On the way back to the Fox Clan, the patriarch of the Fox Clan forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, but the shock in his heart was simply out of control.

There were all kinds of shocked looks on his face.

"Damn damn damn damn!"

"The director of the Tiandu Division didn't even tell me this kind of thing, and said why I didn't know!"

"If he didn't tell me, how could I know such a thing!"

"I usually give him so much money, I hope they can take care of our fox family, but they just occasionally tell me some innocuous news, and they don't even tell me this kind of very important news. If he had told me, then I wouldn't have fallen into the situation I am in now, I was almost killed by them."

The patriarch of the fox clan is now a strong fear, a kind of fear in the full sense.

It's like passing by a demon, only to say hello to the demon in the end.

After thinking about it, it's good that the fox clan didn't make any drastic moves.

Otherwise, if the fox clan doesn't know how to live and die, and directly sends people to conflict with Yuchi, then the last thing will not be an ordinary danger.

It's no wonder that the people of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan were wiped out before, and it was because there was such a senior who provided help beside the saint.

"I'll just say why the saintesses of our fox clan were able to destroy the dragon and phoenix clan in that situation!"

"As for the flame, it must be the help provided by Senior Yuchi!"

"As for why the Dragon and Phoenix Clan was wiped out, it must have been because the Dragon and Phoenix Clan wanted to attack Senior Yuchi."

Now the patriarch of the fox clan has passed the introduction of the director of the Tiandu Division, which is also the most basic judgment of Yuchi's character.

In the eyes of the Director of the Tiandu Division, Yuchi is an existence who usually looks quite kind. If you take the initiative to go over to say hello, then others will definitely not treat you coldly.

But if you go to have a direct conflict with him, then judging from Yuchi's character, this is definitely going to fight you to the end, and there will be no room left.

"I finally understand why Senior Yuchi wants to use our Fox Clan Saintess to do such a thing, he is just to avoid trouble, to avoid our Fox Clan because he helped us solve the danger of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan, so as to go to all kinds of things." disrupt his daily life."

"All of this is finally clearing the clouds and mists to see the blue sky."

"It just so happens that the ancestor is also in our fox clan, so I'll go and ask the ancestor about where the senior is now."

"The strength of our ancestors should be quite strong, so if we tell our ancestors this news, then our ancestors may have a chance to reach a good friendship with senior Yuchi, if we can really become a good friend with such a master Friends, this is not only a great help to our fox clan, but also to the ancestors themselves. Maybe senior Yuchi can give some simple pointers, which may help the ancestors answer some long-standing doubts in their hearts! "

Really good news.

It's good news for the fox family in the full sense.

Being able to become friends with such a master is simply a pie that fell from the sky.

And when the patriarch of the fox clan was very excited to tell the saint the news.

Hu Yiyi's mood was exactly the same as that of the leader of the fox clan when he heard the news.

Such a charming and beautiful woman couldn't control her inner excitement at all.

The surprised look on display was almost like hearing a shocking news.

Hu Yiyi stood on the spot and tightly pinched the hem of her skirt, her fingers turned white unconsciously, and her whole person's eyes were incomparably dazed, looking towards the ocean next to her from time to time, and finally I couldn't help but say something: "I never thought that he would help us with all this. I always thought that he didn't have much strength. I used to think that it was because the strength of this man's younger sister is Daoyun Ninth Grade, that's why he was able to come here!"

"I never thought it would be such a big man!"

"Senior Yuchi's!?"

"The heart of the Dao...is it in the realm!?"

Dao Heart Realm.

This is a realm that everyone knows, but it is a realm that no one dares to think about. There are so many cultivators in the world that it can be said that they cannot be counted. With so many cultivators, every day Going forward to the Dao Heart realm one after another, in the end, there are only a handful of people who can really reach the Dao Heart realm, and if each of these people's names are mentioned, this is an invincible existence. It is the existence of the major races vying to win over and vying to show their favor.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a relationship with an existence in the Dao Heart Realm before. As a result, I directly believed that others had no strength at all. As a result, I kept guessing again and again what kind of method I should use. Only then can the blood in my body be activated, and this three-color flame can be used again."

"It turns out that the source of the flames is not me at all, but the help of this senior."

"I didn't expect that it was this senior who helped us destroy the attack of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan. I didn't expect that it was this senior who saved our Fox Clan from danger. All of this happened too fast and too much. Suddenly, how can people come back to their senses?"

Hu Yiyi stood there quietly, her whole body felt hot from the shock, her cheeks were hot and slightly reddish, and she was already in a state of great amazement.

And the patriarch of the fox clan also asked this fox Yiyi quite emotionally: "So where is this senior now?"

"I still have to roughly communicate with this senior."

"Although it is not necessary to bother the senior and invite the senior to come to our clan as a guest, we still want to express our gratitude to him for helping us."

That's the way things are.

Although Yuchi may not care about this kind of thing, but others don't, it doesn't mean that they don't need to do this, the basic gratitude still needs to be expressed.

Hu Yiyi shook her head in confusion, and when the head of the Fox Clan was also a little confused, she gave an explanation: "Senior Yuchi was fishing in the sea before, and the ancestors also took Senior Yuchi to our Fox Clan before. the Holy Land to watch."

"I haven't heard any news from Senior Yuchi in the next two months, or the ancestors know what the specific situation is."

The patriarch understood, so he immediately went to find their ancestors.

Hu Yiyi also understood the patriarch's thoughts at this time, she very decisively chose to go with the patriarch to find her ancestors.


Hu Guhai is not so relaxed now, just now he finally completed a summary of his recent practice.

Although his own strength still has a long way to go before completely breaking through the Dao Heart, it has to be said that this kind of progress is quite good.

After one's own strength has reached the limit of the Dao Seed, then you can try to absorb that Dao Heart in the Heart of the Ocean.

"Okay, now I can go to the heart of the ocean to find the heavenly liquid."

"Heavenly Spiritual Liquid should have accumulated a lot during this period of time."

"Looking at the Dao of Heaven based on past speculation, there should be two or three drops of spiritual liquid."

Then when Fox Guhai was going to go around the heart of the ocean to find the heavenly spirit liquid, the patriarch of the fox clan appeared in front of him, that is, such a middle-aged man, and next to the patriarch of the fox clan, But Hu Yiyi who looked at him, Hu Guhai, respected him a lot.

He was very puzzled.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Hu Guhai calmed down his inner disgust, and then raised his own doubts to these two people.

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