"Has the matter been resolved?"

When Hu Guhai returned to the Fox Clan with the elders of the Fox Clan, no matter whether it was this Hu Guhai or the elder next to the Fox Clan, they were already in a state of confusion.

Hu Guhai was still worried that his personal belongings would be killed by the dragon and phoenix people, and he was thinking about how to take revenge on the dragon and phoenix people.

After all, Hu Guhai's own strength is already half-step Daoxin, and under such circumstances, it's just a matter of lifting a dragon and phoenix clan.

It turned out to be like this?

As a result, has the Dragon and Phoenix Clan been wiped out?

He didn't understand all kinds of things in his heart, but on the surface, Fox Guhai still showed the majesty and kindness that the ancestors of the fox clan would have. He said kindly: "Sure enough, God bless our fox clan."

"It's really great that you are fine, if you have any troubles, then the fox clan will only have me as a widowed old man, how can I survive in this very dangerous world as a widowed old man? "

After finishing speaking, Hu Guhai was still wiping away tears.

Other members of the Fox Clan, including the head of the Fox Clan, also felt emotional when they saw Fox Guhai's actions, one after another they were quite emotional.

Sure enough, my ancestors are very gentle. Sure enough, my ancestors still want them to have a fairly harmonious life. Sure enough, their ancestors are really their ancestors forever.

A group of people were crying together.

When Hu Guhai wiped away the tears beside the eyeball, he sighed a long time: "The situation is better now."

"Then I will stay in our Fox Clan for the next period of time. If anyone really comes over, then I will definitely protect our Fox Clan from the wind and rain."

"I will always stand in front of our fox family, and I will always regard all the little foxes of our fox family as my most beloved children. If there are no you, it is just me, and I am not I don't know how to live."

Others also nodded one after another.

They looked at each other with all kinds of emotions in their eyes.

"Old Ancestor, it's really great that you can stay temporarily!"

"Now as long as you stay in our race, our race is very, very safe!"

"Then we'll take care of you later."

Hu Guhai, a green old fox, said in a hypocritical manner: "Don't give me a break. I'm an old man and I've already reached this point. How can I need these things as proof? As long as you live a good life , as long as your living environment is good, then my side is already a great relief. So you go to your business, I will go to the Holy Maiden, ask about the situation at the time, and see if I can help Let's go here to answer the doubts in our hearts."

The other people couldn't see any hypocrisy on Hu Guhai's side, they really thought that Hu Guhai was always on their side.

After all, everyone is of the same clan. After all, Hu Guhai, as their ancestor, how could there be any ancestors who hoped that their descendants would be bad?

Then they respectfully sent the old fox away from the conference hall.

As for Hu Guhai, he came directly to the street. All the other fox clansmen on the street, no matter they were old or young, immediately knelt down when they saw Hu Guhai coming.

Even with a lot of children, they have already taken the initiative to kneel down to Hu Guhai's side.

Those who shouted in their mouths were all the ancestors, and they all showed all kinds of respect, and Fox Guhai kept waving at these tribesmen, constantly expressing that he would always stand by the Fox tribe, and constantly expressing his respect. If he is in the Fox Clan, there will be no danger.

Everyone also believed that the news of their ancestor's arrival quickly spread throughout the fox clan, and everyone was really moved.

"A bunch of stupid foxes!"

"I don't even know. After so many years of domestication, have they really regressed to where they are today?"

"There is no scheming at all, is this still our fox clan?"

"Sure enough, they are still a bunch of fools!"

"I treat them as simple animals and raise them, but they don't know anything about it!"

"A complete fool."

"Under such circumstances, wanting to achieve peace in the battlefield where thousands of races are fighting is really a hypocritical peace, and it's really a bunch of stupid pigs."

While scolding his clansmen, Hu Guhai smiled and praised the strength of his clansmen.

When his clan members were crying one by one, he, Hu Guhai, found Hu Yiyi.

Hu Yiyi immediately knelt down to respect Hu Guhai and kowtowed three times.

Fox Guhai smiled and indicated that there was absolutely no need to do so.

And in the following chats and communications, Hu Yiyi was really moved by 100,000 points when she saw her ancestors.

My ancestor was really a very, very gentle person.

Wait until the last chat is over.

Hu Guhai also roughly knew what happened half a month ago.

Judging from the introduction in Hu Yiyi's mouth.

Although she didn't know what happened at that time, Hu Yiyi released a very terrifying three-color flame, and then wiped out everyone.

Does Fox Guhai believe it?

He certainly didn't believe it.

Orally chatting casually with Hu Yiyi about some trivial things about the parents, but in his heart he sneered at the saint in front of him.

"She is such an existence, and she still wants to use that kind of exercise?"

"How could such a thing happen?"

"It's true that Heavenly Dao is something that can be changed at will. Is it really such a great thing to put some so-called willpower in front of Heavenly Dao?"

"Do you think you are the Son of Destiny? Do you think you can unscrupulously defeat an existence that is absolutely stronger than yourself?"

If it was Hu Yiyi who killed a person in the same realm, then Hu Guhai still believed it, after all, people still have some limits.

But the people Hu Yiyi killed were nearly 10 million people from the entire Dragon and Phoenix clan.

Especially the patriarch of the dragon and phoenix clan, can such an existence in the realm of the Dao species be killed by your Daoyun realm?


This probability is too low, too low, there must be something that Hu Yiyi didn't know at that time.

"Could it be the help of the heart of the ocean?" Such an idea appeared in Hu Guhai's mind.

Think for a while.

He felt that there was a possibility: "Maybe it is really the heart of the ocean that used some power to prevent the disappearance of the prey, and then killed the people of the dragon and phoenix clan. The probability is quite high, the only thing that needs to be considered is the heart of the ocean without wisdom, can he really recognize the relationship between the enemy and us?"

The specific situation is not clear.

"I'd better go to the Heart of the Ocean to check the situation and see if it's the help from the Heart of the Ocean."

"At the same time, I haven't received a reward for a while."

"Let's go and collect the spiritual liquid now. I think there should still be a drop or two of spiritual liquid that can help me."

Now let alone Hu Yiyi, let alone the entire Dragon and Phoenix clan, no one knew that their ancestor had the intention of persecuting them.

And Hu Guhai said to Hu Yiyi: "By the way, where are the two people you mentioned passing by by chance? I'll go and see."

After Hu Yiyi finished listening, she also respectfully said to her ancestors: "The two of them are traveling in the open sea now, so it shouldn't be hard to find them. I'll take you to find them."

Hu Guhai looked at Hu Yiyi kindly: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, junior."

Hu Yiyi hurriedly shook her head, deeply moved.

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