Hu Guhai's idea was very simple. If there were any accidents in the situation at that time, it was either because of the Heart of the Ocean, or because of these two uninvited guests. potential.

This is absolutely impossible, after all, the way of heaven is a very serious matter.

But when Hu Yiyi took Hu Guhai to see Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang, Hu Guhai was also completely relieved.

Although these two people don't know their origins or their races, it's just like what Hu Yiyi said, only the girl has the strength of the ninth grade of Daoyun, and the man has no strength at all. Fishing by the boat.

"Still fishing here, I really don't know that this ocean is the original ocean."

"What a stupid kind of person."

"Didn't he find that there is not even a trace of living creatures in this sea?"

"It's really a piece of trash."

Fox Guhai was naturally full of ridicule in his heart, especially when Yuchi saw that there was no hook or bait on Yuchi's fishing rod, there was really a kind of irony in his eyes:

"Pretentious, pretending to be a ghost."

"In fact, there is no cultivation base at all."

"Still making it seem like I'm great here, but since the two of them don't have much cultivation, there's no need to worry about the two of them who killed the Dragon and Phoenix before. The only explanation is the heart of the ocean. It seems that the heart of the ocean has been supported by me for so many years, has some compassion appeared? It's interesting."

That being the case.

Fox Guhai also took the initiative to say to Yuchi: "Our fox family very much welcomes you to come to the area of ​​Ancient God Sea to play. We can see that you are very safe now, so we can rest assured. In this case, I will Let me take you to a very famous scenic spot above our Ancient God Sea."

After Hu Yiyi heard what Hu Guhai said, she was a little surprised.

He never thought that his ancestors would be so benevolent that they would take strangers to see the holy land of their fox clan.

Yuchi: "What a bother."

Fox Guhai said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll take you to take a look, the two of you are so dangerous outside, if you encounter some magnificent scenery, if you don't go to see it, you will feel a sense of desperation , I also know from the description of the saint that you two do not pose any threat to our fox clan, so this is what we should do as the host."

So what follows is very interesting.

Because Hu Yiyi had some things to do, she went back to the Fox Clan first.

And Hu Guhai brought Yuchi and Han Jiang, three people standing on a boat, controlled by Hu Guhai, slowly drifting in one direction of the Ancient God Sea.

The speed of drifting is still quite fast.

And on the boat, Yuchi and Hu Guhai were also casually chatting about something.

The two of them spoke without saying a word, and by the time they finally arrived at the destination, two hours had passed.

The destination is a jungle of stone pillars covered with various stone pillars on the seabed.

These stone pillars grow out of the sea water hundreds of meters deep, pass through the sea water hundreds of meters deep and leave the sea surface for more than 200 meters. The huge stone pillars one after another are still very impressive.

The boat floated slowly in the forest of stone pillars like this.

Hu Guhai saw that the general trend had come to fruition, he suddenly changed from a rather kind old man to a rather vicious and cunning green fur fox, his whole face glowed with that kind of faint green light: " Do you two know the heart of the ocean?"

Yuchi looked at Hu Guhai's suddenly ferocious face, he pretended not to understand: "Senior, what is the heart of the ocean you're talking about?"

Fox Guhai introduced generously: "This place is the original ocean, a forbidden place for life. If you live in the original ocean, you will lose your life, and the lost vitality will be absorbed by the original ocean. The heart of the ocean inside will transform these vitality into something called Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid. Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid is a good thing, even if a mortal swallows a little bit of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid, it will be huge. Improve your talent to a certain extent."

"So in order to produce the heavenly spirit liquid, this ocean needs to devour life again and again."

After Hu Guhai finished speaking, he smiled terrifyingly towards Yuchi.

Yuchi generally understood:

"So the reason why the Fox Clan stays around this primordial ocean is because of your arrangement. You want the Fox Clan to be the victims of your heavenly spirit liquid, so the people of the Fox Clan don't even know that they have been killed. Their ancestors were sacrificed."

Hu Guhai, the green fox, nodded fiercely: "Smart, it seems that you are not completely a fool."

Yuchi smiled: "Because you tell us this kind of thing now, obviously we have fallen into an absolutely passive environment, that is, are you trying to kill us?"

Hu Guhai immediately shook his head: "No no no no no."

"How could I be willing to kill you directly?"

"Killing you is a very wasteful thing, I let you enter the heart of the ocean."

"Let you be killed by the power in the heart of the ocean, so that the heart of the ocean can produce more spiritual liquid for me."

"Thinking about it, I haven't done this kind of sacrifice for many years."

"But you are here, especially with the strength of one person, and the ninth grade of Dao Yun."

"It's really a pity that this is not regarded as a sacrifice."


"Goodbye, two dead men!"

The turbulent way of heaven is instilled in this stone forest.

An illusory door slowly opened, and while Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang were silent, countless very slender arms stretched out from this illusory door in an instant. These slender arms were like thin bamboo poles, pulling Controlling the entire ship, controlling the bodies of Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang.


Pull the two of them directly into it.

With the closing of the void gate.

Hu Guhai laughed heartily: "The two wastes dare to come to my back garden, they really don't know what to do, and they don't know how to live or die."

"Now you just wait to be killed."

In the early years, Hu Guhai was very good at using sacrifices, that is, the routine of offering sacrifices, but later on he realized that doing so was too dangerous and would easily cause panic, so Just let the people of the Fox Clan live peacefully next to the Ancient God Sea, that's all. If they live, grow old, get sick and die normally, then the hostages of the Fox Clan will not be able to say anything.

The stable output of Heavenly Dao spiritual liquid is the most important thing.

"Even if these two people have a good relationship with our fox family, but their disappearance and whereabouts are unknown, there will definitely not be too many people to ask."

"Now I will go back to the Fox Clan to stabilize the recent realm, and then I will come to get this heavenly spirit liquid."

"Isn't it beautiful?!"

Hu Guhai, an old fox, then laughed wildly and left the forest of stone pillars.

Obviously, Hu Guhai completely believed that Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang must die.

This is the heart of the ocean.

There are too many people who want to find the Heart of the Ocean, but after finding the Heart of the Ocean, let alone obtaining the Heart of the Ocean, it is already very difficult to escape from the Heart of the Ocean. Every person who escapes will be greatly damaged.

"Thinking about the city lord of the city of the sky, he also came to this original ocean back then, but obviously he was not qualified to touch the real heart of the ocean, and finally left in despair. I want to find out if the disaster star has been found."

Fox Guhai thought of something from a long time ago.

In fact.

He has very few clues about this world!

I usually leave this sea of ​​ancient gods to avoid suspicion!

He always finds a safe cave and cultivates slowly there.

Therefore, the old fox is completely unaware of the current whereabouts of the owner of Sky City, including some changes in the surrounding situation.

Of course, Hu Guhai is also quite confident. He thinks it's okay even if he knows this kind of thing. No one would dare to conflict with a half-hearted person like him!

Now he is just waiting to collect the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid, and at the same time wait for the day when he collects the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid, and then investigate the situation casually.

In the end, it was basically settled that it was the Heart of the Ocean who helped Hu Yiyi.


When all answers are ruled out, no matter how impossible the answer is, it is obviously true!

He was very happy.

Very refreshing.

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