The situation at the scene has fallen into a rather unique state.

On the other hand, Yuchi just jumped off the bow of the ship, stepped on the sea water and walked on the surface of the Ancient God Sea, walking towards Hu Yiyi step by step.

When he saw Hu Yiyi's extremely attractive figure and that almost top-notch figure, he threw himself into the other's arms as if his emotions had collapsed in an instant, and wept loudly.

And Hu Yiyi's tender body trembled for a while, and she looked at this strange man in her arms, half kneeling on the sea in disbelief.

"My lord, this matter really has nothing to do with me."

"I will always stand by our Fox Clan's side."

"This group of people came to the territory of our Fox Clan without knowing what to do. When they came up, they scolded me, beat me, and said that our Fox Clan is a piece of trash. Under such circumstances, I said that their Dragon and Phoenix Clan is nothing. , their Dragon and Phoenix Clan are like a group of ants in front of our Fox Clan."

Feeling the extremely warm but crazily beating heart on his face, Yuchi looked at Xiangzihong in the distance with a very regretful look.

"So I was very angry and said to them, I said they are nothing in front of our fox clan, I said they are like some dust in front of our fox clan."

"We Fox Clan usually don't care about the dust on the roadside at all."

"But these dusts really appeared in front of our fox clan and really hindered our life, so our fox clan can only kill these dust casually."

"That's it, they're still threatening me."

"My lord, you must decide for me."

"Otherwise they will really bully me, and if they bully me, they are bullying our fox clan."

"We must not be patient in this situation."

"Patience is useless, and peace cannot be achieved through negotiation. Peace is all achieved by relying on one's own fists to be right."

After Yuchi finished speaking, he scolded Xiangzihong fiercely: "Our fox clan is like this."

"What do you think of us?"

"What qualifications do you have to appear in such an ocean?"

"I'm going to give you a chance now, you get out of this place immediately, otherwise don't blame our fox clan for not being kind."

"in addition."

"My lord, I am one of my own."

on site.

After Yuchi finished speaking, there was a dead silence.

The crowd was stunned.

Really completely stunned.

No one can see clearly, what is going on with this matter?

As far as Hu Yiyi is concerned, her face is full of fever now, what is going on with the man in front of her, she doesn't know him at all, this is directly taking advantage of her, and she leans directly in her arms forcibly, never I have never seen such a shameless person.


My own innocence.


It's all ruined.

For the guards behind Hu Yiyi, they were even more confused by the scene in front of them.

First of all, the saint of their race was bullied by a stranger like this, and secondly, is this person a member of their race? To say such words directly in such a blatant manner is a kind of declaration of war with the other party directly. The feeling is inside!


"Who are you?"

"What exactly do you want?!" Hu Yiyi almost cried in Yuchi's ear.

The body fragrance on her body is even more unusually good.

If you want to put it at home, then don't burn any sandalwood at home, this smell is already enough and comfortable enough.

not bad.

More fragrant than flowers.

Softer than flowers.

But for Xiangzihong...

He was all laughed out of anger.

He felt like a fool.

"Okay, you guys are doing this in front of me, you really don't give us face!"

"Then let's tear our face apart!"

"We are very interested in this part of your fox clan. We originally planned to kill you all very easily, but since you have done this, don't blame us for being merciless. We It is to torture you thoroughly to death!"

His tone was quite serious.


He turned his head and looked at Yuchi and Hu Yiyi, who was completely at a loss, with a smirk, a scarlet energy appeared in his hand, and the target of this scarlet energy was Yuchi and Hu Yiyi.

Dog men and women.

Under such circumstances, are you still showing affection?

Really shameless.

I'm going to kill you guys.

Hu Yiyi was immediately frightened by this energy and took three or four steps back in a row, but unconsciously lay in Yuchi's arms, and was held in Yuchi's arms half up.

She was completely ignorant of the situation.

Because the strength of the opponent is really very strong.

The strength may have reached the realm of Taoism.

Under such circumstances, the other guards were very difficult to stand in front of Hu Yiyi and Yuchi. They could even feel that this wave of energy could completely destroy them.

"It's over."

"This time, I will be directly killed by this person."

"You bastard."

"I knew I shouldn't have worried about you." Hu Yiyi looked at Yuchi's face with great sadness.

My innocence.

my life.

my race.

All gone.

Who are you? Why did you come here like this to deliberately make things difficult for our fox family? Are you from the other side? !

Hu Yiyi has already resigned to her fate.

This level of fighting does not require any struggle at all.

Soon people will be gone.

The strength displayed by the opponent is absolutely terrifying.

With such terrifying strength, she, Hu Yiyi, couldn't stop her at all, and could only sigh with emotion at the end of her life, how unlucky a beauty has been since ancient times.

However, at the critical moment.

However, Hu Yiyi seemed to be possessed by a god, her body showed an uncontrollable state, and she left Yuchi's arms.

In her disbelief, she slowly stretched out her right hand. Even with this right hand, she could see the charming feeling, and there was red rouge on the slender and sharp nails.

Especially beautiful.


She felt an extremely mysterious force appearing in her palm.

This is a bunch of flames that suddenly appeared.

The color of this bunch of flames is quite special.

The innermost part of the flame is blue, with a faint blue light.

The very middle of the flame is white, a dark white death light.

The outermost part represents the sacred gold.

Hu Yiyi didn't know why.

Reflexively, she let the people in front of her get out of the way. After the other guards heard it, they got out of the way in confusion.

And the speed of such a ray of flame is very slow.

Even everyone present could already see this ray of flame floating towards them.


"What is this?" Hu Yiyi's delicate face was covered with tears.

She couldn't read it at all.

And this ray of flame slowly floated towards Xiangzihong under the eyes of everyone.

Xiangzihong suddenly felt his scalp explode.

This is a strength that he has no way to resist.

This saint is an expert! ! !

He slammed the power in his hand towards the flame!

However, when the strange scarlet energy in his hand touched the flame, he showed a look of fear!

Not only did it fail to completely destroy the flame, but it dissipated directly! ?


Xiangzihong suddenly found that his body seemed to be a little out of control. Why did golden flames appear on the surface of his arm?

Why is his body melting rapidly?

Even with this consciousness, it is collapsing at a rather terrifying speed.

"What is this?"

"my body……"


"What's wrong with my body?!"

Xiangzihong fell from the original arrogance to the bottom at a strange speed, and his whole body showed a hysterical ghost screaming sound.

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