"Who are you? What do you want to do when you come to our fox family? Do you have any malice towards us?"

After seeing Yuchi, one of the mountain patrol guards of the fox tribe immediately questioned Yuchi, and pointed the spear in his hand directly at Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang. Seeing his appearance, it was obvious It is very frightening for these two uninvited guests.

Yuchi turned around and smiled kindly: "When I first arrived here, I was disturbed a lot. I passed by this time and I am about to leave. Don't be nervous, everyone. I don't have any malice towards your race."

The mountain guards obviously didn't believe it.

The area they are in is quite hidden, and no outsider has been seen for a hundred years. At this time, an outsider suddenly came, how could this be accidental.

One of the mountain patrolling guards, he immediately signaled his companions and himself to slowly go up, the two of them seemed to be facing a big enemy, and slowly touched Yuchi with a spear in their hands, while still facing each other. Yuchi said: "Your simple explanations can't convince us, please come back with us here, if we are really sure that you are just passing by by chance, then we will definitely let you go Otherwise, we can only blame us for being rude now."

Yuchi probably understood the situation now.


Really troublesome.

So there is no need to talk about it at all, and it left the sight of these two people in an instant, as if it disappeared in an instant.

The other two mountain guards immediately rubbed their eyes. What's the situation? Why did those two people disappear in an instant? ?

"Did we see a ghost in broad daylight?"


"Or is it that the strength of the two of them has far surpassed ours, isn't this an enemy we can face!"


One of the mountain guards immediately blew a horn hanging from his waist. With the melodious sound of antlers echoing over the entire harbor, the fox people walking on the stone road fell into a brief two-second panic. In doubt, he immediately felt like facing a big enemy.


Outside the Sky City, many people are still looking at the traces left by Yuchi's battle with the Sky City's lord.

They think that looking at the traces of such a battle may increase their understanding of the way of heaven.

This is like comprehending some ancient stone tablets.

And these ten thousand races staying in such an area seem to be quite harmonious.

"It's really worthy of the power of the senior. Senior Yuchi's own strength is really admirable." A man of thousands of races stood beside this huge black abyss, and through this abyss, he could see the existence of infinite space.

The other ten thousand races also hold the same view.

They are generally very strong, and the weakest ones have the first rank of Dao Yun, and this battle area has obviously been divided by the hearts of these ten thousand races. Some power left over from this kind of battle.

But at this moment.

Among these people, two figures appeared.

This is a man and a woman.

The body shape of a man is about 1.2 meters, and that of a woman is 1.4 meters. If it is a simple body shape, it is also at the lower middle level in the entire Wanzu system.

But this man and this woman are obviously not ordinary people.

Let's talk about men first.

The man's body is extremely well-proportioned, with a standard human appearance, his eyes are extremely slender and pointed up, like the corners of a devil's grinning mouth, and in the depths of the eyeball, there is a rather bright red pupil. Men's earlobes are huge.

As far as the earlobe is concerned, the size of the earlobe is about the size of his palm, and the earlobe itself has a pierced ear, and it is hung with a quite brilliant flower pendant.

The skin is extremely pale.

Falling into the aesthetics of the human race, this is a kind of morbid paleness, but if it is matched with the bright red clothes on this man, it will make him look extremely healthy.

The clothes themselves were quite slim, with a rather slender cloak behind the collar, and many complex pale gold inscriptions were printed on the cloak.

Standard melon face.

Excellent facial features.

There is a different beauty in it. When walking, the feet do not cross forward, but the legs are close together. It can be clearly found that there are two finger-thick red lines at the knee position and the ankle position of the legs. The red line Pulled his legs together tightly.

Float up, soundless, like a ghost.

Let's talk about women.

The figure of the woman is even more unique. She is also wearing bright red clothes. It is difficult to describe what system it belongs to in the clothes themselves.

The legs of the trousers were extremely loose, while the waist of the trousers was quite tight. The waist outlined was not as thick as a normal human's arm.

The diameter of the waist is only about 10 centimeters, an extremely 'unique' figure.

However, there are a lot of pale golden ribbons that can be seen on the back of the neck. The number of these ribbons is huge, like a huge pale golden flower appearing behind this woman, and this woman is like lying on this pale golden flower. The same as in the flower bone.

Her neck tends to be slender, but it is not weird. On the neck, some patterns painted with many unknown red paints can be seen.

At first glance the patterns looked like flowers growing on her pale skin.

The face shape is also a standard oval face, and the facial features are also excellent, especially the outline of the eyes is exactly the same as that of the man, they are extremely slender, and the corners of the eyes are like a flame outline.

The eyeballs themselves are also bright red, and when they turn slowly, they look like dead souls hiding in the dark night.

The woman's legs are not bound by the red rope, but she does not rely on her legs to move, but relies on floating, and in the process of floating, it is like a flower becoming her mount.

The overall elegance and unique weird feeling made all the people present dare not look at it just by taking a look.

The Wanzu are not fools either.

This kind of person is obviously extremely terrifying at first glance, and it is not known what race they are from.

As soon as the two of them appeared, the scene was restored to a kind of complete silence.

No one dared to discuss who the two men were.

They are just guessing that such an existence came to the scene, what is the purpose of it?

"I'm going to ask, you just wait here for a while." The man said to the woman.

"Hmm." The woman nodded.

Her extremely slender arm swayed slightly, her raised orchid fingers gently covered her lips, and she yawned lazily.

And this man came in front of a thousand races: "May I ask what happened here? Can you tell me?"

While the man was talking, he held a small box in his hand. This small box was gently lifted by his single hand, and he could see a very bright jewel lying in this small box. This jewel was not an ordinary thing. It is a mineral that can greatly increase cultivation.

After seeing this jewel, the eyeballs of this Wanzu lit up instantly.

He immediately told the man in front of him what happened before, and the man smiled and gave the small box to the Wanzu.

This man looks quite good-looking when he smiles, and there is a different kind of charm in it.

Especially the raised flaming eyes not only made this man look very elegant, but also made him look a lot more beautiful.

And when the man asked around and returned to the woman, the woman's unusually small and exquisite palm was already lightly imprinted on a sharp stone thorn.

Her eyes were slightly intoxicated:

"I can feel his presence. He has just broken through to Dao Xin not long ago, but he already has such a background. It is obviously a very wise decision to invite him to be a fellow."

Eyes flow.

She said softly: "How, where is he?"

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