The man's name is Gu Changheng, and the woman's name is Gu Yushen.

After Gu Changheng's investigation just now, he already knew the general situation of Yuchi, and he never thought that Yuchi would have such a conflict with the owner of Sky City.

Although he doesn't even know the name of the city lord of the sky city, but judging from other people's dictation, the city lord of the sky city should have some strength, about half-step Daoxin, this kind of half-step Daoxin In front of other people, it may be very powerful, but in front of people like them who have completely mastered the Dao Heart, this kind of strength is simply not enough.

So Gu Changheng couldn't quite understand why Yuchi had a conflict with the lord of Sky City.

He didn't believe that Yuchi, as a person in the realm of Dao Xin, would make fun of people with half-step Dao Xin.

He was just thinking about what happened to the owner of Sky City.

Why would there be conflicts with people in the realm of Dao Xin? There is absolutely no chance of winning this kind of conflict.

Hearing Gu Yushen's question at this time, he led her to the sky city, and at the same time said to Gu Yushen with great respect: "These people don't know where Yuchi is. , but the last time Yuchi appeared was in a city in the sky, people who want to come to the city of sky should know where Yuchi's current exact location is."

After Gu Yushen heard this, there were many different expressions in the flaming eyes. She stared at the man in front of her. After thinking for a while, her tone was also very relaxed: "Do you think this man named Yuchi Man, will he choose to face it with us?"

Gu Changheng did not directly answer Gu and God's question.

He is thinking.

Judging from the current situation, although Gu Changheng doesn't know what kind of man Yuchi looks like, let alone what Yuchi himself looks like, or even whether the news that Yuchi is a man in other people's mouths is true of.

But Gu Changheng can be sure that Yuchi's strength must be in the realm of Dao Xin, otherwise he would not be able to cause this level of trauma here.

Not to mention that this level of trauma can obviously see a kind of private attribute of the heavenly way circulating in it, and this kind of private attribute of the heavenly way is the heart of the Tao.

Then look at the thousands of races who keep leaving them.

These ten thousand races still expect to be able to gain some clues from this private attribute of the Dao of Heaven?

How is this possible.

This kind of Dao heart is Yuchi's own Dao heart, and this kind of Dao heart has been obtained after being twisted by the way of heaven.

In this situation, you are not Yuchi, how could you understand the great principles behind these Dao Hearts.

It is absolutely impossible for people who have not reached the state of Dao Xin to want to comprehend the state of Dao Xin.

Most of these people are just wasting time to lament the power of a venerable in the realm of Taoism.

Gu Changheng was slowly floating in the sky, and at the same time said slowly: "We don't know exactly what Yuchi's personality is right now. People in the Taoist realm generally have weird personalities, but if With your invitation, master, there is still a high probability that the other party will face those weirdnesses with us, and I think the probability will reach 90%."

"90%? The probability is a bit high." Gu Yushen smiled lightly.

Gu Changheng is Gu Yushen's apprentice, and their identities are a bit like Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang.


Gu Changheng is another disaster star.

There is not just one disaster star in the world, and different disaster stars are distributed in different regions.

It is somewhat similar to the distribution of Tiandu Division.

It's just that compared with Tiandusi's 100,000-kilometer radius, the distribution of disaster stars is wider and more random.

But the whole world is very vast.

Therefore, the number of disaster stars can still be guaranteed to a certain extent, and Gu Changheng is the apprentice of Gu and God.

Gu Yushen's personality is difficult to grasp, and many times she doesn't even know what this special woman is thinking.

Just like now.

Gu Yushen squinted her eyes to welcome the surrounding wind, and the gorgeous flowers behind her set off her, making her look like a creature that did not exist in this world at all.

There is an inexplicable sense of mystery in his own behavior and behavior.

Thinking about it, I don't know what her own Dao heart is, but when other people see such an existence, they don't dare to have any conflicts at all.

At first glance, one can tell that this person's strength is absolutely terrifying.

While Gu Changheng was thinking about these things, Gu Yushen suddenly raised a question.

Her pupils are slightly opened.

The expression of the whole person showed an unprecedented indifference.

With soft lips opening slowly, she asked her apprentice next to her: "Chang Heng, if you get this 10% probability, if you think I can't convince him, then do you think I can convince him?" Are you convinced? That means he will become my...servant."

maid? !

Gu Changheng was a little surprised.

Is my master actually thinking about this matter in this way?

Let a person in the realm of Dao Xin become her servant?

Faced with this question of his master, Gu Changheng still considered his master's strength a little bit.

Being able to clearly see that his master's cultivation is quite terrifying, Gu and Shen may have fought tens of thousands of times in their lifetime.

But not defeated.

I have never experienced what it feels like to lose.

Then according to the rules, this mysterious Yuchi should not be his master's opponent.

It's just that things like laws are always just a trend. If someone can really predict what will happen in the future, then this person should be an existence beyond the way of heaven.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

Although Yuchi seems to have just entered the realm of Dao Xin, his understanding of the realm of Dao Xin is already relatively strong.

However, compared to the skills mastered by his master himself, Yuchi obviously didn't master any skills, and he couldn't feel any rules flowing in his private way of heaven.

Think for a while.

He also answered in this way: "I think Yuchi should be a wise person, and an unwise person should not have the strength of the Dao Heart realm. Then, after showing your own strength a little bit on your side, Master, then Yuchi will be a wise person." He will definitely realize his own insignificance, and then he should take the initiative to become our companion, otherwise he can only rely on the identity of a servant."

After hearing this, Gu Yushen covered his lips and laughed.

The laughter emanating from the whole person is almost as unique as the voice in the empty valley.

Lan Hua's fingers raised up slightly, accompanied by the trembling of her delicate body, she didn't know why she was so happy.

Could it be that Gu and Shentuer's agreement won her heart, or did she think that she would definitely be able to defeat Yuchi?

Behind all these sure chances of winning is a strong self-confidence, and the root of this self-confidence comes from her own extremely terrifying strength.

That's all.

Gu Yushen is indeed the most powerful existence that Yuchi has met now, neither enemy nor friend.

Her various origins are quite mysterious.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the strength she can display is also extremely amazing.

Gu Changheng looked at his master's hearty smile, and he was also a little absent-minded.

It's been a long time since I saw my master so happy.

It seems that some indescribable things will happen between him and Yuchi next time, could it be that his master is finally going to kill again...


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