Ge Fulan explained a lot about the original ocean to Yuchi, and Yuchi also had his own understanding of the original ocean during the next journey.

The essence of the primordial ocean lies in the heart of the ocean.

If an ocean has the heart of the ocean, then this ocean can be called the original ocean.

The reason why the original ocean is called this name is because the original ocean itself does not have any living creatures, and will always maintain a state of death, which belongs to the eternal one, and naturally there is also a kind of " Primitive' feeling.

And the Heart of the Ocean is like a Dao Heart without a soul.

The heart of the Tao comes from distorting the way of heaven with character and soul, and the heart of the ocean is the same.

Born with a different kind of Dao heart.

If this kind of Dao heart can be obtained, it will greatly increase Yuchi's own strength, and at the same time, it can also increase Yuchi's own understanding of the way of heaven. Yuchi can even obtain some real Dao heart skills from this heart of the ocean. The power of the exercises is far beyond everything he understood before the Dao Heart Realm, and of course all of this does not include the Divine Flower of the Moon God Sea.

The Divine Flower of the Moon God Sea, this is a different kind.

In Govlan's words, the Shenhua family, or the moon soil and the moon god Pharos, should be a very permeable existence in essence.

Ge Fulan doesn't want Yuchi to become the moon god Fallows. If the Taoist heart is a little bit unstable, then the existence of the moon god Fallows will bring huge disasters to the world, which can be understood as a certain sense. It's a bit scary indeed.


a day later.

Yuchi came to the top of a high mountain.

Standing on the highest branch of the tree on the top of the mountain, the top of the old tree is quite thick, looking at the ocean in front of him from a bird's eye view, Yuchi found that the ocean in front of him was somewhat similar to a bay, and the entire ocean eroded an area inland. Large semicircle, and then another unscrupulous spread.

And at the edge of the ocean, you can actually see a very vast city in Liancheng.

The buildings of these cities are similar to some religious holy places that Yuchi understands. On the top of these steeple-shaped buildings, one after another star patterns can be seen.

This kind of thing is a little weird.

Squinting his eyes and looking inside the city, he could see a lot of fox demons.

It may not be accurate to say that it is a fox demon, it should be a fox clan.

Essentially similar to humans, but with a pair of furry ears and a furry tail.

The colors are different, such as white fox, yellow fox, red fox, etc. They walk on two feet, and their clothes are also the same as the ancients of the human race.

Of course, if you just saw such a fox family, it's nothing special.

Yuchi has also met various races along the way. Some races seem to fit his own aesthetics, while others look quite hideous. In essence, it is pure aesthetics that is causing trouble, and there is nothing wrong with it. Very easy to say.

It's just that this is the original ocean.

Why are there so many creatures around this primordial ocean?

Especially so many races gather here, what is this for?

very strange.

There are no creatures in the original ocean, and the original ocean itself will greatly reduce the vitality of the surrounding creatures, that is, if a normal person stays by the side of the original ocean, even if he has no worries about food and clothing, even if he usually There will also be good spiritual feelings, but his lifespan will be greatly reduced.

That's a sense of Deadwater's in it.

Ge Fulan was also quite surprised by this matter: "I can't understand why such a race appears here. Don't they feel that this place is exploiting themselves? Don't they feel that this place is malicious to them?" Is it?"


Yuehanjiang has already grown to a height of 1.4 meters, and now standing beside Yuchi, holding Yuchi's arm, a cute little girl with red lips and white teeth is looking at the ocean in front of him in a trance: "Master, I can feel it already. threat here."

"In other words, there shouldn't be ordinary people in this kind of place, and the strength of these fox clans is too much and they haven't reached the realm of heaven."

"It's a slow death for them here."

Only when the strength reaches the Dao realm, can one have the right to resist, but most of these foxes are ordinary people, aren't they afraid of death in such a place?

Yuchi stood there straight. He did not directly answer what his apprentice said, but turned to Ge Fulan on the other side and asked, "Where is the heart of the ocean? Is it at the bottom of the ocean? Go find the Heart of the Sea."

Yuchi had no idea of ​​having anything to do with this race.

After he took the heart of the ocean, he would leave this place, and there was no need to leave too many grievances here.

He is now a world traveler.

Ge Fulan also probably understood Yuchi's meaning: "The heart of the ocean is essentially the heart of the Tao. Because it does not have any soul binding itself, it is still relatively difficult for the heart of the ocean to discover it. Like the way of heaven itself, it generally doesn't have any unique characteristics."

"You can carefully feel the surrounding heavens. If the heavens are relatively thin, or if the surrounding heavens are attracted in one direction, then you can roughly judge the location of the heart of the ocean. "

"After finding the detailed location of the Heart of the Ocean, it is time to forcibly attract a huge amount of Heavenly Dao to the location of the Heart of the Ocean."

"Then it will appear."

"The heart of the ocean has different shapes. It may be an underwater palace, a fish, or a beam of light. The shape of everything can be condensed into the heart of the ocean. In essence, it is the heart of all the world. It must have been born after some chance coincidence."

Yuchi probably understood.

Yue Hanjiang suddenly said a word: "Sister Fulan, then am I just a heart of the ocean with a soul?"

Yuchi looked at Yuehanjiang instantly.

Ge Fulan also looked at Yue Hanjiang in surprise, while Han Jiang was smiling and curious.


Govlan nodded: "Yes, the Heart of the Ocean is essentially just a title, and you can also understand it as a Heart of the Ocean with a soul, so you are very special."

Yue Hanjiang looked even more curious: "Then what about my name? Who gave my name? I remember that my name was not given to me by my master."

Yue Hanjiang didn't know anything about when she was young, especially when she was a baby, she couldn't remember the specific situation at all. It was only when she suddenly saw the world one day that she realized that she was sitting quietly on the bank. Yuchi on the side.

"Your name was chosen by the Dao of Heaven. The reason why you have this name is because your master likes this name. Your master is more kind to this name. Therefore, those dead creatures who raised you gave you this name in the dark. took that name."

Yue Hanjiang Dawu: "So master, you like Hanjiang?"


Yuchi also nodded thoughtfully: "I have been fishing in Hanjiang for so many years, and I have a very deep feeling."

"I like the meaning of sitting in the snow and fishing, but I didn't expect that your name came from it."

Yuehanjiang, Yuehanjiang...


This Heavenly Dao is really powerful, even this kind of thing can be seen.

Then, when Yuchi was about to go to the primordial ocean, there were some rustling sounds from the woods behind him, and then two figures came out from the bushes.

Two mountain guards of the fox clan.

When they saw Yuchi and a little girl appearing here, they couldn't believe their eyes.

This place is protected by their patrols, how could someone walk in without anyone noticing it! So who are these two people, one big and one small?

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