After three days of sweetness, Yuchi took Yuehanjiang and left the human race again.

And Yu Shengyun and Elsania obviously received a lot of help, and now their entire cheeks are flushed, exuding an amazing beauty from the inside out.

In fact.

With Yuchi's help, the speed of the two people's cultivation is 10 times and a hundred times faster than usual. In terms of the current situation, the strength of the two people is still not enough.

Although the first rank of Dao Yun is placed in the whole world, this is already a rather remarkable strength, and it can already become the patriarch of a small race to a large extent.

But if you really want to say that following Yuchi to the dangerous place like the original ocean, this is really a kind of strength that can be said to die.

There is no backhand power at all.

Wan Teng Fireworks is now standing outside a room.

She walked back and forth in the corridor outside the room. She looked very noble in front of other people. After all, she already possessed the strength of SSS+, but the current Wanqi fireworks really look very Nervous and awkward.

After the door opened, she walked into the room with some embarrassment.

After seeing the two women in the room, she also said with strong hope and hope: "Seniors, I am here to disturb you, and my idea of ​​coming to you this time is very simple, and Can you accept me as an apprentice?"

Ever since Wan Teng Yanhuo heard Yu Shengyun talk about Yuchi's own strength, she couldn't recover for a long time.

She returned to her gymnasium, looked at the exercises she usually practiced, and then thought about the strength she was usually proud of.

This suddenly has a feeling of irony.

I never thought that the strength I am proud of would be so weak in the whole world, and even with such strength, once I leave the entire human race, once I leave the protection of the rules of the world, then it is really death. around.

So Wan Teng Fireworks wants to become stronger.

Yu Shengyun could instantly feel the other party's thoughts, she nodded with a smile and said: "If you want to increase your strength, then we can help you too."

"But there is no need to be your master at all. After all, the two of us have little knowledge of cultivation. The reason why we are stronger than yours now is not because we have more talents than you, but because we have more talents than you. Or the two of us have more efforts than you, in fact, the reason is very simple, mainly because our race has relatively more resources, so in this case, we can grow stronger than you."

What Yu Shengyun said was the truth. She was also thinking about a question recently, that is, if she herself was born in the human race, would she still have such strength under such circumstances?

The answer is definitely no.

After all, as far as the current human race is concerned, there is not much time for the human race to switch to martial arts, and everything has not yet become a system.

Not to mention that the human race itself wants to support itself, which is very simple, but if you need to support warriors and various cultivators...

Then the human race must not continue to curl up in such a corner.

Otherwise, many treasures in the world have nothing to do with the human race, so there is no way to be self-sufficient just by yourself.

Wan Teng Yanhuo was very moved after hearing this: "Then my side is really disturbing you two, I hope my side won't make you two feel any embarrassment, and you just need to Show me a path, and I will slowly explore this path."

Yu Shengyun looked at Elsania with a smile, and Elsania also smiled.

In fact, there is no need for this.

This kind of thing may be of great help in the eyes of Wanqi Yanhuo, but in the eyes of Elsania and Yu Shengyun, this matter is just a simple effort, and there will not be many great things. The difficult way of teaching is inside.

So in this case.

Wan Teng Yanhuo became the apprentice of Yu Shengyun and Elsania.

And when she was about to officially start practicing here, Wanqi Yanhuo finally couldn't help asking a question in her heart, and she said quite nervously: "Seniors, if I want to have and Yuchi The strength is the same as that of the senior, so judging from my current speed, how long should it take me to reach the current strength of Senior Yuchi?"

After Wan Cheng finished asking about fireworks, he was also very nervous.

Yu Shengyun did not directly answer the other party's question.

Instead, he returned the answer to this question directly to Wan Qiyan: "How long do you think it will take to catch up with him?"

have to say.

Yu Shengyun is really a very gentle and virtuous girl, becoming a wife is a very good choice.

Elsania also looked at Wanqi Fireworks curiously. She wanted to know how Wanqi Fireworks viewed this matter?

Wan Teng Yanhuo thought for a while, and then finally expressed a guess in his heart: "I think based on the current situation, under the guidance of the two masters, I should probably be able to die in about 1000 years." Can catch up with the current level of the predecessors."


She is nervous.

Elsania and Yu Shengyun smiled at each other.

This made Wanqi Yanhuo even more nervous, and his whole face turned a little blushing now.

Elsania then went on to say: "Actually, the thing is like this. We can give you a relatively straightforward plan list."

"Let's look at it from the perspective of a genius of a middle race. If a genius wants to reach the Daoyun realm from the ordinary mortal realm, it should take about a hundred years. After you reach the Daoyun realm, there are 9 kinds of Daoyun realms. different levels."

"After breaking through the realm of Dao Yun and entering the realm of Dao Seed, it takes at least a thousand years for a normal genius of the general race. This millennium usually has to be passed slowly. After all, only when there is enough time, can this Being able to have a basic understanding of the way of heaven. It is very difficult to be eager for quick success."

"After reaching the realm of the Dao Seed, if you want to reach the limit of the Dao Seed, that is, the level of the first grade of the Dao Seed, a normal genius should also need to spend more than a thousand years."

"As for wanting to break through to the Dao Heart realm..."

"This kind of time is uncertain. Basically, many, many people are trapped in the realm of Taoism, and there is no way to move forward."


Wan Cheng fireworks stood there dumbfounded, did it take such a long time?

She expected that Yuchi should be a very powerful person, but didn't she think that this kind of strength would require such a high price?

Think here.

Wan Teng Yanhuo immediately asked Yu Shengyun and Elsania in a rather unbelievable tone: "To tell you the truth, I have roughly investigated some things about seniors before, as far as our human race is concerned, Judging from his age, the senior is only a few dozen years younger now, and it is only in the last 20 or 30 years that he really started to practice, while the senior is already able to reach it in 20 or 30 years. Dao Heart Realm... It's a little hard to understand."

Yu Shengyun and Elsania listened.

They all laughed bitterly.

Then, when the fireworks were hard to understand.

If two people speak a word alone, they can already tell the whole thing.

Yu Shengyun: "There are many accidents in this world, and each kind of accident has infinite possibilities, and among these accidents, there will still be more accidents, and these accidents are more frightening than normal accidents. , and under normal circumstances, these accidents should not have happened, but when these accidents do happen, we will know how terrible it is."

Elsania: "He's not normal, or in human language."

Yu Shengyun and Elsania said in unison: "He is not human..."

Wan Teng Fireworks: "..."



turn out to be……

It turned out to be like this.


Isn't it human?

Yuchi, who was on his way towards the primordial ocean, sneezed a little, but didn't feel anything special, and then continued to move forward.

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