Yuchi obviously wanted to fight this Heavenly Dao at this time.

Said to give up Ning and Yu.

It's just talking.

own children.

Just won't give up.

It's just that the current Yuchi's strength is not enough to compare with Tiandao's.

Even if the willpower has reached its peak, even the breath has grown to the limit by now.

But still useless.


"He's really a lunatic." Seeing this situation, Govlan had no choice.

The love in the eyes is ten thousand years old.

She could only appear beside Yuchi, and as her slender fingers moved lightly in the space in front of her, countless chains full of flowers suddenly appeared in the sky, these chains suddenly appeared from the void, Firmly trap the phantom of heaven in the sky.

Each chain is probably 100,000 meters long, and each chain is probably as wide as a river.

The reflection of the Dao of Heaven in the sky seemed to be in danger, and its ruthless eyes immediately locked on Govlan.


The dark purple dress with various stars fluttered wantonly under the strong wind.

Her long hair, along with the torrential rain in the sky, bloomed with terrifying power.


3 seconds later.

Blood appeared at the corner of Govlan's mouth!

Yu Chi suddenly felt that there was a new connection between him and Ning Heyu, and at the gesture of Ge Fulan's eyes, he immediately took Ning Heyu into the sea of ​​consciousness.

From the corner of the eye, I immediately looked at Govlan, and Govlan finally let go of her fingers, and the chains in the sky disappeared immediately.

She looked at Tiandao naively, which was also very energetic, and bowed to Tiandao.

"Sorry, this time."

Heaven is silent.

The evil spirit disappeared, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then when Ge Fulan fell into Yuchi's arms, the whole person's breath was obviously weakened to the limit.

Flattening his blood-stained lips, he looked at Yuchi who was looking at him nervously: "I was almost killed by you. In the next period of time, I need to recuperate. You can make trouble slowly over there by yourself. I just can't think of why you are going against the Heavenly Dao like this, you are really disturbing, you..."


Yuchi met the corner of Govlan's blood-stained mouth, and kissed it directly.

Ge Fulan's bright eyes suddenly widened.

Then after feeling Yuchi's bad hands, she said in a panic: "Fool, and your apprentice's!!!"


Before Yuchi came back to her senses, she just ran away and returned to the fishing rod to recuperate.

Yuchi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

It's Govlan's blood.


It was quite salty.


He stood on the spot a little exhausted, the way of heaven came extremely fast, and the way of heaven disappeared very fast.

Now all this is completely gone.

It seemed like none of this had ever happened.

Yue Hanjiang was about to say something, but Yuchi directly clamped her waist and led her away from this place temporarily.


Ten minutes after Yuchi left this place wearing Yue Hanjiang, a woman wearing a flower bell suddenly appeared here.

One after another, small bells made of flowers appeared on the hair of this woman, and this woman had two faces.

One face is facing the front of the body like the human race, and the other face is covered under the hair on the back of the head.

She said to herself: "Strange, is there another demigod appearing in this place now? Why haven't I heard of other demigods appearing here before? Shouldn't I know all the demigods around here?" ?”

The other face replied: "You ask me who I ask, but judging from the current situation, the Heavenly Dao technique just now can only be released by demigods, which means that there are indeed second-order gods around here. The existence of a demigod, and the strength of this demigod is probably stronger than you and me."

She didn't believe it: "It's not possible, it just insisted on a little bit with Tiandao."

Another face replied: "Although we don't know what the specific situation is, the reason why Tiandao appeared is obviously because we saw some very dangerous things and wanted to kill them. To escape from the hands of Heavenly Dao, then this person's strength is at least at the level of a demigod."

She was thoughtful.

No answer.

This woman lived around this primordial ocean. The duration of the battle between Yuchi and the other two races just now was very short. Came here directly.

Naturally, they also saw the cruel side of Tiandao.

Ask yourself.

If this kind of Heavenly Dao is aimed at them, then they feel that it is difficult for them to survive directly from this level of Heavenly Dao coercion, but judging from the current situation, the other party not only survived, but also looks like He didn't look like he was injured.


"I don't know if there will be a chance to meet the other party in the future, but the sudden appearance of a demigod obviously represents the original ocean. This area is about to fall into short-term chaos, and I don't know who it is doing such a thing.”

"It can have a direct conflict with the way of heaven."

"Still alive."

"A demigod?"

She then left with narrowed eyes.


Yuchi brought Yuehanjiang to a far away area, and he can be said to have traveled tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

Now Yuchi is leaning against a rather dark cave.

The sound of some cold water can be heard in the cave, and the roar of many wild animals can be heard outside the cave.

But there is no need to worry about this, and they are just some small beasts, which are not worth mentioning in themselves.

And this time, it was the first tit-for-tat confrontation with Tiandao. It was obvious that Yuchi lost, but the loss was not too embarrassing.

The main reason is that Yuchi has finally fully figured out his true heart.

For a strong man like Tiandao, there is no need to have any fear at all, and there is no need to worry that the other party's realm is higher than his own. After all, everyone has the same source of life.

For other beasts, there is no need to have any arrogance. Although these beasts do not have much wisdom, they all have the same origin as themselves after all.

Apparently seeing clearly one's own status can effectively help Yuchi find the next direction of cultivation.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

Ning and Yu in the Sea of ​​Consciousness are very pessimistic.

If Ning Heyu was originally as big as a palm, but now it is only as big as a fingernail, and there are many cracks on the entire surface of the little fish, and the vines protruding from these cracks are even more obvious. See how this little fish was treated.

But it's good to be alive.

Now that she has returned to Ning Heyu in Yuchi's sea of ​​knowledge, she doesn't seem to feel that it is such a frenzied thing for Yuchi to send herself out from such a safe place. She still has no face, which seems quite natural. It seems quite harmonious.

A small fish swims slowly around the black gold sun wheel in the sky.

Not to mention that there is still a sad feeling in it.

The black gold sun wheel used all its efforts to cultivate Xiao Yu'er and help Xiao Yu'er to recover.

I have to say that the battle this time was really dangerous, and Ning and Yu couldn't come back just a little bit.

And Govlan is really strong.

"I think she has no fewer secrets than me." Yuchi looked at Yue Hanjiang who was approaching.

He stroked her hair: "Okay."

"Why are you crying?"

"Your Sister Gevolan is not an outsider, a kiss will be fine."

Yue Hanjiang: "..."


She cried louder.

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