As the patriarch of the fox clan, the middle-aged man of the fox clan still has some doubts. The more he thought about it, the more strange things happened that day.

You must know that the strength of the dragon and phoenix clan itself is really very, very strong, how could it be suddenly wiped out by their saintess?

So someone must be secretly helping this saint. As for who this person is, I really can't say clearly now.

a month ago.

The ancestor of the Fox Clan, Hu Guhai, has returned to the Fox Clan. Judging from Hu Guhai's description, Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang's own strength is very poor.

It is impossible for them to provide any positive help to this matter, but the patriarch of the fox clan always finds this matter very strange.

"The more I think about it, the more I feel that the middle-aged man is a bit strange."

"He said that he has no cultivation, but he can stand and walk on the sea."

"He just can make this little girl stay by his side very well."

"On the surface, this little girl seems to be his sister. In fact, this matter cannot be taken lightly."

The present situation is contradictory.

Hu Guhai said that Yuchi didn't have any strength, but Yuchi could walk on the sea, so there was a contradiction between the two that he couldn't let go of.

"So now I'd better go to Tiandusi and ask to see if there are any clues to these two people. If not, then everyone is happy. It's a reassurance for me. If there are, then definitely not A little thing."

Now the patriarch of the fox clan has come outside Tiandusi.

That's how he thinks about things.

Compared with the ancestors who have not been seen all year round, the patriarch of the fox clan is very concerned about his race. It is impossible for him to give up this kind of obviously contradictory matter so easily. He must find out the truth, but in order to prevent other people from feeling any worry, this matter is now Only he knows.

The head of the Tiandu Division is also an old friend of the fox clan chief. The two of them still have a good relationship in private, but this kind of good relationship is only based on the supremacy of money. Some treasures that come here every year, then the head of the Tiandu Division will not have a good relationship with the patriarch of such a race.

Now the director of the Tiandu Division is quite relaxed. Looking at the obviously worried old fox in front of him, his eyes are also very understated: "What is it, if you have something, just tell me , those of us who can help here will definitely help, don't worry, as you fox clan, you really don't want to interfere in this matter, then this world will not forcibly drag you into disputes among."

The director of the Tiandu Division obviously looked down on the fox patriarch.

Think that the patriarch of the fox clan is simply a waste.

It is really strong enough to lead a race to where it is today.

Are you still carrying your race behind your back to communicate with the head of their Tiandu Division?

After thinking about it, it was really a big joke, and it was all for the sake of money, otherwise no one would talk to such a fox patriarch.

And how could the patriarch of the fox clan not feel the malice on the other side?

But he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't feel it, and then told the director of Tiandu Division what happened in the past two months.

It didn't say anything about the dragon and phoenix clan, it just talked about Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang.

Originally, when the patriarch asked, he still felt that he was really worried too much.

It's really just for this kind of thing to trouble someone else's director of the Tiandu Division. You must know that this kind of thing is troublesome at will, so when you really want to ask the director of the Tiandu Division for help in the future, you will need to spend more money. Well, this opportunity should not be wasted on these two strangers. If there is no clue, then he will suffer a blood loss.

It can only be said that he was allowed to come here because of his own sense of responsibility.

It is precisely because my ancestors stay behind closed doors all year round, so they don't know what the situation in the world is like.

After hearing this, the director of Tiandu Division frowned instantly.

Originally, the whole person looked very relaxed.

Originally, the whole person looked at the patriarch of the fox clan with very contemptuous eyes, but after really hearing what the other party said...

He pondered for a moment, and couldn't help asking a question: "Is the other party not wearing shoes?"

"Does the other party look like your fox clan without ears and tail?"

"Does the other party give people a rather relaxed taste, and even the other party's hair and eyes are black?"


"Even if the other party is fishing in the sea!?"

The last question is quite critical.

And the patriarch of the fox clan was quite surprised when he heard it: "Master, how do you know this kind of thing? The other party gave me the feeling of being so relaxed, and the other party was sitting on the side of the boat fishing before. He There's a girl next to it."

After the director of Tiandu Division heard it.

He was silent for a moment.

Then he asked the head of the Fox Clan very nervously, "Did you have any confrontation with him?"

The patriarch of the Fox clan still couldn't understand the meaning of these words, he just shook his head immediately and said: "Probably not, we also received him before, and he just left."

The director of Tiandu Division immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang will not have other people, but considering that the fox clan did not offend each other, it is also easy. He sighed for a long time. Said in a tone: "Senior Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang."

The head of the Fox Clan: "Ah? Who is this?"

The director of Tiandu Division gave the fox a blank look, and looked at the patriarch of the fox clan with the eyes of a fool: "Senior Yuchi is someone you and I can't afford to offend. Earlier, the owner of Sky City was killed by him." If you are killed, your own strength... lies in your heart."

Dao Xin!


What kind of terrifying strength is this?

The patriarch of the fox clan gasped for a moment, and stood blankly outside a building, even feeling a little dizzy.

The head of the Tiandu Division roughly introduced Yuchi's situation to the head of the fox clan.

Wait till the end is finished.

The director of Tiandu Division also said angrily: "As the patriarch of a race, you don't know anything about this kind of thing, so I think you should feel a little dereliction of duty in it."

"This kind of big shot that everyone should know, you should keep it firmly in your heart."

"You are not another individual, you are representing a whole race."

"You don't even know this kind of thing. Fortunately, you didn't have a direct conflict with others this time!"

"Otherwise, if you have any intention of harming others, your entire race should be wiped out now."

After hearing this, the patriarch of the Fox Clan nodded his head hastily.

Afterwards, some heavy gifts were presented, and then he left quickly under the gaze of the director of the Tiandu Department.

"It's really an inexplicable fox family."

"I don't know how the fox clan became like this at all."

"Staying next to a small ocean that no one knows about, hiding my body there, and not wanting to fight with thousands of races in the outside world, just staying in that place every day, really has a feeling of resignation inside, this If it weren't for the fact that they gave me a lot of money, God knows when such a race would be wiped out suddenly."

The director of Tiandu Division complained a few words in his heart.

Weighing the treasure in his hand, he couldn't help but say again: "As for someone like Senior Yuchi, I never thought that I would meet someone from the Fox Clan."

"However, the fox clan is a neutral race anyway, and they didn't bother senior's fishing."

"Otherwise, judging from the aura shown by the seniors, the fox family may be in great danger."

The directors of Tiandu Division have a relatively clear understanding of Yuchi.

The main reason is that they can't understand what Yuchi's purpose is, especially why they didn't choose to directly become the city lord of Sky City after killing the city lord of Sky City?

You must know that if they killed the city lord of Sky City, they would definitely want to directly take Sky City as their own. At that time, the treasures provided by Sky City every year will definitely be harmful to their bodies. Very helpful.

"It can only be said that seniors are seniors."

"Anyway, for a senior of this level, as long as there are no mistakes on our side, others will not come to us. This is an existence that belongs to a different realm."

"If one day I can have the strength of senior Yuchi, or my mentality will be completely different from what it is now."

The director of Tiandu Division looked at the treasure in his hand lovingly.

Said quite emotionally.

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