What exactly is the heavenly spirit liquid used for?

The answer given by Ge Fulan is very simple, that is, to help practitioners in the realm of Dao Heart to formally go to the realm of demigods.

"Demi god?"

Yuchi doesn't have a deep understanding of some things that go up the Dao Heart realm. After all, it hasn't been a long time since he broke through the Dao Heart realm. Now it's too early to talk about some further realms. .

Ge Fulan didn't deliberately mention a division of Dao Xin realm to Yuchi, but judging from the current situation.

One should be a demigod if one's Dao Xin realm goes up.

So what is a demigod?

Yuchi now feels more than once that Govlan is like an encyclopedia. There is nothing in this world that Govlan doesn't know, but for some reason, Govlan has some ideas of her own, so He would not tell Yuchi many things before the time came, and he did not know what kind of world this world in Govlan's eyes looked like.

Ge Fulan looked at Yuchi and said with a smile: "Demigod is a big realm above the realm of Dao Xin."

"People in the realm of Dao Xin want to increase their strength again, which is bound to continue to study and understand their own Dao Xin."

"And in this realm, you need to strengthen your Dao Heart through various natural materials and treasures, and condense your true Dao Heart Holy Artifact."

Before Yuchi's Dao Heart Realm, including now, he didn't have any weapons. The main reason was that weapons were too primitive for Yuchi.

It was a bit embarrassing to have such a primitive weapon in Yuchi's hands, like a person who clearly has the ability to call the wind and rain, but wants to fight with others at close range with a sword.

That's not a very decent thing to do.

Not to mention that Yuchi does not need to use any weapons at all, this is already a very cruel frontal blow through his perception and understanding of the way of heaven.

Therefore, for a long time, Yuchi either used techniques to fight, or confronted head-on with the holy weapon.

There is no such thing as using a weapon, but it seems that the Dao Heart Sacred Artifact is a different thing?

"The sacred weapon of the Dao Heart is the Dao Heart in your mind, and it is to directly call your Dao Heart into this world."

"Through the appearance of this sacred artifact of the heart, you can release the Dao Heart technique."

"The strength of the Dao Heart technique itself will be greatly increased. Doubling is a small increase, at least a tenfold increase."

Yuchi now has the black golden sun wheel, Ning and Yu in his mind, this is his Dao heart.

There is no way for Dao Xin to leave Yuchi's sea of ​​consciousness directly. The main reason is that Dao Xin itself is against the way of heaven. It seems to be a bit contrary to the name of Dao Xin. It's not heaven...

But humane.

It is a kind of summary and conclusion drawn from examining the Dao of Heaven from a self-perspective.

Therefore, if the black golden sun wheel only stayed in Yuchi's sea of ​​consciousness, then the 'Day of Heaven' would not have any concern for this kind of 'Human Way'.

But if Yuchi brings the black golden sun wheel from the sea of ​​consciousness to the heavenly realm...

Then the situation is instantly different.

Yuchi will be killed by the Dao of Heaven!

The reason is also very simple.

With an example, it is easier to understand this matter.

It's like Yuchi has a kitchen knife in his own home. If he only owns a kitchen knife in this home, then this society will not have an opinion on this matter.

After all, your kitchen knife is kept at home, and it doesn't seem to be a threat to this world.

But if Yuchi takes this kitchen knife and walks around on the street casually, and shows it in front of the whole society, then this society's tolerance for Yuchi will be directly reduced to 0, and it will be a trivial matter to be locked up directly afterwards. Well, it is about to suffer a fatal blow.

The same is true of the facts.

If Yuchi hid his own heart and didn't show it to Tiandao, then Tiandao wouldn't think that Yuchi had any intentions against his will.

But if Yuchi took out the Dao Heart of Humanity, then Tiandao would think that Yuchi wanted to rebel, and wanted to replace his Dao Heart of Heaven with his Dao Heart of Humanity. A kind of mind inside.

"Of course, Tiandao will not be so stingy and not objective."

"But this is a rule set by the Dao of Heaven itself."

"After all, everything is developed based on the way of heaven, so if your Yuchi's own way of humanity really develops into the way of heaven one day, then some existing things must not match your way of humanity. There will be a situation where there will be corpses everywhere."

In essence, it is because the way of humanity is biased towards selfishness, and the way of heaven is towards the macro.

"On the bright side, cultivators are always full of wisdom, and they can always find a way to break through under the current rules."

"On the downside, cultivators are always cunning, and there will always be such cases of exploiting loopholes."

Govlan smiled and said:

"Use the spirit liquid of the heavenly dao or other similar methods to wrap your own human dao heart, and then disguise the human dao heart as an individual, then you can bring the human dao heart into the heaven, which can directly Twisting the way of heaven to fight."

It will be simpler to use an example to describe it.

For example, there is a feud between Yuchi and another person. Both of them live in their own houses, and there is a very long distance between the houses.

Yuchi's humanity can be understood as a gun. This gun cannot be brought on the street, so under normal circumstances, this gun can only attack the opponent from a long distance, and the effect will be very good. Difference.

But if this gun is disguised as something that can be reasonably brought on the street, and then this gun is pointed directly at the other party's forehead.

Then the effect will be much better in an instant.

Although this example doesn't completely cover a practitioner's way of dealing with it, many things will have a feeling that they are always changing.

The fact is the same.

If Yuchi's Dao Heart is only placed in Yuchi's body, then firstly it is a layer of hindrance from the body, and secondly a layer of hindrance from the sea of ​​consciousness, so Yuchi's Dao Heart wants to release techniques by distorting the way of heaven, which is will appear inefficient.

But if the Dao Heart is directly taken out, then the Human Dao Heart can directly interfere with the Dao of Heaven, distort the Dao of Heaven, and then erupt with terrifying power.

"This is the Dao Heart Sacred Artifact." Ge Fulan felt that her explanation was already relatively straightforward, and if Yuchi was like this, she wouldn't be able to understand it.

Then you are a big pig.

Of course Yuchi can understand: "So I use the heavenly spirit liquid to disguise my own black gold sun wheel or Ninghe fish, and then use them as conventional weapons, then my Nether Fire Dance and Life and Death Ninghe will be It will have a huge increase, at least 10 times."

Govlan: "Smart!"

Yue Hanjiang: "Wow!"

Yuchi felt as if he had been insulted, but there was no proof.

Thinking about it, this is a manifestation of deceiving the way of heaven. It seems to be something outrageous. In fact, from the perspective of Yuchi now, the cultivator itself is a process of disobeying the way of heaven. All of this is just an emergency. There should be a slow solution.

Ge Fulan: "Of course, the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid itself is also good for strengthening the Dao Heart. After you take it, you should know the effect of the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid itself."

"And the heavenly spirit liquid is just like what I said, it is only effective for people in the realm of Taoism."

"So don't expect to give this kind of thing to your apprentice."

"Although I also know that you are very kind to your apprentice, it is obvious that you can only try to use this kind of thing after your apprentice has reached the realm of Dao Xin."

Yuchi understood.

He looked at the heavenly spirit liquid in his hand: "However, the quantity does not seem to be much, and it should be able to wipe out all of it with one mouthful."

Govlan: "???"

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