This kind of power has far exceeded the way of heaven that two people can understand.

They didn't know that Yuchi didn't choose to be swallowed by this power in the end.

They just know that a man with such power is definitely not something the two of them can defeat. No matter what kind of powerful existence they were in the past, it is definitely not an exaggeration to describe them as weak women now.

Medusa can only admit it.

What Silver Coffin Luo Ying said was correct on this point.

The longer you stay by this man's side, the more you can feel the coercion from the other party's strength.

He really is an invincible existence.

Medusa thinks about what she said before...

This is really unfounded.

"When will I be able to step on him, and Yu Shengyun next to him..."

"How can I kill her."


"It seems that there is no chance!"

Yincoffin Luoying suddenly said a word to Medusa: "Forget it, you can't be with Yuchi."

"You are weaker than me."

"Are you still ashamed to say that you were strong before?"

Then when Medusa was furious, she said: "At that time, the two of us will elope together."

"I protect you."



"It's done."

After Yuchi finished these things, the surroundings of the Moon God Sea became very clear again.

He went to eat with Yu Shengyun.

He didn't say anything about what he saw on the spaceship, he just smiled and praised Yu Shengyun's delicious food.

Yu Shengyun also seemed to feel something.

After eating all the food, her graceful figure came to Yuchi's side step by step.

Gently pressing the other's shoulder with her fingers, and leaning against the other's arms, her red eyes fell on Yuchi's eyes, and she said to Yuchi in a sweet and glutinous voice: " Are you really full?"

Yuchi smiled.

After all, the saint is still a saint, so the ability to perceive words and emotions is still quite strong.



The day returned to calm again.

Now Yu Shengyun has just stopped practicing, and her cultivation speed is quite fast recently.

Although it is still impossible to directly break through to the Dao Seed realm, it has to be said that the recent progress is really very fast!

Especially when staying with Yuchi late at night, those crucial moments are really hundreds of times faster than her practicing alone.

"Could this be some of the benefits that the legendary double cultivation will bring?"

"Maybe so!"

"I can feel more of the Dao of Heaven through him, which is an experience I have never had before!"

Yu Shengyun's little face is flushed now.

The handsome face was looking out of the window, and outside the window was Yuchi sitting quietly on the edge of the Moon God Sea.

Half a year has passed since what happened in Sloven.

Now Yu Shengyun is still thinking about whether the people from Sky City will really come to trouble them.

Put it in a normal situation.

If it is known that a group of people are coming to make trouble, it must be thinking of leaving this place directly and finding a place to temporarily avoid the limelight.

However, the castle in the sky is somewhat different.

Sky City has one of the most basic means.

When their spaceship finds a stranger, the spaceship will pass through some magic circles to describe the outline of the other party's spirit in detail.

The outline of the soul is like the appearance of all races, and one can judge who a person is by the outline of the soul.

In this world, there will never be two people with exactly the same outline.

And compared to the appearance that can be changed at will, the outline of the soul is something that cannot be changed at all.

There is absolutely no way to change what the soul outline looks like at birth, and what it will look like in the end.

The outline of Yuchi's soul is already known by the people in Sky City.

Although the people in Sky City couldn't judge Yuchi's strength simply by seeing the outline of Yuchi's soul.

It's like looking through an opaque cup to see how much water is in the cup, but they can trace the outline of the spirit to find Yuchi.

That is to say, no matter if Yuchi fled to the ends of the earth, as long as these guys in Sky City want to find him, they must be able to slowly search for Yuchi's direction through the magic circle.

"According to the normal situation!"

"I thought the people from Sky City would come directly to trouble us in a short time!"

"But judging from the current situation, the other party seems to have chosen to tolerate this matter?"

Yu Shengyun looked at Yuchi's back:

"This kind of thing is still unheard of. In my impression, Sky City is a group of bloody gangsters in the true sense. Their methods are very cruel and violent, so I really learned about it under this situation. The members of their sky city were hurt, so they should adopt a direct counterattack strategy immediately."

"It turned out they didn't."

"Why is this?"

In fact, things are very simple.

When Yuchi destroyed the spaceship, he even shackled the heavens around the spaceship, so that the spaceship had no way to spread the news in the end. In other words, the people in Sky City didn't even know that Sloven was killed.

The reason why Yuchi did this is also very simple.

He doesn't have time to interfere with Sky City's affairs right now, especially in the past few months, when he came to the Moon God Sea with him, he seems to have begun to know who the mysterious woman who was fighting with him was.


Yuchi sat on the edge of the cliff, trying to understand the possibility of this kind of thing.

until a certain moment.

He also said to the cliff in front of him in a calm and easy-going way: "How long are you going to hide? Will you never see me again?"

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