After Wan Teng Yanhuo got Yuchi's current location, he immediately went to look for Yuchi.

The director of the Supervision Department witnessed all this.

Then he also smiled meaningfully:

"After so many years, someone finally challenged him."

"Now we can finally have a very legitimate reason to know how strong he is."

"If his own strength is not as strong as it seemed back then, then obviously, our supervisory department has no reason to continue to fear him."

"Obviously, our Supervisory Division can once again stand on the commanding heights of mankind!"

The director of the Supervision Department thinks so.

Although every time Yuchi came back, human beings would have had such in-depth exchanges with the people in the Supervision Department, but for the people in the Supervision Department, Yuchi's existence made them feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Every time Yuchi came back, they felt as if they were woken up by someone, as if someone was reminding them all the time...

Said that when they were doing these heartless things, they should take a good look at their heads, not only the sky above their heads, but also the knife hanging by Wei Chi.

This feeling annoyed everyone in the Supervision Department.

Where is the Inspectorate? This is the most powerful force in the entire human race.

It is to lead mankind forward!

All the power is concentrated in the hands of the Supervision Division. If the Supervision Division wants to do something, no one will dare to come out to oppose it. Deeply afraid of a man.

Every time this kind of thing is said, it is quite embarrassing and quite angry.

"Now Wanqi Fireworks is a pawn of our Supervision Department."

"Although she doesn't know about it herself, she has obviously become our tool."

"As long as she can defeat the opponent, this man named Yuchi, then we humans will no longer need to be afraid of him in the foreseeable future."

"At that time, as the power is re-gathered in the hands of our Supervision Division, the Procuratorate will once again stand on the commanding heights of mankind."

"When the time comes, we, the Supervision Department, will lead the human race forward."

"It's not him, Yuchi, leading people forward!"

"And in the process of leading humans forward, we can get a lot of benefits from it, hahaha."

Then, when the director of the supervision department was very happy, the directors of other supervision departments also got the news.

Now the directors of the Supervision Department have gathered together and held a meeting on the Internet.

The content of the meeting is very simple.

This is discussing whether Yuchi is the opponent of Wancheng Fireworks.

The director of the Supervision Department of a certain city is still more cautious in his words.

He didn't have much hair on his forehead, and sat behind a table with a big belly, and a secretary beside him was helping him tap his shoulders:

"As we watched Yuchi's performance back then, the opponent's strength is much stronger than we imagined."

"And we don't know if the battle that year was his limit."

"So this time the battle between Wanqi Fireworks and him, I really can't imagine that Wanqi Fireworks can win him directly in this kind of battle."

Another director of the Supervision Department leaned on a leather chair in his own office, put his thighs up on the table and smoked a cigar, and he smiled quite casually: "Whatever, it's good to win this kind of thing anyway." No matter if we lose, we will be the winners in the end, and through this battle, we can more clearly assess the strength of the opponent."

The director of the third person's supervision department was making tea for himself, and he also replied: "Yes, evaluating the strength of the other party is what we need to do most."

"As long as we know the strength of the opponent."

"As long as we know how powerful Yuchi is."

"Then we can find a way to surpass him directly."

"Otherwise, if Wan Teng Yanhuo didn't stand up, then we wouldn't have a reasonable reason to fight him at all."

Everyone agreed with this conclusion.

This is to test Yuchi's own strength, to see if Yuchi has the strength to make their monitoring room continue to fear.

Best if available.

If not, then the grievances suffered by the supervisory department over the years will slowly begin to be liquidated.


"It's all said here, otherwise let's guess the final result of this game."

"Okay, everyone, just say it directly."

"Anyway, we are old friends for many years."

"I'll come first."

"I think Wanqi Fireworks is not the opponent's opponent yet."

"After all, the other party is also a veteran strongman. Although Wanqi Fireworks is very talented, although we have already obtained many ancient exercises through our supervisory department, but if we really want to catch up with the other party directly in a short time, I think it is still a good idea. impossible."

"I also think the same as you."

"Although I feel that Wanqi Fireworks is very strong, they are still younger after all. But it's not too ugly. The two are probably evenly divided. At most, Yuchi's side has a 70% winning rate. Wanqi Fireworks side has a 30% winning percentage.”

"Yes, this is an evenly matched battle. There is no way that kind of unilateral crushing will happen. The ancient martial arts of our human beings are still very powerful. Wan Teng Yanhuo can master these martial arts like the back of his hand. It is impossible for her to lose to Yuchi directly and easily, so my thoughts are the same as those of the first two, Wanqi Firework may lose, but the loss is not ugly."

Some people think that Wanqi Fireworks will lose the game, and naturally some more radical directors of the Supervision Department think that Wanqi Fireworks will win the game.

"You are still too cautious. I think it is time for us to get out of that incident."

"It's impossible for us to be bitten by a snake once and be afraid of well ropes for ten years, right?"

"That incident has passed for many, many years, and no one dares to imagine how strong we humans are now."

"I think Wanqi Fireworks may really be able to win the opponent this time."

"After all, Wanqi Yanhuo has enjoyed all kinds of exercises secretly provided to her by our entire supervisory department. It can be said that we Wanqi Yanhuo have cultivated a master without her knowledge. Otherwise, how could she It is possible to find this technique."

"Yes, I think so too."

"We humans may indeed have some problems before, and our human race may have discovered some mistakes before, but we have corrected these mistakes in time. So under this situation, can't so many of us humans push it out? A powerful person?"


"We humans have become very powerful now!"

"Not to mention that we can really stand on the stage of the battle of all races, but at least we are invincible in this area, right?"

"After all, our own strongest has already reached the SSS+ level!"

"What kind of concept is the level of SSS+?"

"This is the peak of a cultivator."

"No matter how powerful a cultivator is, this is basically the end!"

"Considering the previous era of beast masters, such a strength can already take us humans forward!"


"You can think about it again. With Yuchi's strength, he is able to walk forward slowly alone. Can't we human beings walk forward slowly?"

"We have a very strong background, and what we humans are most proud of is our own speed!"

"Once we come back to our senses, we will be almost invincible!"

"This battle..."

"We might really be able to win this battle with Yuchi."


"I agree with the conclusions of the above-mentioned people. There are so many people in our human race, and we put so much effort into this matter of cultivation. How could this be no better than a Yuchi?"

"Even in a short period of time, there may be no way to completely defeat the opponent!"

"But now we shouldn't continue to be afraid of each other, we are the hope of mankind!"

"We are the Supervision Department!"

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