【Name: Yuchi】

【Demigod: 0%】

[Tao Heart (Master): Death War]

[Tao Heart Sacred Artifact: Black Gold Sun Wheel]

[Death Fighting Method: Nether Fire Dance (Three Heavens)]

[Tao Heart (auxiliary): Ning He]

[Sacred Artifact of Dao Heart: Ning He Yu]

[Ninghe Taoism: Life and Death Ninghe (Two Heavens)]

[Treasure: Heavenly Spiritual Liquid * 1000 drops, Moon Fragment * 1. 】

After Yuchi saw his current strength, he also fell into some confusion for a short time. In the past, Govlan added physique, strength and speed to his judgment, but judging from the current situation, Govlan The physical strength and speed have already disappeared directly.

But this is also understandable. Now that he has reached the point where he is today, the help that pure physique, strength and speed can do is really too little.

After reaching the realm of Dao Heart, what everyone is fighting for is the tenacity of Dao Seed.

What is fighting is the strength of its own Taoism.

The fight is whether he has the ability to take the Dao Heart out of the body, that is, whether he is a demigod.

So the physical strength and speed can be directly hidden.

This attribute is slightly used when children fight. In ultra-high-scale battles, others will directly erase the meaning of life from your existence. Fighting at this level does not care about you at all. How strong is his own physical strength?

"This is already an era when we fight each other's Taoism and throw away our skills." Yuchi also had a wry smile on his face.

He has also reached this level step by step.

Look back at yourself back then.

It's really a little green.

Then come and see bit by bit.

【Demigod: 0%】

This refers to a progress bar for Yuchi to reach the demigod realm. Of course, this progress bar was established by Govlan to help Yuchi have a basic understanding. In fact, whether there is such a progress bar or not does not affect Yuchi. Is it possible to break through to the demigod realm?

But after having it, there will be an intuitive data representation.

It seems that Govlan also has a very deep understanding of Yuchi's memory. After all, Govlan also dragged Yuchi's soul out of the sea of ​​time and space back then.

[Tao Heart (Master): Death War]

[Tao Heart Sacred Artifact: Black Gold Sun Wheel]

[Death Fighting Method: Nether Fire Dance (Three Heavens)]

Look at these three items separately.

They respectively refer to Yuchi's main Dao Heart or the Deathly Fighting Dao Heart.

The holy artifact is the black sun with golden edges inside Yuchi's head.

As for the death-fighting Taoism and Nether Fire Dance, it was revealed from Zhan Dao's heart.

The third heaven represents the realm of Netherworld Fire Dance itself.

Right now it's triple heaven.

The highest is the Nine Heavens.

One day is the lowest.

[Tao Heart (auxiliary): Ning He]

[Sacred Artifact of Dao Heart: Ning He Yu]

[Ninghe Taoism: Life and Death Ninghe (Two Heavens)]

These three items are exactly the same as the above three items.

Yuchi's auxiliary Dao Xin is Ning He, and the sacred weapon of Dao Xin is Ning He Yu, and what is understood from Ning He Yu is the peace of life and death.

It's just that compared to the third heaven of Nether Fire Dance, Life and Death Ninghe is after all an auxiliary Dao Heart, and now it's only a second heaven.

The realm of the Dao Heart is the competition between the Dao Heart Sacred Artifact and the Dao Law.

Is it possible to take out the Dao Heart Sacred Artifact from the body? Does it have a very high level of Taoism? This is the whole of the realm of Dao Xin.

And the simpler something is, the more cruel it is.

However, for those who have just entered a new realm of cultivation, the Dao Xin techniques they master are generally only first-level.

Yuchi's ability to have the Netherworld Fire Dance of the third heaven is already quite impressive, coupled with the peace of life and death of the second heaven, the actual combat power is still quite impressive.

[Treasure: Heavenly Spiritual Liquid * 1000 drops, Moon Fragment * 1. 】

When Yuchi saw this kind of item appeared, he could already imagine that he would need to find all kinds of treasures that would help him in the future. On the surface, Ge Fulan is a very arrogant girl, but in reality Still very careful and gentle.

This is already a list of all the treasures that Yuchi currently owns in different categories, so that he can have a fairly intuitive understanding of some of his property, otherwise after a long time on his side, it is really not very clear. May remember everything.

"Yes, considering that it hasn't been long since I broke through the Dao Heart, it's pretty good that I can have such strength now. The time is right now, so I will refine the moon fragments a little bit, and look at the moon fragments After being refined, can it help me increase the strength of my Dao Heart, that is, can it help me get closer to the realm where the demigod is?"

Yuchi looked at Yue Hanjiang not far away who was still chasing butterflies and smiling, and this was also a knowing smile.

Yue Hanjiang has been by her side for a long time, and she really watched step by step the baby who was just an infant back then, until now she has grown so big.

It really deserves to be a disaster star.

The growth rate is also quite amazing.

The whole is also quite sensitive to the surroundings, so that if the current Yue Hanjiang is placed in the human race, no one will believe that Yue Hanjiang is just a child of a few years old, and his own strength has recently reached Dao Yun Qipin.

Now Yue Hanjiang is wearing a dress bought from the human race, and he also chose a set of white stockings quite appropriately.

The light blue dress, paired with some seemingly complicated flowers on the white silk stockings dress, at this time, Yue Hanjiang is like a lively elf against the green leaves.

Quite a disaster star.

"Of course, the title of disaster star does not have any derogatory meaning now, it is simply stating a fact."

"It doesn't matter if you call it a catastrophe, or a savior, or a punisher."

"Essentially she is what she is."

While Yuchi was thinking, Yue Hanjiang stood among the flowers and waved at Yuchi, holding a butterfly with very big wings in his hand. This butterfly looks so ugly...

Both wings are full of stripes, and a pair of eyeballs as big as frog's eyeballs can be seen.

But Yue Hanjiang thought it was very cute, holding the butterfly in both hands and looking at his master as if asking for credit.

Yuchi smiled and nodded.

Yue Hanjiang usually has very little time to play around.

Now there is no one here, just enough for her to relax. After all, even if she is a catastrophe, sometimes she needs to breathe a little bit of relief.

This is the beginning of refining!

Yuchi began to try to use his own way of heaven to fuse into the fragments of the moon, and when his own way of heaven just touched the fragments of the moon, he was able to keenly sense a quite friendly energy coming from him.

It's like tentatively stretching out your palm towards a bottomless abyss.

At the beginning, I couldn't understand whether there were any monsters and ghosts in this bottomless abyss.

But as he stretched his entire arm into this dark cave, he could feel a very, very warm water flowing through his whole body.

What Yuchi has to do now is also very simple to say, that is, to use his own arm to absorb this very, very warm water flow.

Of course, how can this arm drink water?

This requires finding other ways.

This is the most difficult part of refining the fragments of the moon, that is, to analyze from the heart. Only when you understand from the heart what is the way of heaven contained in the fragments of the moon, can you help your own Dao heart to increase. The degree of strength and toughness can help one's dao heart leave the body one day, so that the dao heart can truly be displayed under this heaven.

Parsing is the beginning.

The refining process is quite slow.

At the beginning, Yuchi couldn't understand how this could be done.

But with his Dao Heart of Death War and Ning He Dao Heart running together, all of this is as clear as seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

Ge Fulan felt that Yuchi would soon begin to absorb the fragments of the moon.

She also smiled: "That's why I want to find Ninghe for you."

"With the auxiliary Dao heart, your Dao heart will not be alone."

"And I don't want you to be alone."

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