No one thought that Yuchi would actually take out his Dao heart.

And the moment Yuchi took out Ning Heyu, the world suddenly underwent an extremely terrifying change.

Originally, the weather around this big river was pretty good, so Yuchi also chose a pretty good place.

But now, at the moment when Yuchi's Dao Heart appeared, the situation in the sky changed, and in just one second, the sky gathered a lot of dark clouds. These dark clouds gathered together, and finally condensed into a picture Quite dignified face! ! !

The height of this face must be as high as ten thousand zhang, and the eye sockets of this face have a pair of rather ruthless eyes.

It's truly ruthless.

Holding a knife and killing him with no expression on his face, the other person's performance cannot be called ruthless, at most it can only be said that he doesn't feel deeply.

True ruthlessness is looking at the dead.

Put it among the human race.

This is the look of a normal human race suddenly looking at the stones on the side of the road, and then accidentally seeing the look of the asphalt ground under their feet.

This is a natural barrier.

A kind of psychology that naturally has no way to generate empathy.

Now that Yuchi took out his Dao heart, Ning and Yu hadn't fully hatched yet, and when it was shown in front of the real Tiandao, Tiandao immediately noticed the difference between Ning and Yu, this is because there is another way of thinking To challenge the existing rules!

The way of heaven is going to destroy this heart.

Of course, Yuchi's idea is also quite simple and pure.

Under such circumstances, in a normal battle, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of the two old devils in the Dao Heart Realm in front of him.

This is absolutely impossible.

Since the other party has the courage to come to him, since they can unite together, and since they can become a person in the realm of Dao Xin, this is definitely not an ordinary person.

And Yuchi has only entered the realm of Dao Xin for a few years now, no matter how much faith he uses, it is impossible to defeat the opponent!

So in this case, why not just take out your own Dao Heart, and while Tian Dao has not had time to destroy your Dao Heart, go all out to use this terrifying amplification ability, and kill the opponent the moment he has not reacted. Kill the opponent in seconds.

Wei Guyan and Fudai were completely in shock.

They didn't expect this to happen at all, and they really didn't expect it.

Taking out one's Dao heart is like taking out one's heart. It is absolutely impossible to attack the enemy while taking out the heart.

You must know that Yuchi has definitely not reached the demigod realm, so once this Dao heart is taken out, there must be no way to attack it.

Yuchi already understood the faces of the two people in the storm in front of him: "I have two Dao Hearts."

A bright smile appeared in the eyes of the two people in front of them, and the eyeballs of the two people instantly widened.

Does anyone really have two Dao Hearts?


It is also extremely difficult for people in the realm of Dao Xin to absorb and comprehend Dao Xin, just like people with half-step Dao Xin will never be able to understand things in the realm of Dao Xin!

It is also very difficult for people in the Dao Heart realm to directly absorb the Heart of the Ocean, so as to obtain the second Dao Heart!

Only when one has truly reached the realm of a demigod can there be a little bit of hope.

However, Yuchi is obviously different.

He is the soul chosen by Govlan in the sea of ​​time and space, a lonely and wandering soul, obviously has its special meaning.

However, it is impossible for Wei Guyan and Fudai to take out the Dao heart in their bodies at this time.

This kind of thing is not something that bites the tip of the tongue at a critical moment, then stimulates the physical strength of the body, and finally loses a fight to the death.

It's like digging out one's own heart before the battle. After the only heart is dug out, how can you fight the opponent.

Wei Guyan and Fudai have already demonstrated their most powerful abilities in their lives, and their Dao Xin techniques have completely appeared!

Suddenly, a scimitar hanging upside down appeared in the sky, and an equally ferocious thousand-legged centipede appeared.

Dao heart is Dao heart, Dao heart sacred weapon is Dao heart sacred weapon, Dao heart technique is Dao heart technique.

The same Dao Xin can produce different Dao Xin techniques, which is the different attitude of each person towards Dao Xin.

Obviously, the Dao Hearts of the two people in front of them are fighting, surrendering, and fighting in harmony.

Not a fight to the death.

In normal times, these two rather brutal techniques could kill Yuchi completely in a short period of time.

However, Yuchi had already taken out his own Ning and Yu.

Yuchi showed himself in front of Tiandao for the first time, he raised his head and silently looked at the holy elephant's face in the sky, that feeling of being like an ant emerged again.

However, this time he also smiled lightly.

While the reigning Gu Yan and Fu Dai were instantly trapped in the Ninghe Tree of Life and Death, Yu Chi leisurely said to himself:

"I'm not what I was back then, so what if you are the way of heaven? You and I are just of the same origin. Although you come from ancient times, the blood in my body is the same as yours. You don't need to be proud in front of me. We are all It’s just different seeds on the ancient ears of rice.”

Yuchi obviously has really seen through this world.

People are also good.

Even ants.

Stones are fine too.

All things are of the same origin.

It all comes from the evolution of this world when the chaos first opened. When it comes to the limit and looking at the generation of the ancestors, the ancestors may still be the same thing.

What flows in the body is the same essence!

Therefore, people never need to be so humble, never need to regard themselves as ants, and should go to see the most magnificent things in this world.

The most original things flowing in my body are no different from the magnificent scenery in this world. Who is born out of the chaos of the universe at the beginning.

If they really wanted to fight, who would humble themselves from the depths of their souls? !

Wei Guyan and Fudai's techniques are useless at all under Yuchi's approach.

Their techniques are howling ghosts and wolves in the sky.

Their people were even more trapped in the peace of life and death, and two vines had already fallen from the treetops.

They were completely out of control, but they were so frightened that they walked towards the vines with tears streaming down their faces.

They absolutely never imagined that someone could master the second Dao Heart in the realm of Dao Heart.

Dao Xin is definitely not so easy to master, and the Heart of the Ocean is not so easy to understand!

Otherwise, why are so many people flocking to the disaster star, otherwise why the appearance of the disaster star would make two people in the Dao Heart realm so cruel.

It turned out to be fairly simple.

In extreme shock, Wei Guyan and Fudai personally sent themselves to the vine covered with various corpses, and hanged themselves on the treetop of the vine.

They don't even have the right to escape.

This means that Yuchi has already put his Dao Xin sacred artifact in front of the Dao of Heaven before his own sacred artifact is ready.

So much so that the skill strength that erupted is simply against the sky!

Under heaven and earth.

A towering tree without roots stands here.

The big tree welcomes the lightning, all kinds of lightning, under the coercion of heaven, at the same time that Ning He killed Wei Guyan and Fudai, Ning and Yu in Yuchi's hands showed signs of falling apart, painful The faceless fish struggled in Yuchi's palm, making a sound similar to a baby crying.

Tiandao doesn't need to use a single soldier, just the gaze of these eyes is enough to make the unformed Ning Heyu die without a place to bury him.

Yuchi would not be attacked at all, only Ning and Yu were injured.

Ning Heyu's head was already split open.

From Ning Heyu's head, you can see all kinds of vines growing inside, and you can also see all kinds of endless nature in the vines.

At this time, Yuchi absolutely has no chance to bring Ning Heyu back into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ning Heyu has already been locked by the Dao of Heaven.

I can only let it be destroyed, I can only struggle like a helpless child in his palm.

But Yuchi spoke.

He stared at the sky: "I don't blame you for destroying my Dao Heart now, and I hope that when I destroy you in the future, you don't blame me either."

Say it.

An extremely ferocious look appeared in Yuchi's eyeballs.

The fragmented peace of life and death swelled up again, soaring into the sky.

Bells of hope and bells of death echoed through the trees.

Ninghe of life and death is going to swallow this heavenly law! ! !

This is Yuchi's own 'Qi', and what is innate, innate is the creation of the universe, the creation of the world, and the real thing that can only be obtained by the awakening of all things.

The sea of ​​consciousness is trembling.

The black golden sun wheel emitted a breathtaking sound of anger in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it sensed the danger of Ning and Yu.

It comes to the rescue!

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