The sky is clear.

The shadow of the stone pillar fell on the calm sea, trembling slightly.

Hu Guhai's body trembled a little, and he screamed in his heart that it was impossible!

How is this possible.

Absolutely not Yuchi.


Absolutely not Yuchi.

It must be other masters who passed by this ocean by accident.


It must be so.

But I just came to this ancient sea of ​​gods for no more than an hour, and I stayed next to this stone pillar forest, which was only a minute or two, so in this minute or two, would I be killed? Did someone else find out?

Who is this person?

Hu Guhai turned his head slowly, and looked behind him with strong suspicion.

And when he saw Yuchi and Yue Hanjiang who were standing quietly behind him, his body was almost like a piece of stretched plasticine, disappearing in an instant on the sea, and a wave of feet suddenly rose on the sea. There are waves over a kilometer high.

On the edge of this wave, under Hu Guhai's extremely frightened eyeballs, he was fleeing crazily.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it."

"How could it be him?"

"How could it be his?"

Hu Guhai's heart was already distorted to the limit, and his mind was instantly filled with that kind of complete fear.

His current speed is already the limit of his half-step Dao Heart Realm, and he is fleeing towards the outside of the Ancient God Sea at a speed that is unimaginable in his life. Sure enough, before death comes, anyone will explode A potential that was unimaginable before.

And Hu Guhai really couldn't imagine why this kind of thing happened.

"This is simply impossible. How can a person absorb the heart of the ocean in such a short period of time?! Even if he is Yuchi himself, even if he is famous in Tiandusi!"

"Even the other directors of Tiandu Division are afraid of him!"

"But it's impossible for him to absorb the Heart of the Ocean in such a short period of time."

"Is this a devil?!"

Hu Guhai has no other thoughts at all now. This is because in the process of fleeing, a kind of marquee feeling has appeared in the consciousness of the whole person.

He felt that the flow of time around him seemed to be getting slower and slower, and he even felt that his heart was on the verge of stopping, until he didn't know when he stepped on a treetop, panting heavily.

Going to look at the fruit that appeared on the treetop in front of him, he couldn't help picking a fruit, putting it in his mouth, and biting it down.

As the delicious fruit entered his body, he also breathed a long sigh of relief: "It seems that Yuchi didn't catch up, and I finally escaped."

"It will be fine after you escape!"

"As long as I escape, I can return to my previous cave. No one will be able to find me in this cave. Then I can increase my own strength there. When I arrive After reaching the realm of Dao Heart, I must go to this guy to take revenge, he stole my heart of the ocean, he stole something that belongs to me."

Hateful eyes appeared on Hu Guhai's body. He ate the fruit viciously, and then turned his head to look in the direction where the Ancient God Sea was. He wanted to see if Yuchi on the other side of the Ancient God Sea was I really didn't chase after him, but suddenly found myself standing on a tree!

There are bright red fruits in front of him, but dead bodies are hanging on the treetops behind him!

I don't know what kind of animals these seas of consciousness are. The strange corpses on this tree almost cover the entire sky!

Hu Guhai suddenly fell into a severe confusion.

Completely confused.

where is this

Why would I be standing on a tree? Shouldn't I be fleeing in the sky? !

And when Hu Guhai looked towards the ground under his feet, he realized that he was standing on a tree without roots!

The giant tree just floated on the surface of a sea. Isn't this sea surface the Ancient God Sea?

Then why did a tree suddenly appear above the Ancient God Sea?

It doesn't make sense.

"What are these corpses? What is this tree?"

"Why is this tree full of fruit on one side and so much death on the other?"

"And why did this tree appear above the Ancient God Sea?"

"I still know the Ancient God Sea very well. Why have I never seen such a huge monster on the top of the Ancient God Sea before, so that standing on this tree merchant is like a giant standing on the ground ten thousand meters away? Like bugs on trees and treetops."

Hu Guhai was completely unable to understand now, and stood on the tree in a daze.

He has always felt that his strength is half-step Daoxin, and he has always felt that his strength is already invincible around him!

Not to mention the directors of the Tiandu Division, but other half-hearted people, when they saw him, they would nod and bow and call out to Senior Hu Guhai!

As a result, why did so many strange things happen today? Could it be that he is still in the cave, and is it just a dream now?

However, when he was at a loss, Hu Guhai suddenly felt something.

He turned around slowly, and he could even hear some rubbing sounds from his neck as it slowly turned.

The sound of these rubbing bones echoed in his mind, until the whole body turned completely and looked behind him.

Only then did he realize that Yuchi's cloaking body appeared in front of him!

Especially Yuchi's kind but indifferent eyes, which seem to be able to penetrate all the secrets of his fox Guhai.

What a huge statue of a god that blocks the sky and the sun, overlooking the ants that are born in this vast sentient beings!


Hu Guhai suddenly understood some very basic things: "It turns out that I have just escaped for such a long time, it turns out that I have just escaped for such a long distance, and in fact I was just writhing in the opponent's palm. It turns out that the opponent has already escaped." He bound me in such a tree with the techniques of his Dao Heart realm, and now I am as fragile as a speck of dust in his eyes..."

The scalp feels cold.

The whole body has been completely limp and collapsed on the treetops.

After a few seconds.

It dawned on him.

Sitting blankly on the treetop, I finally understood.

"So many of my previous actions fell into the eyes of senior Yuchi, all of which are nothing more than a joke."

"And he looked at me like he was looking at a clown."

"I am nothing in front of him."

"I can only bully those members of the Fox clan who don't know the truth."


"Is this the real expert?"

"Killing me is just a thought."

His mood fell to the bottom.


He looked at the bright red fruit, and then at the many corpses beside him.

Then the whole person seemed to be possessed, and he walked towards the direction of these corpses step by step, and a vine was thrown down from the very slender treetop.

Hu Guhai grabbed the vine with his hands, then completely lost his sanity, and hanged himself on the vine.

His body was completely absorbed by the big tree, and then became the most ordinary corpse, swaying slowly on the treetop with the sea breeze.

And Yuchi also saw this situation.

He casually scattered the peace of life and death in his hands, and when Yue Hanjiang didn't know what happened, he looked at the sky: "Is the world also a cage?"

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