In Sky City, several children of Adrian are sitting at a table eating, and there are other servants of Ten Thousand Races serving them during the meal. The faces of every Ten Thousand Race servants are full of fear, for fear Because of his own carelessness, he killed himself.

They don't want to live in this kind of place either, but they don't have the right to choose at all, because they were sold to Sky City by their own race, and their life and death now are completely decided by Sky City, the right to life Not in their hands at all.

The expressions of Adrian's sons are very serious now.

The eldest son cut open a piece of meat with a knife, and said to the other brothers speechlessly: "I don't even know what the old man means, this time after the death of Kisami Ichiro, he looks depressed , Is this old man really going to die? Does Kisami Ichiro have a particularly good relationship with us?"

The second son stuffed a piece of meat from the plate into his mouth, while chewing, he said slowly: "We don't care about this kind of thing, anyway, the old man doesn't have many years to jump now, let's not make mistakes now That's fine, otherwise, if you offend him at this time, the consequences are not something we brothers can bear."

The third son looked at the obvious displeased look of the elder son, and he just grabbed a piece of meat with his hairy hands and handed it to the eldest son: "It's okay, big brother, anyway, daddy doesn't say anything. I went to ask what this is for? Later, we brothers will go to find women together, I heard that our sky city has recently brought another batch of goods, the quality of this batch is not bad, and there is also a patriarch of another race."

The fourth son was suddenly surprised. He wiped his oily hands on the clothes of the servant next to him, and said, "There is such a thing? I don't know, what is race, what kind of garbage is it?" Is your race such a dish?"

The fifth son's hair is very short. He is leaning on the chair with his thighs crossed and his legs crossed. The servant behind him is slowly beating his back. He said, "It seems to belong to the rabbit family? Does anyone know what their names are? Ah, anyway, just like the Tianluo tribe, they are the ones with particularly strong reproductive ability, especially exaggerated, it is said that the patriarch of their rabbit tribe may have more than 2,000 offspring per birth."

The sixth son was immediately happy when he heard it: "Is there such a fancy one?"

Seventh son: "I'm starting to be interested, but why did this race come to our sky city?"

Boss: "Isn't it because of the vegetables? Then this race has the characteristics of cannibalism. It is not bad if two or three offspring survive a litter. They generally die at the age of seven or eight. By the way... what do you say this kind of thing is for? I think you really don't want to go over and talk to the old thing?"

The third child: "What do you say? I was almost killed by the old man with his eyes before. Anyway, whoever wants to say it, I don't want to say it."

The fourth child also echoed: "Me too, whoever wants to go, whoever goes, I am very interested in this rabbit family."

When the servants heard this kind of words, they didn't dare to speak at all.

He didn't even dare to raise his head.

This is pretending not to hear.

In fact, they also despise them very much in their hearts. They have the impression that Adrian is a very powerful person, and he is even called the blood wolf Adrian. Although they have become slaves of Sky City, the slave owners themselves are Blood Wolf Adrian, then it's actually okay.

Adrian was pretty good to them at first, at least except that there was no freedom, but there was no problem with eating and drinking.

Don't worry about your life safety.

But it is obvious that Adrian has encountered problems in the past few decades, and he has not gone out for a long time. It is said that there is a big problem in his cultivation.

And it is precisely because of Adrian himself that these children can show off their might.

In fact, the strength of these children is at the eighth rank of Dao Seed. Although they are already very good, this kind of strength cannot hold Sky City at all.

Obviously relying on his father's strength, he really thought he was strong, and these servants could laugh at him behind his back.

And just when these seven people talked more and more, they became more and more unhappy, and the more they talked, the more they became very unhappy, suddenly two women from the Star Chart tribe walked in outside the door.

These are two of Adrian's 98 wives.

Their reason for coming to this place is very simple.

This was when the other seven men sat on the stools with some doubts, and when the servants immediately brought up the food.

One of the women said: "The city lord has a task for you, you seven brothers can go over and deal with this task together."

The boss frowned immediately after hearing this: "What task?"

Another woman said when the other six brothers came to look at her with a frown, "Let you hunt down a person who killed a traveling merchant in our Sky City. But it’s just the first grade of Dao Yun.”

The other brothers were immediately puzzled.

Dao Yun Yipin, is this a traveling merchant who has the ability to kill their sky city?

The woman anticipated the doubts of these people.

She also spread her hands and said: "A stupid traveling merchant captain left his spaceship, which was intercepted and killed by others. And when the spaceship reacted, others had already gone somewhere. These people on the ship did not Thinking of avenging their captain at the first time, he fled back to Sky City, and told us Sky City, let us make decisions for them."

After hearing this, everyone immediately scoffed.

"It's really a bunch of rabble."

"Yeah, don't you dare to kill this kind of people with the first rank of Dao Yun?"

"The dishes are poor."

"A bunch of trash."

"This kind of person is not worthy of being in our sky city."

"And asking us to wipe their stinky feet is really disgusting."

The woman was when these people were making noise, she reminded: "Now we only have the outline of the soul of the person headed by them. We only know that his strength is the first grade of Daoyun. It is not clear how many of them are, so we just What makes you all pass is to catch everyone else."

"You guys have to prepare a little bit."

"Get out quickly."

"Don't make the city owner angry, after all you can't do this kind of thing, he will be very angry." That's all she had to say.

Anyway, it's a messenger.

Now after the two of them had passed the message, they twisted their waists and left, going to play with other ten thousand races.

The other brothers were speechless.



It's just a small thing, nothing more.

Although the seven brothers were unhappy, they still followed suit. They took a spaceship and quickly left the sky city with the formation of searching for the outline of the soul.

And in the palace of Sky City.

Adrian's cloudy amber eyes looked at the departing spaceship in the sky.

His eyes were indifferent, and he said to himself: "My friend who killed Guishen Ichiro, I don't know if you like the few gifts I gave you. I will give you the lives of these children, will you?" Come and talk to me, I will wait for you in the sky city."

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