on the street.

The arrival of Yu Shengyun made the whole street a very beautiful scenery.

She seems to have a face that can be painted by one person.

Especially the unique atmosphere, it is really charming.

And Wan Teng Yanhuo couldn't quite understand why Yu Shengyun would suddenly ask such a question.

She shook her head: "For the time being, I don't know where the focus of the first journey of martial arts is, but I know that if I can't defeat Yuchi, then obviously I will spend my whole life in that kind of obsession. I also believe that my hard work It should be no problem."


She said more seriously: "So even if I don't know exactly how strong your side is now, I will definitely not show mercy in any sense in the battle with you later. , I hope you don't care about it."

Yu Shengyun smiled and signaled to Wancheng Fireworks not to worry about such problems, she just asked inadvertently: "If you defeat me, if you defeat him again, then you will be the most powerful person in the entire human race ?"

Wan Cheng Yanhuo thought for a while, and the answer he gave was also very affirmative: "I think it should be like this."

Yu Shengyun understood.

She then asked more bluntly: "So under this situation, can you lead the human race to move forward step by step? Will you still be subject to the Supervision Department, or will you slowly move forward?" Change some of the mistakes left over from history in the human race?"

In case of fireworks, it is hard to understand:

"I don't know what you mean, I only care about the battle itself."

"And we have arrived, we are fighting in the martial arts hall in front of us."

"Although the martial arts gym itself is very small, there is no way to use it, but I believe it will definitely be possible to put it on us."

Yu Shengyun smiled softly: "I listen to you."


Inside the restaurant.

Because of Xiaohanjiang's unintentional actions, Fengyi gradually realized that things seemed a little complicated.

When this little girl spoke just now, she didn't mean to be joking at all, and she was very relaxed when she spoke.

So it's impossible for this little girl the size of a pea to be three times stronger than herself.

It's unlikely...


And Xiao Hanjiang seemed to be able to see Fengyi's thoughts, she said flatteredly: "Hanjiang is not joking, Sister Fengyi, you should practice hard here, otherwise you will slowly start to catch up I'm sick, I have to eat more, otherwise I'll be very thin."


She looked up at a bright sweet little face, and kissed Yuchi's face with her oily mouth: "Of course my strength is like a hair of 100 cows in front of the master, it's not at all." The master's opponent, the master is the strongest!"

Yuchi smiled wryly.

Although Han Jiang said these words, he meant to show off completely, but he didn't think much about it as a child.

He didn't expect that he would be praised by his disciples.

Feng Yi became more and more unbelievable, she asked Yuchi: "Senior, is what Xiao Hanjiang said true? Don't I have a child who can beat me now?"

Qin Lanyu was also very concerned about this answer.

Yuchi thought for a while, and finally decided that it would be better to tell the truth: "Yes."

Then when Fengyi almost vomited blood and Qin Lanyu almost passed out.

He immediately said: "Actually, you lost to her, you can't blame you, because the child's own situation is quite special, so under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for you to catch up with her." , Of course it’s me, not to mention you guys. If I’m on the same starting line as him, then I can definitely just watch her throw me further and further away.”

What Han Jiang listened to was rubbing Yuchi's arms: "Master, I hate it, Han Jiang will always be your apprentice, and he must not be as strong as an invincible master!"

"My master, super strong!"

People are little ghosts.

Really cute.

But Feng Yi and Qin Lanyu believed it. They both knew that Yuchi himself was very powerful, but they didn't expect that Yuchi's apprentice was so cruel!

These two master and apprentice are so powerful now...

In another 10 years or 100 years, God knows what kind of level this master and apprentice will reach.

Feng Yi is already afraid to think about it.

Qin Lanyu quickly drank two sips of water, suppressing her shock... because this is too exaggerated.

It's really because Yuchi said this sentence, otherwise anyone who said that Fengyi's strength is not as strong as Xiao Douding would never believe it.


So what did Wan Teng fireworks come here for?

Did you come here to discuss with Yuchi?

Fengyi and Qin Lanyu are not familiar with Wanqi Fireworks, so they are not considered acquaintances, and Wanqi Fireworks is very famous on the Internet.

It seems to be a person with particularly powerful strength.

And why did Wanqi Fireworks, who was looking for Yuchi to discuss, leave with Yu Shengyun?

Two people can't understand this.


do not care.

Yuchi wasn't worried, so what were they worried about? You must know that the strength of this woman, Yu Shengyun, is absolutely terrifying! !

But Dao Yun...

Master of Dao Yun!


In the Supervision Division, the directors of these Supervision Divisions are watching the live broadcast.

They are very laid back now.

The staff behind the scenes were quickly switching cameras on the street, tracking Wanqi Fireworks and Yu Shengyun the whole way.

"What is the origin of this woman? It is clear that Wanqi Fireworks is looking for Yuchi to discuss, why did she stand up?"

"Who knows this kind of thing? Does she think she can be the opponent of Wanqi Fireworks?"

"This is a joke."

"Sure enough, it's because of staying next to a man who thinks he is very powerful. Over time, he has become stupid."

"I have an impression."

"This woman also came back with Yuchi last time, but she didn't stay for too long."

"Then have you found out what this woman's name is?"

"I don't know that there is no detailed information about this woman in our database."

"But she is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful girl."

"me too……"

"Anyone who can stay with her is truly lucky."

At this time, a female director of the Supervision Department stood up directly. She looked at Yu Shengyun's back with some hatred, and said directly to everyone: "Who else is with her? Yuchi is She's a man, don't you know?"

"All of you are still pretending to be stupid."

"Do you dare to deal with this woman directly? You only dare to criticize her behind her back. Do you dare to go to Yuchi's face and say that?"

She was clearly upset.

This is a bit embarrassing for the other supervisory directors.

"Haha, just talking."

"Don't take it seriously."

"I definitely wouldn't dare touch this kind of woman."

"You can only watch from a distance."


"Let's say we will wait for the fireworks."


"Let's talk about the fireworks..."

"Now the two of them may really have a fight, but it's a pity that such a woman will be beaten by Wanqi fireworks."

Amidst the casual conversations among the directors of the Supervision Department, the whole video was being recorded this time.

If the final result satisfies them, then they will put this video on the Internet.

Of course, if they are not satisfied, they will also try to select only the clips that are beneficial to them by means of editing and release them on the Internet.

Unless the entire video shows that it has a negative effect on their supervisory department, then they will hide this video.


These people were very curious about how Yu Shengyun would lose to Wanqi Fireworks. They couldn't help but look at Yu Shengyun's injury.

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