The journey to the primordial ocean this time is quite far away. According to Govlan's introduction, it should take more than three months.

This is a rush in the realm of Dao Xin. Although it is not a full-scale rush, three months is already quite a long time.

Now Yuchi in the sky has already landed on the ground with Yue Hanjiang.

This is a piece of wilderness. In the wilderness, there is a small wooden house left by an unknown race. The small wooden house is open, and now they can take a short rest.

Yue Hanjiang was like a little butterfly, chasing some small animals in the wilderness outside, while Yuchi was sitting on the worn-out stool in front of the cabin, holding the gift that Gu Heshen gave him before. The box containing the shards of the moon.

After opening the box, you can see the real appearance of the confinement fragments.

The Moon Fragment is like a crystallized fang. The length of the entire fang is roughly equivalent to the length of a normal human’s little finger. The entire fang looks transparent, and the tip of the fang is abnormally sharp. If you feel it with your fingers, it is already a piercing pain.

"Yuchi, you shouldn't be angry if I don't tell you something directly." Govlan appeared next to Yuchi, and she obviously had a rather unpleasant feeling in her current mood, as if Very displeased with what Gu Yushen and Gu Changheng said before.


Yuchi looked at the piece of the moon in his hand: "Just like what I planned before, I have not intentionally investigated these things, whether they are true or not, I will wait for these things in the future. Everyone will know by themselves, so in this situation, I don't care whether what Gu Yushen said is true or not, and I don't care if there are any other Moon Gods on this planet."

"The only thing I care about now is how to improve my strength, how to prepare, and go further and further in the long road ahead."

Govlan was overjoyed when she heard it.

She rarely showed the posture of a little woman.

This is also slightly bending the knees, squatting next to Yuchi like a child, looking at the man's side face from bottom to top, and when Yuchi is also looking at her curiously, Govlan is so generous He showed an astonishing smile: "I knew you shouldn't be interested in these things. What's the use of knowing these rather annoying things?"

"Anyway, we should do what we should do, otherwise, if anyone knows the real truth behind this world, this world will really move forward normally, and the current world will not become So bad."

"So if you know it, you know it, but you really know whether to do it or not, or whether you have learned any lessons. These are completely irrelevant things, so I won't tell you these things now, this is also for your sake. , I don’t want to interfere with some of your own thoughts because of some of my own opinions. I also believe that you will definitely see your own world in the future, and I don’t want me to tell you some of my prejudices about this world. , is to mislead the younger generation."

That's what Govlan thinks.

Of course she knows that there are many, many secrets in this world, and of course these secrets have been settled in her heart for a long time.

If Govlan wants to speak out, then she can definitely talk to Yuchi non-stop for three days and three nights, but doing so has no meaning in itself, after all, this is her understanding of the world, and Yuchi has never I have never had any unique feelings about this world.

Then why not just give this opportunity to Yuchi himself, and let him know it slowly.

Only at some relatively critical times would Govlan tell him some news that would not interfere with Yuchi's thoughts too much.


"This time, if it wasn't because the Knights of the Round Table are too annoying, I won't interfere with your choice!"

"Perhaps you are now mixed with the Knights of the Round Table."

After Govlan finished speaking, this also looked at Yuchi apologetically with folded hands.

When Yuchi showed a kind and frank smile, Ge Fulan looked at the distant sky openly: "And this time we are going to get the original ocean, which is much more dangerous than the ancient sea of ​​gods before. The Ancient Divine Sea is also a rare primordial ocean in this world that is not known to a few people, and I also hope that you can find some treasures of your own through this trip, and these treasures are gradually becoming more precious now."

"Of course, you must pay attention."

"Going to the primordial ocean this time is much more dangerous than before, and maybe there will be demigods."

Demi god!

A demigod is actually the peak of the Dao Heart state that can be reached, that is, a person in the Dao Heart state can take out his Dao Heart from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then use his Dao Heart to assist Dao Heart techniques in fighting.

Of course.

Half-God is like Half-Step Daoxin, which is a relatively confusing title in essence.

The realm of the Dao Heart is the realm of the Dao Heart, even if you have reached a peak without breaking through the Dao Heart state, this is the Dao Heart.

Why did the demigod say that?

Either it is God or it is not God.

The same is true for the Dao Seed Realm, either you have mastered the Dao Heart, or you have not mastered the Dao Heart, and the half-step Dao Heart is just a self-comforting term.

"As for this fragment of the moon, I think you can still absorb it."

"Although I am biased against the Knights of the Round Table, the Moon Fragment is also a key thing for you now."

"Combined with the Heavenly Dao Spirit Liquid, it can help you stabilize your Dao Heart."

"However, if you want to reach the demigod realm, it is definitely countless times more difficult than other people, but once you reach the demigod level, you are afraid that you will be the most terrifying demigod!"

The reason is also very simple.

Not everyone is qualified to absorb the second Dao Heart.

Under the normal state, the stability of one dao heart is enough to toss, and now there is a second dao heart in Yuchi's body. From a macroscopic point of view, Yuchi's Dao Heart is composed of two Dao Hearts, one is the main one and the other is the auxiliary one.

There can be no such thing as strengthening one without strengthening the other.

"So you are in the next primordial ocean, you need to do everything possible to find more heavenly spirit liquid, or find more treasures to accumulate your wealth. This is a very important process, which is similar to Dao Xin was different before."


"Also, if you have time, you can take a look at your own attributes. I have rewritten the attributes according to your own preferences. I hope this will give you a clearer understanding of your own strength. Then you can pass this You can judge the approximate level of other people’s strength, this is everything I can help you do at this stage, I hope you will like it.”

"And you can't do anything to me if you don't like it, you can only be forced to like the outline I drew for you."

"Haha, then I'll go back and think about my own affairs. Take a look here, and then, while this silly boy Hanjiang is chasing butterflies, you should also absorb the heavenly liquid and the fragments of the moon."

After Govlan finished speaking, this also crouched in front of Yuchi, and disappeared with a smile on her face.

And Yuchi also felt the coldness of the moon fragment in his hand, thinking of a woman like Ge Fulan, this is really special.

"Did Govlan really come from the sea of ​​time and space?"

"Then where is this sea of ​​time and space?"

"Would it be possible for me to really wait until one day I can cross time and space, and I can really go to the end of time and space to see what changes will happen in this world?"


Yuchi smiled and shook his head.

He hadn't seen him for a long time to see his current strength.

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