"This big fool didn't even have the hook ready when he was fishing!"

"Fishing like this!"

"Are you expecting the fish to go straight into his arms? You are really a fool."

Hu Yiyi was also quite helpless in her heart.


As long as it wasn't because the current situation was very special, then she would have to complain a few words to Yuchi.

Now she is actively trying to say: "Hello, I am the saint of the fox clan. Is there anything I can help you with?"

After saying this sentence.

The person from the Dragon and Phoenix clan is even more proud:

"Hello, I'm Xiangzi Hiroshi!!!"

"From the dragon and phoenix clan!"

"Passing by here by chance, I want to visit your race!"

"But I met this person by chance, and this person is very disgusted with us!"

"This is to drive us out of this land directly. I think there will still be many people in your fox clan who are very malicious towards us."

After Xiang Zihong finished speaking, he also looked at Hu Yiyi with a very aggressive look, as if the clothes Hu Yiyi wore were of no use to him at all.

Especially the clothes that are almost broken. If such gorgeous clothes are broken, then that kind of picture will definitely make people spurt blood immediately.

The dragon and phoenix race is a mixed blood of the dragon and phoenix races, inheriting a negative characteristic hidden in the blood of the two races.

Obviously Xiang Zihong wants to get Hu Yiyi.

Fox Yiyi was silent for a while.

The guards behind her felt even more uncontrollable fear when they heard that the other party was from the dragon and phoenix clan.

Although the fox clan does not interfere with the operation of the outside world, and does not have any contact with any race outside, this does not mean that they are completely ignorant of the outside world.

As far as the current situation is concerned, some rather ferocious races are under their close observation, such as the dragon and phoenix clan.

They know the ferocity of this race, and this race will always treat other races in an extremely harsh state.

They don't even know how many other races they have killed. Their races can always find various reasons to attack each other.

As the name suggests, this is the rule of the world.

But the rules of this world are not so absurd.

For example, when the Dragon and Phoenix tribe wanted to obtain a mine vein, they just found an excuse to wipe out the small aboriginal race of this mine vein.

Because the head of the clan itself is the head of the Tiandu Division, and the general strength of his own race is extremely strong, the other ten thousand clans can only pretend that they don't know after hearing about it.

So under such circumstances, it is definitely a very tragic thing for such a race to be killed suddenly.

"Hey, is this a hurdle that our fox family can't escape?"

Hu Yiyi's heart is also very tragic now.

But at the moment, don't directly involve outsiders in this situation. The other party obviously came here for their race. She took the initiative to say to Xiang Zihong:

"Senior, you misunderstood here. This person here is really not from our fox clan. He just passed by by accident, so it can't represent some attitudes of our fox clan. As a member of the fox clan, I Saintess, this visit is also to reach a friendly agreement with you seniors, and in order to facilitate a friendly agreement, our Fox Clan is also willing to entertain your arrival."

Hu Yiyi's own strength is actually not bad, and she also has the ninth rank of Daoyun. Before this situation, she also had a little experience of Yuchi's strength.

After she didn't feel any fluctuations in Yuchi's way of heaven, she could only suspect that the previous information was wrong, that is, there was something wrong with what the two mountain patrollers said, and the other party was someone who had no strength at all. How could it suddenly disappear from under their noses?

This simply cannot happen.

So in this case, don't involve such irrelevant people.

It's easy to die directly, it's better to let him stay here, let the fox clan deal with it head-on.

Xiangzihong also frowned after hearing this.

Is what this guy said true? Isn't he really a member of the fox clan?

Could it be that this guy really just passed by by accident?

It shouldn't be either.

Why are people who are not from the Fox Clan in this sea area of ​​the Fox Clan?

And just when Xiang Zihong was about to speak, Yuchi, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, suddenly said to Hu Yiyi: "My lord saint, you are finally here, I am really very scared here alone. , now that you're here..."

"I can finally stop worrying."

While talking.

Yuchi also threw away the fishing rod in his hand, and then looked at Hu Yiyi with a very grateful look.

Hu Yiyi was stunned.

What's happening here?

I also wonder why this person said he is from the fox clan.

They are not from the fox clan at all.

Why do you say that?

Could it be that they are going to blame the fox clan?

Could it be.

Could it be that the other party is with this dragon and phoenix clan? Did he deliberately set a trap for her? !

But Hu Yiyi was very angry: "Senior Xiangzihong, we don't know this man at all. You can see that he doesn't have the characteristics of our fox clan at all. Under such circumstances, it is obvious that he is a member of our fox clan. It is deliberately making things difficult for us.”

"Senior, don't listen to him here."

Yuchi: "My lord saint, why don't you recognize me now? I am the one you asked to guard in this sea area. When you encounter this kind of problem now, are you going to abandon me?"

After Yuchi finished speaking, two fox ears appeared on his forehead, and at the same time, a fox tail appeared behind his tail.

Then he said to Xiang Zihong: "Senior, you see that I am a member of the fox clan at all."

Fox Yiyi: "..."

Yue Hanjiang: "..."

Xiangzihong: "..."

Fox clan guard: "..."

Everyone at the scene was stunned for an instant.

For Hu Yiyi, she couldn't make up her mind in an instant, how could this happen, but the other party seems to be from their fox clan, so how did he put the tail and ears away directly, why didn't I How to close the tail and ears? ?

For Yue Hanjiang, she felt that her master's performance was really lifelike. To be honest, if it wasn't because she already knew her master's plan, if it wasn't because Yuchi had already whispered about him in her ear. For the next few plans, she really believes that her master is a member of the fox clan. After all, with the furry tail and furry ears, she is completely a member of the fox clan...

Xiangzihong looked completely confused.

Is this man in front of him a member of the fox clan?

"At the beginning, I asked you if you were from the fox clan, and you said you were not, you were just a passerby, but when this saint came over, it was you who said you were not from the fox clan, so I believed you were not People from the Fox clan, but now you suddenly say that you are from the Fox clan, so are you from the Fox clan, and you look exactly like the Fox clan, what do you guys want to do?"

Xiang Zihong's eyes were staring, full of confusion.

What the hell is this?

Is there such a thing in this world?

Xiang Zihong said to Hu Yiyi: "I think you fox clan are playing tricks on our dragon and phoenix clan? How dare you play tricks on us like this? It seems that you really don't respect us, so in this case, don't Blame our dragon and phoenix clan for not showing affection!"

Hu Yiyi was so anxious to cry because of this situation.

She didn't even know whether Yuchi belonged to them or not.

Why can his tail be retracted?

Why can his ears be closed?

Why does he have two ears? ? !

"Who the hell are you?" Hu Yiyi almost fell into a kind of despair, and asked Yuchi quite bitterly.

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