Time stops temporarily.

The patriarch of the dragon and phoenix clan, this very powerful former director of the Tiandu Department, his eyes fell on Yuchi.



He seemed to feel it.

It really seems to feel it.

on the sea.

next to the fishing boat.

All the members of the Fox Clan are now in a state of great shock. The eyes watching their Dragon and Phoenix Clan die are so bewildered.

These people don't know the situation themselves.

"They are just like me, they don't know the situation, and in all the chaos, there is only one person who can maintain absolute calm, and this person is standing quietly next to the fox saint, He could not see any pity in his eyes, let alone any waves in his eyes, so all this was not done by the Fox Clan Saintess at all..."

"He made it."

"And he..."

"It turned out to be that senior!"



Clothes are worn out, shoes are not on, and his face is calm and slightly kind.

It's Yuchi.

That man who killed the lord of Sky City.

The patriarch of the Dragon and Phoenix clan couldn't even imagine why such an existence would appear in such a place. It was like a curse, the more people he didn't want to meet, the more he would meet them!

"Maybe this is the legendary retribution?"

Accompanied by the shock in his heart, which gradually turned into sorrow, this man was completely engulfed by this ghostly fire dance.

"This senior... he is really... really invincible!"

After everything is over, the entire sky has been restored to its original state.

None of the clouds in the sky were affected, but the 30-kilometer rock wool airship in the sky had disappeared without a trace.

It is even more impossible to see the traces of the battle just now around, and this bunch of flames also slowly disappeared until it dissipated under the sky.

The entire race is nearly 10 million people.

All die.

Without exception.

Hu Yiyi's guards looked up at the clear sky, they turned their heads slowly, looking at Hu Yiyi with fear and respect.

Is this the saint of their fox clan?

Is it so scary?

Even the dragon and phoenix clan can be completely wiped out. This is not just one or two people, but the entire area of ​​more than 30 kilometers has been completely destroyed. This is the destruction of others!

Genocide in the true sense.

As a result, after the others were destroyed, there was no trace of survival left behind.

All of this was like a bubble in the wind, and with the burst of the bubble, the only evidence that this bubble existed in the sky could no longer be found.

Fox Yiyi...

She looked at the situation in front of her blankly. As far as Hu Yiyi was concerned, she absolutely couldn't understand why this kind of three-color flame had such great power, and why this three-color flame would emerge from her palm Come, or what are these three-color flames.

Everything was full of great doubts, she just looked at her palm, and when the weather was calm, a word suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Am I really that powerful? Could it be that I have obtained the inheritance of our fox clan? Can I burst out such terrifying power at a critical moment?!"

Hu Yiyi was a little excited, but also a little unbelievable.

Yuchi looked at Hu Yiyi's current appearance.

His expression was quite indifferent.


Among the fox clan, the patriarch of the fox clan was very nervous.

The origin of the other party has been investigated clearly, and that is the dragon and phoenix clan.

The existence of the dragon and phoenix clan is very dangerous, and it is notorious itself. Although the patriarch of the fox clan does not communicate with outsiders in the eyes of his own fox clan, in fact, as a patriarch, if he really does not communicate with the outside world It is a very stupid behavior to communicate with people.

I don't know what happened outside, I don't know the situation outside.

So how could this make their own race safer, so the patriarch of the fox clan definitely knew about this notorious race.

Just now, he already felt that their fox clan was going to be in a danger that was rare in a thousand years.

You must know that although their fox clan has an ancestor with terrifying strength, this ancestor is not in their fox clan because of its own particularity.

To find this ancestor, it would take half a month just before and after the journey, so if they wanted to wait for their ancestor to come, it was already half a month later.

And within half a month, many very cruel things can be done.

Especially when facing the dragon and phoenix clan, the dragon and phoenix clan will definitely wipe out their fox clan directly. The opponent is such a race!

"If there is no way to deal with this matter, then we will be in big trouble."

"I don't know if the saintess can help this matter even a little bit."

"If you can delay the other party for half a month..."

"Or let the other party even come to our race to stay for half a month, this is no problem."

"But how can we survive this half a month? This is almost impossible."

Then, while the patriarch was very worried, he suddenly heard a very anxious shout coming from outside the door.

The shouting voice didn't know what it was talking about, but the whole tone was very excited, showing a kind of incoherent speech caused by excitement.

Then the head teacher of the fox clan walked in directly, he didn't care about the majesty of the head of the fox clan at all. The nervous man said: "Patriarch, I don't know what happened. The airship of the Longfeng clan in the distance has disappeared out of thin air!"

The patriarch was shocked: "Has it disappeared?!!!"

The other party: "Yes!!! It seems to be torn in half, but the overall situation is too far away, so we have no way to observe it clearly. We just know that this airship is like falling into the vortex of time and space. In the middle, it is completely gone now, and even the survival breath of all the people of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan can't be felt, they seem to have completely left this area."

After the patriarch heard it, he fell into a momentary confusion.

Then he immediately left from the side of the great elder, and rushed out of the door in an instant to the top of an observation tower of the fox clan!

The height of this observation tower is more than 600 meters in total. Standing on the top of the 600-meter-high observation tower, the patriarch of the fox clan looks at the sea in the distance!

There is no way to see the sky above the sea with the naked eye!

The distance between them is too far away.

But after spreading the breath, and feeling it in that direction, I didn't feel any breath of Dragon and Phoenix clansman!

That is to say, the Great Elder under his command turned out to be true, that is to say, the Dragon and Phoenix Clan has completely disappeared.

This, why?

This kind of thing is completely unexpected, and it completely deviates from the normal development direction of the situation.

The Great Elder is now standing next to the patriarch with great emotion, looking at the ocean in the distance: "It's just like what I just told you, everyone in the Dragon and Phoenix Clan has completely disappeared, and I don't know What happened in the distance, but no matter what, we seem to be safe at this stage, and it is because we live in the ancient sea of ​​gods and are blessed by the ancient sea of ​​gods!"

The patriarch nodded slowly after hearing this: "If this matter can really be resolved in the future, then we must pay homage to the ancient sea of ​​gods. This is really our sea of ​​gods, and it really is to protect our foxes. The mysterious ocean of the family for thousands of years."

Speaking of which.

He immediately asked the elder: "By the way, what's the situation with the saint? Can you feel the breath of the saint?"

The current distance is too far away, there is a special formation in the fox clan to sense it, and the patriarch himself is not strong enough to sense such a distant direction.

The Great Elder nodded seriously: "The saint is not in any danger, and now she has returned in the direction of our race."

After the patriarch listened.

He must ask Hu Yiyi carefully... what's going on in this distance!

Just why in the end!

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