It has been many years since Yuchi came to the world, from Minghai at the beginning, then to Canghai, then to Hanjiang, after Hanjiang, he went to the Eye of Black Ice, went round and round, and came to today Luna Sea, where will the next stop be?

Yuchi didn't know either.

He chose to return the question to Govlan, looking at the woman whose whole body was covered by phantoms, he said: "This time, it's up to you to choose. Where do you want to go? Where will I go with you?" , it can be regarded as making up for the indifference to you for so many years."

Ge Fulan was a little satisfied with this: "The world is so big, and there are too many oceans. If you go one by one, then there will be no thousands of years. This is simply impossible. You should have come directly to ask me Yes, I'll obviously give you a better reason."

Yuchi wanted to say something, but seeing that Govlan was in such a happy mood, he nodded with a smile.

Ge Fulan continued: "By the time you leave the Moon God Sea, your strength should have reached the realm of Dao Xin. In this case, I strongly recommend that you go to the Primordial Ocean, the depth of the Primordial Ocean. There are different ocean hearts everywhere.”

"If you have the ability to get these hearts of the ocean, it will be of great help to your Dao Heart realm."

"At the same time, the process of collecting the heart of the ocean is also the process of heading towards the original."

"I don't think you will refuse to see the real primordial ocean."

Yuchi nodded slightly, and said puzzledly: "I can understand what you mean, but I don't quite understand what the original ocean is."

Govlan was silent for a while.

At last.

She looked at Yuchi sitting next to her through a hazy shadow: "I can't tell you the specific things now, because I'm afraid you won't dare to go there after hearing it, but if you are willing to believe me , I will still take you to the primordial ocean. Of course, I hate myself very much when I say this, after all, you are willing to believe me, but I don’t want to believe you.”

Yuchi is relaxed: "There is no belief or disbelief in this world, it doesn't matter whether we believe it or not."

"Didn't it just happen?"

Yuchi's view is so simple.

Humans don't believe that the battle outside is so cruel, so isn't the battle outside cruel?

Humans believed that they could ride the entire ten thousand races when they mixed with the soul race before, so could they do it?

There is absolutely no need to care about this kind of thing.

Believe it or not.

Do not believe worth mentioning.

The thing is there.

Only by walking over and looking at it can we see what the essence of this matter is.

So don't say that it's Govlan who doesn't tell him this kind of thing, even if Govlan keeps saying that there are various dangers in the original ocean, and keeps saying that he will never come back after going to the original ocean... Then, wouldn't he pass by Yuchi?

Certainly not.

The world is full of fog, and the only way to unravel this fog is to take the initiative to step forward and stop.

Ge Fulan looked at Yuchi seriously: "To be honest, this about you fascinates me the most. I just like people like you."

Yuchi smiled: "Thank you Lord Long En."

Ge Fulan just nodded, and she seemed to be able to see a smile under her trance phantom: "Okay, I am in a good mood today, you can ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer you if I know, of course some Things you shouldn't know now, I still won't say."

Yuchi nodded: "Do you know my background?"

Govlan: "I know whether you like me or not, and you still ask me this question..."

"And I was imprisoned in the sea of ​​time and space because of the way of heaven."

"One day, I met a lonely dead soul."

"The soul of the dead was also trapped in the sea of ​​time and space. After thinking about it, I rescued you and brought you into this world."

Yuchi understood.

The reason why he came to this world is indeed because of Ge Fulan.

Yuchi asked again: "So you brought me into this body?"

Ge Fulan nodded: "The two of us are dependent on each other. I was trapped in that damned dark place, and you were waiting for me in the sea of ​​time and space."

"After I tried my best to rescue you, I lost almost all of my strength."

"At that time, there was a dead body, so I used some means to heal this body, and then I brought you here with me. In fact, I didn't expect that I would be able to leave that body with the help of you." Damn place."

Ge Fulan also smiled wryly when thinking of those years.

That's all.

Don't mention this kind of thing for now.

Yuchi also didn't ask what Govlan meant. As for the sea of ​​time and space, it is definitely not something he can get his hands on in his current state.

He asked, "Why did you hide in the rod, or why did you become such a rod?"

Yuchi has never been able to understand this matter.

Why hide in the fishing rod?

Ge Fulan looked at Yuchi with the eyes of an idiot: "Because you like it."

Yuchi: "..."

He felt his scalp tingle for a moment.

This kind of instant confession is really no one else.

Govlan said quite bluntly: "This kind of thing is just a medium."

"Whether it's a fishing rod or a knife, I always have a way for you to face these souls trapped in the past."


"I didn't even think that you could really bear the pain of these dead souls."

"There are too many negative effects on them. After you free them, you have to bear the pain. Although I don't know if it's fair or not for you, but now you have carried it, which means I choose to believe that you are right."

"After all, not everyone can float in this sea of ​​time and space."

"You are special."

Then, when Yuchi was about to speak, Govlan added: "Of course, you are a playful man, I don't know why your luck is so good, you are obviously a guy hiding by the sea and fishing , I was still thinking about this matter!"

"I'm still thinking that I will become your fishing rod. This is a very good choice. At least people who like fishing don't seem to be messing around. You belong to me alone, but I don't think so. Never mind, I never imagined that there would be so many marriages by your side."

"That's something I never thought of."

"You playboy."


"The more I think about it, the more I feel that if I had worked a little harder to kill you, then the two of us could go back to the sea of ​​time and space."

Yuchi: "..."

He smiled bitterly, "So you were planning to kill me and bring me back?"

Govlan nodded proudly: "Of course, I rescued you, why can't I let you go back with me!"


"It's my personal item!"

"Don't make a mistake."

"You stupid bastard!"

"I'm going to take it back to make you forget all the memories of this life, and then take you to find another family to reincarnate."


"You hit me like that."

"You bastard!"


"The more I talk, the more angry I get!"

"That's the end of today's question and answer, don't look for me again, and leave me alone."

"You heartless man!"

"Why are there so many women paying for you?!"


"So angry!"

Then, when some cold sweat appeared on Yuchi's forehead, Govlan went back to the fishing rod angrily.

And Yuchi looked at the fishing rod.

He finally laughed out loud.

So it's because I like fishing in my previous life memory, so she is like this?

As for the sea of ​​time and space...

Where is that from?



(Ask for the support of my little won't be cut off. The support of book friends can be seen. I will definitely add more next time, more more.)

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