"Do you want to compete with me?"

Yuchi looked at the woman in front of him in surprise.

This woman should not be very old, maybe around 20 or 30 years old. In martial arts, this woman is like a newborn.

And this woman is obviously Wan Teng Fireworks.

Just when Yuchi was sitting with a few girls for dinner, the uninvited guest Wanqi Fireworks came over.

Yuchi originally thought that Wanqi Yanhuo was Fengyi's friend, after all, he seemed to be quite capable.

But when the other party's eyes fell on him, Yuchi realized that this matter seemed to be a little different.

Without saying much, he just left the table temporarily and went outside the restaurant with the other party.

Just now Wanqi Yanhuo had expressed her thoughts, and now she heard Yuchi's doubts, she said with certainty: "Senior, I have learned about your strength a long, long time ago, and You don't often stay among the Terrans."

"So under such circumstances, I have been secretly waiting for your return."

"When you came back, I was in the process of breaking through, so I didn't come to visit you at the first time, but now that you are back, I can't give up this opportunity, so please promise me and come with me Let's have a match without any grievances, I really want to know how far the gap between me and you is, and whether I surpass you again."

After Wan Teng finished talking, he looked at Yu Chi with a rather serious look.

Obviously she recognized Yuchi's strength very much, so that her face looked a little serious at this moment.

But Wanqi Fireworks looks pretty good.

A pretty handsome girl with a simple single ponytail and loose martial arts attire. Yuchi went to look at the respect and love shown by the people around Wan Teng Fireworks. Obviously, the other party is still very, very special among human beings. A famous person.

Then when Yuchi was about to nod in agreement.

Yu Shengyun came to his side with a smile on her face: "What's the matter, Mr.? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Although Yu Shengyun said this to Yuchi, her eyes fell on Wanqi Yanhuo.

The reason is also very simple.

This time it was Yuchi who sent her back with Elsania, so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

Otherwise, Yu Shengyun felt that it was her own willfulness, and it was her side who wanted to return to the human race, which disturbed Yuchi.

Otherwise, if they were switched to the Angel Clan, no one in the Angel Clan would dare to challenge Yuchi or disturb Yuchi.

On the other hand, Yuchi smiled relaxedly: "This woman is called Wanqi Fireworks, and she came here to discuss with me."

Yu Shengyun nodded, and when Wanqi Yanhuo didn't speak, she smiled and said to Wanqi Yanhuo: "If possible, I would like to have a simple discussion with you, after all, he is the person I love deeply, and I don't want him Fought against a strange woman."

Yu Shengyun's words were very straightforward.

Obviously, it was to help Yuchi block this kind of discussion.

Of course Yuchi is fine, this kind of sparring is optional, and since Yu Shengyun is interested today, then there is no problem.

And Wanqi Yanhuo looked at the beautiful woman in front of her.

This woman can't see any aura on her body, and judging the other party simply from the aura is not a cultivator. So in this case, no matter how beautiful you are, so what?

Wan Teng Yanhuo took Yuchi's face into consideration, so she still introduced herself: "Hi, if my actions make you feel displeased, first of all, I would like to apologize to you."

"Secondly, my strength has reached SSS+."

"I know that this kind of strength has not reached its peak, but obviously I think I should have some strength to challenge my predecessors, so I don't intend to do anything to hurt you."

Wan Teng Yanhuo feels that her own strength should be no problem. Her current strength is placed among the entire human race, which is also one of the best.

Then why is there such a beautiful girl standing in front of Yuchi for no reason?

And said to fight her?


Yu Shengyun is still so calm and so beautiful: "It's okay, if you can defeat me here, then it is not impossible to defeat my husband. I believe that with your strength, you should be able to defeat me." Defeat me directly in a short time."


This is unexpected.

Although Wan Teng Yanhuo was suspicious, he finally nodded and said, "All right, as long as Senior doesn't care, then I have no reason to refuse."

Yuchi: "Sheng Yun, you guys go, I'm going back here, this little girl Han Jiang still can't do without me."

Yu Shengyun immediately smiled and nodded.

She is always so lovely and so dependent in front of Yuchi.

And Yuchi whispered a word in her ear before leaving.

Yu Shengyun paused for a while.

Then immediately understood.

She knows what to do.

After doing all this, Yuchi went back to have dinner with Xiao Hanjiang. Xiao Hanjiang came to a human city for the first time, and was quite obsessed with meat buns. It was hard to imagine that a monster born with a heart of Tao would actually Very interested in buns.


Inside the restaurant.

Elsania sat next to Yuchi and asked curiously, "Where did sister Sheng Yun go?"

Yuchi said kindly: "To deal with some relatively personal issues, I'll be right back."

Elsania was quite curious.

the other side.


"Han Jiang eats buns!"

"When you come here today, I'll give you buns! Every time you come back, I'll definitely buy you a lot of buns!"


"Han Jiang!"

"How can you be so cute?"

Feng Yi took the initiative to stand up and handed Xiao Hanjiang two buns. Her eyes were full of little stars, especially when she looked at Xiao Hanjiang's chubby face. Xiao Hanjiang is really... so cute, so cute as hell!

The key is Yuchi's apprentice!

Not yet a daughter!

That's even cuter!

Yue Hanjiang hid it in Yuchi's arms, and ate the steamed stuffed bun happily, and at the same time said openly: "Thank you sister, I have to eat more here, and work hard to cultivate, otherwise my sister's strength will There is no way to catch up with Hanjiang."

Feng Yi immediately laughed.

Qin Lanyu also smiled.

Today's children are cute when they talk, and they talk like this at a young age.

But don't worry about it.


Childish words.

Feng Yi smiled and asked Xiao Nizi Yuehanjiang on purpose: "So little sister Hanjiang, how much strength do you have now?"

Han Jiang blurted out: "Probably three times as big as my sister!"


Outside the restaurant.

The passers-by didn't know what happened, they only knew Wanqi Fireworks, and they didn't know Yu Shengyun at all.

"Why do you want senior to be here?"

"I don't know, isn't Senior Wancheng usually in the process of normal cultivation? It's rare to see her."

"don't know……"

"Then who is that girl next to Senior Wancheng?"

"I do not know."

"She's so pretty."


"It's really beautiful like never before, with a rather transparent feeling."

"Not to mention being her partner, just being able to talk to her, I'm afraid I can remember it clearly for a lifetime."


"Senior Wan Teng is already a very neat existence, but in terms of appearance and overall impression, this strange girl is still more powerful. Whoever can become such a girl's partner, I'm afraid it will be a lifetime. No regrets."

The crowd watched as Wanqi fireworks and Yu Shengyun left together.

And Yu Shengyun had a very kind smile on her face from beginning to end. She looked at Wanqi Fireworks hurriedly walking in front of her, and suddenly asked: "Miss Wanqi, where do you think the end of the journey of martial arts is? SSS++, or where?"

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