After Yuchi fought that woman at that time, he was also thinking about some things about that mysterious woman from time to time.

The exercises used by that very mysterious woman at that time all came from his Yuchi, so under certain circumstances, this mysterious woman should have existed from the beginning of his Yuchi, and appeared beside him from the beginning. Then when he was going to comprehend these exercises, this woman was also learning these exercises beside him.

But in fact, there is no such woman around Yuchi at all.

Even Yu Shengyun, she has only been by his side in the last few years.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Yu Shengyun to secretly hide by her side, and then secretly learn some ancient techniques.

in addition.

Yu Shengyun also tried to fight against the ancient beings before, but even if she is very talented, as a saint of the angel race, Yu Shengyun definitely does not want to send these ancient spirits into her sea of ​​consciousness.

This stuff is definitely not a joke.

Except that Yuchi was able to carry it all the way, Yu Shengyun absolutely did not have the guts to pollute his sea of ​​consciousness.

So this very mysterious woman was not only able to learn all the skills that Yuchi had mastered, but also able to withstand the attacks of these demons, so this mysterious woman must have a lot in common with Yuchi.

At least this mysterious woman should have accompanied him in secret, from the very beginning to the present.

What are you really going to say that has accompanied him from the very beginning to the present?

Only the fishing rod in hand.

It doesn't matter if it's windy or rainy outside, it doesn't matter if it's thunderbolt or not, and it doesn't matter how many cold river fish are there.

From the beginning to the end, it was just this fishing rod that was by Yuchi's side.

After finding this clue, Yuchi kept two extra minds while fishing.

He began to feel carefully how the fishing rod communicated with the ancient times, and displayed the ancient times in front of Yuchi.

As a result, today.

Finally, he slowly understood a scene that made him neither cry nor laugh through perception and experience.

He finally knew how he communicated with the ancients through the fishing rod.

It turns out that there is a soul stationed in his fishing rod. When he is fishing, this soul will go underwater to catch, and then open the ancient rift, and kill an ancient existence and the fishing rod from the ancient rift. associated.

Just like when fishing, the hook is not dead but alive, there is no need for the fisherman to make any effort at all, just put the fishing rod in the water, and the hook will immediately find the catch's astonishing.

Even when he was fishing in Yuchi just now...

This figure stayed underwater, floating in the water, hanging this ancient divine flower on his special bait of Yuchi.

Not to mention her actions, she still looked a little cautious, afraid that Yuchi would find out.

Like a sneaky kitten.

As for why she can only fish once a day, it's because she seems to be restricted by something.

There is only one chance to get out of the fishing rod every day.

If she is lost in this fishing rod, then the fishing rod will no longer have the ability to communicate with the ancients.

"So now I can be completely sure that there is a soul stationed in this fishing rod. Although this soul can't give complete certainty, as far as I can guess, she is definitely the mysterious woman before."

"Over the years."

"I let her soak in this cold water every day, and hung an ancient soul on my bait. After thinking about it, how do I feel that I am a rather exploitative existence, forcing her to help me do this matter."

And now Yuchi really wants to have a good talk with the other party.

At least he needs to find out if this mysterious woman is the creeping existence in his fishing rod.

Most likely yes.

Otherwise, there is no reason for that mysterious woman to master all the exercises that Yuchi has learned, and it is even more unreasonable for her to be able to withstand so many demons and ghosts. This kind of thing can be seen from Yu Shengyun's performance.

In the end, Yuchi asked the other party how long he was going to hide, and he didn't plan to see him later.

The other party really didn't respond.

The edge of the entire cliff is still full of spring breeze.

good times.

good wind.

Good day.



"It seems that you are not going to give me any positive answer?" Yuchi then said indifferently.

After finishing speaking, he still didn't respond.

To be honest.

If it wasn't for Yuchi's careful perception every day during this period of time, then he might really feel that his judgment was wrong.

And now.

He would never believe that his judgment was so outrageously wrong.

Once this kind of thing is determined by him, then his determination is still very convincing.


After a pause for a few seconds.

Yuchi pretended to be relaxed and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't give me any response now. When you give me a formal response, I will take you out, otherwise you don't want to get any skills in the future. "

Aren't you unwilling to come out?

then it's all right.

I don't need this kind of fishing rod in the future, can't it be all right?

It depends on whether you are in a hurry or I am in a hurry.


Yuchi waited for 5 seconds, but the other party still didn't respond.

Then he has nothing to say.

And just when Yuchi was about to disperse the fishing rod, the mysterious woman finally appeared in front of him.

"You despicable guy." The woman said angrily.

Yuchi: "..."

And this mysterious woman is obviously still carrying some scars.

Obviously, there is still no way to recover from the damaged situation at that time in a short period of time.

So much so that the woman's face is blurred now, as if covered with a layer of ribbon that is constantly drifting.

The same goes for the body.

The whole is extremely vague, and there is no way to maintain the most basic kind of calm.

Of course, there is no way to judge the appearance of the other party.

And the situation was similar when I was fighting that woman, and I didn't know what the other person looked like.

Now Yuchi is not in a hurry to speak.

The appearance of this woman meant that his deduction was correct.

Who would have thought that the fishing rod was already alive when it first appeared?

Who would have thought that there would be a woman living inside this fishing rod?

Who would have thought that this woman would go to this icy water every day to hang fish on Yuchi's bait?


This is too exaggerated.

Thinking of the other party staying under the water in aggrieved form, and hanging these ancient ghosts on his bait...

He felt very embarrassed.

Who would have imagined such a thing?

"It's really not easy to know about your existence." Yuchi said with a little embarrassment.

Inside the cabin.

Yu Shengyun didn't know who Yuchi was talking to.

She looked carefully, but she couldn't see the woman next to Yuchi.

However, sometimes strange things will happen to my man, and Yu Shengyun is no stranger to it.

She pretended not to hear.

Compared with this kind of thing, she felt that her strength should increase faster, only in this way could she help Yuchi at the critical moment.

Unlike the last time the enemy came over, she could only stay in the room and cook.

Although I think about it, I am quite innocent, after all, my talent and current strength are already very strong.

"Come on! Yu Shengyun!" Yu Shengyun comforted herself like this.

She went to practice.

On the edge of the cliff, there is a breeze blowing, and there are waves of sea breeze, and there is some clear sweetness.

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