In a rather gorgeous conference hall.

The conference hall was already filled with all kinds of great elders with very high status in the fox clan, including the patriarch of the fox clan of course.

But now everyone's eyes are on that very enchanting, charming, and charming girl. Of course, this girl is the fox Yiyi, the saintess of the fox clan.

Hu Yiyi just returned to the Fox Clan's city in the first three minutes, and before she could stand still, she was invited by the Fox Clan Elder and the Fox Clan Head who had been waiting for a long time to this meeting hall for questioning.

Now everyone can't wait.

Especially the patriarch of the Fox Clan, he directly asked a question: "Saint, what happened to the ocean in the distance? Why can't the Dragon and Phoenix Clan feel any breath at all now?"

After this question was asked, not only the patriarch of the fox clan, but also the other elders of the fox clan completely locked their eyes on Hu Yiyi's face instantly.

It was because they wanted to get even a little clue from Hu Yiyi, otherwise, they had been discussing this kind of news for a long time, and there was really no way to come to a definite result.

On the other hand, Hu Yiyi was trembling and unaware. She told all the seniors and elders of the Fox clan present here everything that happened just now.

The whole process lasted 5 minutes.

After Hu Yiyi fully told everyone about the 5-minute process, everyone at the scene showed a completely confused attitude.

You look at me, I look at you, there is a complete emptiness in everyone's eyes.

None of the elders of the fox clan had even the slightest bit of understanding in their eyes, and everyone was in that completely confused state.

It's really unimaginable.

Even under such circumstances, the scene turned out to be very dead silent.

Even if an embroidery needle is really dropped, the sound of the embroidery needle bouncing on the ground will be clearly heard by everyone.

for a long time.

for a long time.

The patriarch of the Fox Clan asked in a trembling voice: "So, my lord, are you alone to deal with so many enemies of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan?"

When the fox patriarch was speaking, his voice was not only trembling, but his legs were also trembling uncontrollably.

The appearance presented was very excited, and at the same time, one could clearly see the great shock and anxiety in this man's heart at this moment.

After asking this question, all the other elders of the fox clan looked at Hu Yiyi with trembling eyes.

Hu Yiyi is now in a state of complete entanglement.

On the one hand, she wanted to affirm the other party's answer directly, but on the other hand, she really didn't have a completely certain idea about this sudden strength.

She could only reluctantly say to everyone around her: "I'm not sure if this kind of exercise is my own strength, but it's obvious that this kind of exercise came out of my palm, and then accompanied by Following my will, they attacked the Dragon and Phoenix Clan together."

What Hu Yiyi said was also very factual.

She really didn't know what happened.

After the other clansmen heard it, they could only fall into a rather long silence.

When did the head of the Fox Clan speak again: "My lord, go back and rest here first, if there is anything else, I will continue to invite you to discuss it."

Hu Yiyi nodded quickly after hearing this.

She is also a little tired, and now she needs to go back and clean up her thoughts, her whole heart is in a mess.


In the luxurious conference hall, after Hu Yiyi left, these people finally couldn't hold back the turmoil in their hearts.

They started to speculate about this matter almost at the same time, and the entire conference hall was caught in a noise even louder than the vegetable market in a short period of time.

"This kind of thing is simply impossible to happen. We know the talent of the saintess. Although her talent is good, but compared with the saintesses of other big races, this talent is still not good enough. The way to achieve the best in the past and the present!"

"So under such circumstances, our lady saint should not have the strength to defeat the opponent. It is too mysterious to say such a thing."

"I think so too, what kind of existence does the Dragon and Phoenix Clan look like?"

"The opponent's prestige is known even to our Fox Clan. Under such circumstances, if it is said that the Dragon and Phoenix Clan was besieged by many races and finally wiped out by the group, I believe this, but I really want to say that the Dragon and Phoenix Clan met After the Saintess of our Fox Clan was killed directly by the Saintess of our Fox Clan, no normal person would believe that such a thing would happen to her!"

"There must be something we don't know, it must be like this."

"Otherwise, some gods in the ancient sea of ​​gods will protect our Fox Clan!"

"It is the gods in this ancient sea of ​​gods who temporarily gave his power to our lord saint!"

"Otherwise, there is really such a one-in-a-million probability that our Fox Clan has finally mastered another different manifestation of the Dao of Heaven."

Everyone at the scene has already fallen into a heated discussion.

What everyone wants to express is also very simple.

First, it is impossible for Hu Yiyi to have such a powerful strength. As the saintess of their fox clan, other races don't know, but they themselves are very clear that Hu Yiyi's talent is not that great. Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to kill so many people thoroughly without letting any of them escape?

Second, this kind of thing may have really happened, so if you want to find the reason for this, it is either because of the help of the gods of the ancient sea of ​​gods, or because the fox clan has some powerful monsters that you don't know about. strength.

These are the two things discussed.

However, after discussing for more than an hour, everyone was unable to make more constructive inferences on these two issues.

I really can't figure it out.

Completely incomprehensible.

A complete mess.


"Master, master, there are quite a lot of these delicious things from the fox clan."

Yue Hanjiang was sitting behind a dining table, and in front of her were piles of steamed stuffed buns, which had been wiped out.

And Yue Hanjiang bowed left and right.

Constantly pouring very fresh steamed buns directly into her mouth, her entire cheeks were bulging, and there was an uncontrollable joy in the process of speaking.

In the process of hemming and hawing, I was quite excited.

It's been a long time since I had such delicious food.

It has been a long time since I left the human city last time. Although Yue Hanjiang has entered the Daoyun realm now, he does not need to eat any additional food, that is, he has entered the regular bigu stage. But in this state, if you can have some delicious food to eat, you can't help but feel happy.

Yuchi held a cup of tea and drank it slowly, his eyes were quite gentle, looking at the girl sitting in front of him, he really grew up from childhood.

When I was young, I was able to help Yue Hanjiang take a bath, but now that I have grown up, I have grown to what I am today.

She is really a very affectionate and cute girl, plus she was tailor-made by Tiandao for Yuchi, so a lot of aesthetics are really based on Yuchi's aesthetics, especially eating this thing Look carefree.

From the perspective of a bystander, Yue Hanjiang was like hearing that he had given Yuchi an official daughter-in-law.

This is not the red line drawn between Yuelao at all.

Instead, Yuelao directly gave Yuchi the red thread, so that Yuchi held the other end of the red thread, and began to condense and match a girl who was most suitable for him.

It can only be said that everyone's preferences are different.

Yuchi smiled: "Eat slowly, and no one will grab you."

Yue Hanjiang stuffed the steamed stuffed buns into his mouth, and at the same time burst into tears: "This kind of food is really irresistible, these steamed buns from the fox clan are exactly the same as those from the human race, obviously they I still have some research on this delicacy!"


She also tore a little bit of the bun skin with her little hands, the bun skin was quite soft and fluffy, a snow-white bun, as she slowly tore it open, you could see a lot of delicious soup flowing down from the bun skin , and these soups are sucked into the mouth, and you can feel a very strong aroma in an instant.

Then stuff the bun into the small mouth in one gulp.

This doesn't require much chewing, and it can already be clearly felt that the whole person's mood has risen to a rather pleasant level.

And Yuehanjiang handed the bun to his master naively, and Yuchi waved his hand with a smile and said: "You eat, eat more, after we leave the fox clan, you may have some time to eat." There is no way to eat such a kind of food again."


Yue Hanjiang then gave Yuchi a very sweet smile.

Then start cooking.

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