After the person in the Dao Heart realm finished asking.

Another cultivator who possessed the realm of Dao Xin was silent for a long time.


He just said: "If I have never met Yuchi, that is, I am standing outside the heart of the ocean at this time, and have not come to this primordial ocean with Yuchi, then when I heard your question, I would It must be said that it is absolutely impossible for Yuchi to get the Heavenly King Seal."

"After all, you and I can feel the strength of the Heavenly King Seal."

"It can make us kneel in an instant, make us helpless in an instant, and we have not even seen the real appearance of the Heavenly King Seal, how cruel it is. So under such circumstances, why is Yuchi here? Can you get the Heavenly King Seal?"

Hearing what his companion said, he also nodded seriously to the person with a strong Dao heart who asked this question, and he also agreed with this person's statement.

That is to say, the Heavenly King Seal itself is really too powerful. They once fought with the Heavenly King Seal, but at that time it was said to be a battle...

In fact, it was just a one-sided relationship.

Tianwangyin asked them to kneel to them and he knelt down. In the end, Tianwangyin really didn't kill them, but was very satisfied with their submission, and then let them go.

So under such circumstances, it is suddenly heard that there is a person in the realm of Dao Xin who has only met the Heavenly King Seal once, so he directly absorbs the Heavenly King Seal?

This is unbelievable anyway.

After all, what others can do, I can't do, and there is a strong sense of frustration in it.

You must know that this is the first time someone has met. According to many people, if you want to absorb a heart of the ocean, you need at least 100 or even 1,000 continuous attempts before you can succeed in the end. How can anyone It can be directly successful once.

"But I suddenly made a rather bold guess!"

"I even seriously doubt that Yuchi will really absorb this Heavenly King Seal this time. After all, Yuchi is the first person I saw to overcome the previous 333 difficulties so easily. The time is right!"

"Not to mention that nearly a year has passed now, and Yuchi has not left Tianwangyin's side in despair, and he has no intention of giving up directly, so now he may barely be able to bear the Heavenly King's seal. side attack, then under such circumstances, I really have to be forced to guess that Yuchi has a chance to absorb this Heavenly King Seal."

After talking.

He was also deeply silent and sighed deeply. When the brother next to him was also embarrassed, he said heavily: "To be honest."

"If my mentality at this time is still as good as before, then I will definitely choose to rush directly to the 333rd platform, and then kill the demons on the 333rd platform, and then go directly to the final level , directly kill Yuchi who is absorbing the Heavenly King Seal."

"But now I find helplessly that I don't even have the chance to set foot on the 333rd platform. I actually have no will to fight under Yuchi's defeat."

"That's me right now. If there really is a life-and-death battle between Yuchi and Yuchi, then I will definitely not be Yuchi's opponent."

"I will be killed directly by the opponent in a short time, and I won't even be able to fight back with a little bit of strength."

"It's completely in a state that a loser would have."

"And this is simply not like me, a person who has the realm of Dao Xin. Anyway, my Dao Xin is not a day-to-day Dao Xin."

After the other person heard it, he sighed quite heavily.

He sat on the platform, stroking the bumps on the platform with one hand.

The eyes also look at the platform 333 that is far away in the sky and close in front of you, but there is a kind of separation between heaven and man.

"You're actually fine, your Dao heart is 'harmony', but mine is 'war'."

"My fighting heart should not have so much fear."

"As a result, under the situation in front of me, I found that I was really powerless to fight back."

"I seriously doubt whether this Yuchi is here to tease our mentality."

The two of them sighed heavily.

In the following dozens of days, they never spoke again.

Both of them choose to adjust their mentality well within these few dozen days. If they don’t adjust their mentality well, then in the future, let alone gaining the Dao Heart, let alone going to the new primordial ocean, they just want to It is far from possible to increase one's strength. The Dao heart itself has already wavered. This is a very dangerous thing.

After a year passed, they also headed back to the city.

On the way back, I also saw other half-step road lovers.

People with a half-step Dao heart are after seeing these two people in the state of Dao heart.

They also simply looked at each other.

They are already people who can determine the realm of these two Dao Hearts, and they have no way to absorb the Heavenly King Seal.

As for where Yuchi is at this time.

They didn't dare to ask too many questions, they only dared to leave the Heart of the Ocean with the two people in the Dao Heart Realm.


The edge of the primordial ocean.

In the small station.

There are already many people who are preparing to go to the heart of the ocean.

Under normal circumstances, no one would really feel that the Heart of the Ocean was absorbed by others.

Everyone seemed to follow a fixed process, and they didn't say that they really concluded that they could do any positive help to this kind of thing.

As for being able to absorb this Heavenly King Seal? This is something that I dare not even think about.

"They've already come out. Let's tidy up a bit, and then we're going to the Heart of the Ocean. Remember that this trip to the Heart of the Ocean will last a total of 365 days."

"In 365 days, unless you can really face the Seal of the Heavenly King, other people will go to the Heart of the Ocean."

After other people heard it, it was also bustling.

The people with the lowest strength in this place are all people of the first rank of Taoism.

And people of the first rank of Taoism are invincible existences in other places, but in this small station, everyone's appearance is exactly the same humility.

Just when these people were preparing to go to the heart of the ocean, these two practitioners in the realm of Dao Xin spoke slowly to everyone.

"Don't go to the heart of the ocean this time."

"Senior Yuchi in the Heart of the Ocean is absorbing the Heavenly King Seal, so according to our rules, we now have to wait for the senior to leave the Heart of the Ocean."

"Only the senior did not absorb the seal of the heavenly king and did not complete the conquest of the seal of the heavenly king. Only under such circumstances can we go to the heart of the ocean again."

"This is a rule that we have recognized before."

After this person in the realm of Dao Xin said it, his own mentality was quite helpless, and there was a strong feeling of powerlessness in it when he spoke.

And other people after hearing the words spoken by this cultivator in the Dao Mind Realm.

Everyone was simply stunned in place.

They couldn't even come back to their senses in the first time.

Another person in the realm of Dao Xin said very helplessly at this time: "It's just like what my friend said, senior Yuchi has already completed 333 challenges, so now senior Yuchi is having a positive relationship with Tianwangyin struggle."

"Although we don't know the specific situation now, it is obvious that we can't continue to the Heart of the Ocean at this time. We have to wait for any news from Senior Yuchi before we can start a new journey to the Heart of the Ocean. Attack round."

"So now you just wait where you are, and if you queue up, all of you will move backwards."

"No matter how many things you have to discuss, you can discuss it slowly, the two of us will leave first..."

The mentality of these two people is now a mess.

They are ready to leave this place.

Others have completely different feelings.

The crowd was already screaming.

People with a half-step Dao heart can't bear the surprise in their hearts.

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