Then, when the directors of the Supervision Department were very relaxed, they suddenly discovered that this matter seemed to be a little different from what they had imagined.

From the perspective of the monitor, it can be seen that the battle in the arena has already started, there is not much conversation between the two, and there is no referee pointing the country.

Then, according to the judgment of the director of the Supervision Department, how could Wanqi Fireworks lose to the opponent? This kind of battle lasted at most three seconds. If it really takes longer, then the only reason is not because The opponent was too strong, but because Wanqi Yanhuo didn't directly kill the opponent in seconds for Yuchi's sake.

However, the situation is completely different.

They can't quite see what this battle means, but more than 30 seconds have passed since the beginning of this battle, and at the beginning, they can still feel that the attack idea of ​​​​Wancheng Fireworks itself is not very strong. Strong, that is to say, hit a dozen casually.

Later, it was discovered that things were getting more and more wrong. It was obvious that Wanqi Fireworks was attacking the opponent with all its strength, but this kind of attack method fell on the opponent, and it turned out to be all ineffective.

The other party is so elegant that it is outrageous.

"What's the situation? Why didn't Wanqi Fireworks directly defeat the opponent, and why all the attacks of Wanqi Fireworks seemed so powerless."

"You ask me who I ask, I don't understand at all, what happened?"

"Is there anyone who can tell me now why Wanqi Fireworks in this arena doesn't directly defeat the opponent?"

The directors of the Supervision Department really don't know why this kind of thing happened.

It's hard for them to imagine.

Originally, he wanted to pass through the existence of Wanqi fireworks, and then know the specific position of Yuchi's current strength.

As a result, let alone meeting Yuchi, even Yuchi's wife can't defeat him?

Why is this?


I don't know when, there was a director of the Supervision Department with strong disbelief, and his voice appeared in the ears of all the heads of the Supervision Department: "Could it be because of this woman, this mysterious woman...she...her strength Is it stronger than Wanqi fireworks?!"

After this statement was made, all the directors of the Supervision Department chose to remain silent.

What does it mean?

This is impossible.

Wan Qiyan is already a very powerful existence in the entire human race. Wan Qiyan said that his current strength is ranked second in the entire human race, so it is difficult for anyone to be very confident that his strength can be ranked first. Ah, Wanqi Yanhuo is such a powerful person.

As a result, such an existence, in front of a completely strange woman, has no way to intimidate this woman?

This is impossible.

At this time, there was another director of the Supervision Department, his voice was obviously trembling: "I mean if, if Wanqi Yanhuo is in the process of fighting Yuchi's wife."

"While the fireworks are not able to defeat Yuchi's wife, then there is a situation that the actual Yuchi may be stronger than his wife..."

"Of course you have to remember, what I said is just if, just if, just a hypothesis..."

"Do you think this kind of statement is likely to appear?"

The other supervisory directors did not dare to answer at all.

They are not fools at all. The director of the Supervision Department is quite strong himself, and there are many relationships behind him. They have watched countless battles. How could they fail to judge? Fireworks was no match for Yu Shengyun at all.

It can be judged from the beginning of the master's fight.

But they couldn't believe this result at all.

It doesn't make sense.

A director of the Supervision Department couldn't help saying: "It's really unreasonable for this to happen. We humans are already very powerful, and we humans have already gone so far in martial arts. Our human race even has an SSS+ warrior, this is completely unreasonable, we will lose to the opponent, no matter how strong the opponent is, how strong can this be?"

"It's impossible for this to happen. Could it be that the strength of this woman is beyond our imagination?"

"Could it be that Yuchi's current strength is more terrifying than we imagined?"


"That's impossible."

There was dead silence on the line.

No one responded.

The directors of the Supervision Department couldn't figure out the situation at all. They were already outsiders, and as an insider, Wan Teng Fireworks felt like a fan of the authorities. All her attacks now fell on Yu Shengyun. Ineffective.

The demeanor shown by the other party has not changed from beginning to end.

Easy as always.

Friendly as always.

After waiting for the full bloom of the technique, before the technique was completely released, Yu Shengyun's palm was gently placed on her shoulder.

With the overwhelming majesty of the heavens sweeping her body, Wan Qi fireworks instantly looked at the beautiful woman in front of her in shock.

She wanted the fireworks to be suppressed.

Really suppressed.

The breath in the body is not qualified to operate at all, it's like a very weak stream that is only as thick as a finger has been firmly trampled by a foot.

"I can't beat her. The gap between me and her is huge. Even if I use such terrifying techniques to put me in front of the opponent, the opponent can directly resolve me in an understatement. If I put it in a life-and-death fight, then the opponent can be in front of me. Kill me in an instant..."

Wan Teng Yanhuo stood there dumbfounded, his breathing stopped slowly without knowing when, and he looked at Yu Shengyun in front of him completely holding his breath.

She finally asked with a strong shock: "I don't know how strong your strength is. Have you reached the SSS++ level?"

After asking this sentence.

Wan Teng Yanhuo immediately discovered his problem, which seemed a bit silly.

Not appropriate.

"Even if the opponent's strength has reached SSS++, all my attacks will not be blocked so easily. Although the opponent can easily defeat me, they will not be so indifferent. Her I'm afraid his strength surpasses that of SSS++!"

Yu Shengyun did not directly answer the other party's words.

She just smiled and said, "If you want to fight my husband, then obviously you need to practice for a longer period of time."

"To be honest, my current cultivation base is like a drop in the ocean in front of him."

"When will you be able to defeat me, then consider him again. This may be a more sensible choice, or you should carefully understand some general strengths of this world. If you are simply obsessed with yourself The strength is powerful."

"Thinking you're invincible."

"Then obviously there is no way to surpass him."

The way Yu Shengyun spoke was already relatively kind.

In fact, she said so much, which can be regarded as a statement of high emotional intelligence.

If you really want to meet someone with a more straightforward personality, then you can sum up these practices of Wanqi Yanhuo just now in one sentence.

"He cooks and loves to play."

This is probably a conclusion like this, isn't it rough?

At this time, Wan Teng's breath of fireworks became quite cold, and a basin of cold water was poured over her head, and she looked at Yu Shengyun in disbelief.

Eyes full of confusion.


Am I not strong enough? Am I not enough to challenge him? !

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