Govlan was very surprised that Yuchi could directly grasp the heart of the ocean in such a short period of time.

She also thought that her judgment on Yuchi should be a little conservative, obviously Yuchi's understanding of this kind of thing is quite terrifying.

But now when Yuchi disliked the small amount of heavenly spirit liquid, Govlan couldn't help jumping up, and slapped Yuchi on the shoulder hard. Fran said angrily:

"Heavenly Spiritual Liquid itself is a very precious existence, and under normal circumstances, it is only available in the primordial ocean."

"People in the normal Dao Heart realm, if they can get 10 drops, this is already quite surprising to them, but you have 1,000 drops in your hand! You still dislike the very small amount of this heavenly spirit liquid, what do you say? Wouldn't it be very annoying to see you doing this?!"

Ge Fulan also looked at Yuchi helplessly.

Did Yuchi know that the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid is such a cherished thing? So how did the heavenly spirit liquid itself come from?

And in Govlan's subsequent introduction, Yuchi also had the most basic judgment on the heavenly spirit liquid.

I don't know who mentioned this name of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid, but Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid has different names in the eyes of different people.

Some people say that the spirit liquid of Heavenly Dao is the tears of Heavenly Dao, which means that Heavenly Dao thinks that the heart of the sea is too pitiful, and that although the heart of the sea has a heart of Tao, it has no soul.

I think that the heart of the ocean is too lonely, so Tiandao is crying for the heart of the ocean, so there is a feeling of tears of heaven in it.

Some people also say that the spiritual liquid of the heavenly dao is the essence of life that is finally condensed out of the primordial ocean after absorbing so many lives.

Placed in the current Ancient God Sea, this is the heart of the ocean of the Ancient God Sea, which absorbed the life force of so many foxes, and then condensed these life forces into the life essence, which belongs to a kind of accompanying creature.

The spiritual liquid of heaven does not necessarily exist, nor does it necessarily prove the quality of the heart of the ocean, but it must prove the number of creatures around the heart of the ocean.

That is to say, if a heart of the ocean can produce a lot of heavenly spirit liquid, it means that there are many lifeless creatures around the heart of the ocean.

And Ge Fulan's answer to the judgment of this kind of heavenly spirit liquid is very simple: "Heavenly Dao spirit liquid is a kind of accompanying product after the heart of the ocean has killed so many people, but doesn't know how to use it."

"Of course, every person in the Dao Heart realm will also condense the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid, but after a normal cultivator condenses the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid in the subconscious, it will be absorbed by the sea of ​​consciousness. An essence of life that knows how to use it."

Yuchi is still willing to believe the statement given by Govlan.

And through this statement, it can be further judged that the heart of the ocean itself does not have any soul, otherwise, if the heart of the ocean itself has some subjective ideas, then these heavenly spirit fluids must have been absorbed by itself, which is completely unnecessary Leave it to others.

"Let's go out and talk about the specific things first."

"Now the original ocean has transformed into an ordinary ocean."

"However, because of its geographical location and its unique geographical environment, this ordinary ocean will once again become the original ocean in the next quite a long period of time, but the time for this change needs Very long."

Yuchi just nodded.

He was going to go out and use this Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid to see if there was any obvious insight or increase in his strength.


Fox Guhai has now come to the sky above the Ancient God Sea, and is now at the edge of this forest of stone pillars growing from the bottom of the sea.

"I really hope that guy died in the heart of the ocean. After all, the cruelty of the heart of the ocean is obvious to all!"

"But even if this guy didn't die in the heart of the ocean, I don't need to worry about it. After all, no one can directly absorb the heart of the ocean in just half a year. The Dao heart contained in itself."

"I'll just come over and take a look. Anyway, at most, there is no Heavenly Dao Spiritual Liquid."

"Is there any problem with this?"

This cunning old green-haired fox was standing on the sea, and following the cohesion of heaven, a small porcelain bowl appeared in front of him. This small porcelain bowl should be an ancient thing of this sect. , There is no way to take it away from this area, and then go to the bottom of this small porcelain bowl to look at it, and you can find that there is no heavenly liquid.

After Hu Guhai saw it, he also let out a long sigh: "Sure enough, there is still no way to condense any spirit liquid of heaven, which means that Yuchi and his apprentice have not been directly killed by the heart of the ocean. It's really disappointing."

Hu Guhai casually threw away the small porcelain bowl, and was about to go back to his cave and try to cultivate first.

See if you have the ability to break through the half-step dao heart, and some powers that can only be possessed by truly mastering the state of dao heart.

But just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. How do you feel that this small porcelain bowl did not dissipate under its own control, but dissipated on its own initiative? !

"What does it mean?"

Fox Guhai froze for a moment.

Then he tried to condense this small porcelain bowl, but no matter how hard he tried, the small porcelain bowl was no longer visible.

The whole person was a little dazed for a moment.

Greatly at a loss.

I can't quite understand why the heart of the ocean can't communicate now.

And wait until after standing in place for more than 10 seconds.

A very terrifying idea appeared in Hu Guhai's mind.

"Could it be that the heart of the ocean has already been absorbed by Yuchi!"

When this idea appeared, Hu Guhai's entire old fox hair stood up directly, obviously because he was quite frightened by his sudden idea.

Then he slapped himself on the face again, which deeply separated himself from this fear.

Then this is also constantly comforting myself, speaking to myself at an extremely fast speed, repeating it over and over again.

"Impossible! This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!"

"Even if Yuchi himself is already a person in the realm of the Dao Heart, it is quite difficult to absorb the Heart of the Ocean!"

"How could someone directly absorb the Heart of the Ocean in just half a year? This kind of thing has never happened before!"

"I am also a master of half-step Dao Xin!"

"At any rate, I have learned about some things about the heart of the ocean. No one has dared to say such things before!"

"It takes at least 10 years to absorb a heart of the ocean!"

"To absorb it in just half a year, can this Yuchi still be a god?"

"So this kind of thing is definitely impossible. It may be that there are some strange things in the heart of the ocean, so I can't call out this small porcelain bowl in a short time, but I don't have to worry about it. , I’ll just come back and try again after half a year.”


"It must be like this. Apart from this kind of guess, there is no other guess at all."


"It is absolutely impossible to have such a guess."

"I've never made a mistake in this kind of thing, I'm a half-hearted person!"

"I'm a person who has a very deep understanding of the Dao Mind Realm!"

"How could I make a mistake in this kind of thing, so I don't want to scare myself, I just do what I should do."

With Hu Guhai talking to himself, he became more and more convinced that he would never make a mistake in this matter.

And just when Hu Guhai was on the side of Didi Gugu.

He suddenly felt that there seemed to be someone behind him!

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