In a certain high-rise building in a human city, a woman with a huge aura sits quietly practicing there. Her own strength has already reached the existence of SSS+. This is not a traditional beast master, but a human being. Its own understanding of martial arts has finally gradually achieved its strength, that is, its comprehensive strength is already equivalent to the SSS+ of the previous beast master!

Now this woman can clearly discover the excellence of her own state in the process of cultivation, as a super master who is quite well-known among the entire human race.

Her future path is already considered extremely terrifying by everyone, and some people even think that she has the opportunity to surpass the secret super master of the previous human race.

Of course, this secret super expert is referring to Yuchi.

For the vast majority of human beings, they have passed the stage from beast master to traditional warrior in a daze.

Almost not many people can explain in detail what happened that year.

Ten or twenty years ago, suddenly one day the Supervision Department began to promote warriors, and then many soul beasts disappeared inexplicably.

Then the people on the Internet began to practice martial arts inexplicably, everything seemed so in a trance, so suddenly.

However, there will be many people who know that there seems to be a very terrifying existence back then.

And it is not clear who this existence is.

There are also rumors.

It is said that this existence defeated those soul beasts with his own strength, and then drove these soul beasts away from the human gathering place.

The online debate over this kind of news has always been divided between two factions.

One group of people think this kind of news is just exaggeration. You must know that the beast master back then was quite terrifying. How could a person be able to use such strength to drive away these soul beasts? The wisdom of the soul beast itself is also very powerful yes.

Another group of people believed that this kind of news must be true, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a result in the end.

Based on the current situation, go back to the past.

Now many people have discovered the disadvantages of the beast master back then.

And this is not the fault of the beast master's training method.

Beast masters use a method to defeat others, which is a unique method of cultivation in itself, which is understandable.

But the fault is that human beings become beast masters, but once they leave the soul beast, the strength of human beings will fall to the bottom, so if the beast masters themselves can strengthen human beings, then the masters The beast master will not be overthrown.

The beast master is essentially a kind of co-op, not a choice to go to a distant place together.

This is a cancer parasitic in human cities.

A malignant tumor that feeds on the blood of urban people.

The beast masters have no intention of leading humans to a deeper path at all.

They are just pure Tule.

They are not for the people, but for colluding with other races of soul beasts and sucking blood together.

So after going around in the end, the warriors themselves are more reliable, or the warriors themselves can bring more ideas to human beings.

"My current strength has reached SSS+."

"I think this kind of strength is already an absolute top existence among human beings."

"Even if it is a traditional martial artist before, this is not as fast as my own cultivation speed."

"So if I can meet him now, then I really want to fight him."

"I want to see my current strength in front of him. What kind of level will this be?"

Accompanied by the slow calm of the breath in the body, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

There was a lot of fighting will in the woman's brown eyes.

Her name is Wanqi Yanhuo, Wanqi, with a double surname, pronounced "Moqi".

Wan Yanyan also saw the very precious video in the Supervision Department. She knew that human beings had such a powerful senior before.

The strength shown by this senior was recorded in the video, which shocked the Wanqi fireworks back then.

But now she already has the same strength as Yuchi back then, and she still doesn't believe that she can't even pass a single move in front of the opponent!

I really want to compete with the opponent, not to mention winning the opponent directly, but if I can force the opponent to use a little bit of strength, this is also a great joy, which means that my hard work for so many years is It is absolutely necessary, and I am not a weak person!

Then, just as Wanqi Yanhuo was about to continue practicing, there was a sudden knock on the door.

It was one of her apprentices who came in with the knock on the door.

After this apprentice saw the Wanqi fireworks, there was naturally a lot of respect in his eyes:

"Master, there is news from the Supervision Department."

"It is said that a mysterious person has returned."

"As for this mysterious person, it is inconvenient to say more about the specific name. We just need to pass it on to you, and then you will immediately know who he is."

When this apprentice said this, she was also very curious.

Is my master related to a mysterious person?

It seems that I have never heard of it before.

But no matter how this matter came from the Supervision Department, then this matter should be very critical.

Wan Teng Fireworks instantly stood up from the ground.

Her eyes were in a trance for a moment, and then, she instantly burned with a lot of fighting spirit: "After so many years, you are finally back, now let me take a good look at how powerful you are! You are stronger than me Some have been surpassed by me?!"

The last time Yuchi returned to the human city, Wanqi Yanhuo also knew about it, but at that time she was busy breaking through.

It was not until the breakthrough was finally completed that the news was received. At that time, Yuchi had already left the human city.

Wan Teng Yanhuo was very annoyed immediately.

And it took so many years to pass, and the other party finally came back.

How could such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be passed up? !

Wan Teng's fireworks went away, leaving behind a sentence: "You continue to practice, don't take it lightly, if you have something to do as a teacher, go back as soon as you go!"

The little apprentice nodded quickly: "Master, go slowly."


In another martial arts gym in the human city, Yu Shengyun and Elsania had already found Fengyi and Qin Lanyu.

Now Fengyi and Qin Lanyu have opened a martial arts gym among human beings.

The martial arts hall itself is not open to the public.

It is a private exchange of some martial arts, which belongs to a kind of ingenious monastic courtyard.

Just now.

Under Yu Shengyun's mutual introduction, several people got along very well.

And when he was about to go out to eat together, Yu Shengyun smiled and said to Fengyi: "The general thing is like this, we will stay in the human city for a considerable period of time. To bother you."

I haven't seen Fengyi for a long time, but she still looks like that.

She still has the lively and clever feeling of the past, especially when she smiles, she is very sweet, like a little fool.

Now that Feng Yi heard what Yu Shengyun said, he looked at Yuchi next to him in disbelief.

Yuchi nodded, tacitly acquiescing that what Yu Shengyun just said was the truth.

Qin Lanyu was also unbelievable.

This kind of good news came too suddenly.

did not think of.

Didn't you think that this kind of thing would happen now? !

And when the women looked at Yuchi from time to time, there was a very quick conversation in the Supervision Department.

Director of the Supervision Department: "Senior Wanqi, are you really going to find him here?"

Wan Chengyan: "Yes, please tell me his location now."

Director of the Supervision Department: "The position tells you that there is no problem, but you must restrain yourself a little bit. After all, the ability of this big man is not ordinary."

Wan Chengyan: "I can see what you said more clearly than you, and I will not conflict with the other party. I don't believe that such a big man would refuse a fight without any grievances. I believe he should be There will be something to be gained from this kind of fighting."

The director of the Supervision Department pretended to be embarrassed: "Okay... okay."

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