After Fishing For 10 Years, I Became A Saint Without Knowing How To Raise Beasts

Chapter 395 Could it be that I have a problem with my language?

So many people at the scene saw the moment Yuchi appeared, they couldn't believe why the man in front of them suddenly appeared.

Isn't this man attacking the Heavenly King Seal according to the two people just now? Why didn't the Heavenly King Seal go to attack, but instead appeared directly? Could it be that these two people were joking just now, that is, deliberately deceiving them?

When they saw Yuchi slowly walking towards them, the eyes of this group of people had already fallen on the two cultivators of the Dao Heart realm, hoping that they would be able to learn from the cultivation of these two Dao Heart realms. People get a little bit of clues about fear.

And these two cultivators of Dao Heart realm also looked at each other, they never expected to see Yuchi at this time, because Yuchi was really launching a strategy against the Heavenly King Seal, how could this suddenly appear?

This is an unreasonable thing.

The reason for Yuchi's appearance is also very simple, because he has completely absorbed the seal of the king of heaven, so according to the rules, he has to tell the news to everyone at the scene, so as to prevent these people at the scene from wasting time.

Still waiting for him to slowly absorb.

"What's the situation?"

"Aren't we all dreaming before? It won't happen either."

The two people in the realm of Dao Xin were quite puzzled.

Then when Yuchi walked towards this side, the two people in the realm of Dao Xin couldn't bear the bewilderment in their hearts.

They don't want to be treated as liars by others, especially if these people are not as powerful as their own practitioners.

I don't want to be regarded as a liar by these people whose strength is not as good as my own.

This immediately expressed the most sincere doubt in Yuchi's heart, and his tone was very respectful at this time: "Senior Yuchi, I don't know why your side left the original ocean?"

"Didn't you already successfully enter the room where the Heart of the Ocean is?"

"According to what we have observed."

"You have seen the Heavenly King Seal a long time ago."

"Then why did you suddenly appear before this situation? Could it be that you have no way to absorb the Heavenly King Seal?"

Just after the practitioner finished asking, a practitioner next to him made a quick supplement.

"Senior Yuchi."

"The rules in this place are very simple, that is, although everyone can only see the Heavenly King Seal for one year, in fact, as long as you see the Heavenly King Seal, you will have a very long time to make a breakthrough. "

"In the process of your breakthrough, no one will disturb you. This is the rule we have set, so do you misunderstand this rule, so you watch us come out and then you come out with us? Already?"

After the two practitioners finished asking, the others also looked at Yuchi in confusion.

Judging from the current situation, Yuchi may have really found the Heavenly King Seal, and Yuchi may have really misunderstood the rules of this place.

Otherwise, there is no reason to leave this place directly in just one year.

This is a more helpless thing than Yuchi finding the Heavenly King Seal and starting to break through.

So what's going on here? !

Then, when everyone couldn't understand, Yuchi had already walked to the center of everyone,

He also said to everyone quite simply: "My friends, the purpose of coming here is very simple."

"I have completely absorbed the Heavenly King Seal."

"So you don't have to stay in this primordial ocean anymore. The heart of the ocean is already closed. It will take many, many years to wait until the heart of the ocean has a unique Taoist heart. During this period, you can find another elsewhere."

Yuchi is still in a good mood now, after absorbing the Heavenly King Seal, Yuan Yuan Haiyang's journey this time can be regarded as a full stop.

He also wanted to find a place to take a good look at his current strength.

And he was in a good mood, but after he finished speaking, everyone at the scene fell into a state of dead silence. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Intensely at a loss.

What's the meaning?

What does it mean that I have completely absorbed the Heavenly King Seal.

This kind of thing is unreasonable, it will never happen at all.

Because how long has it been since now?

From the beginning to the end, this is just a year.

Have you absorbed the Heavenly King Seal in a year?


No, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

Now everyone is also in a state of confusion, how do they feel that what Yuchi said and what they understand are not on the same level.

It was still the two cultivators from before.

They said to Yuchi blankly: "Senior Yuchi, if we understand correctly, do you mean that you have completely absorbed Jiang Tianwang Yin? That is to say, now that the heart of the ocean is completely closed, the Tianwang Yin is already Became your heart."

Yuchi nodded: "That's what I want to express."

He just has a feeling of doubt now.

Is there something wrong with the way I said it? Why do everyone look at me now as if they saw a ghost?

Then Yuchi also looked at the very cute Yue Hanjiang beside him, and when Yue Hanjiang was staring at him with bright eyes and white teeth, when he saw him, Yuchi also asked: "Han Jiang, can you understand what I want to express?" Is it? Or is it because I haven’t spoken for a long time, so my language of ten thousand races is not very smart, which makes it hard for others to hear?”

After hearing this, Yue Hanjiang immediately showed an extremely bright smile.

The little girl's figure is quite enchanting and charming, under the graceful body is the thumping heart, and then she hugs her master's arm, raises her little face, and gently opens her moist lips, Accompanied by the gentle shaking of the beautiful white teeth.

Her voice reached Yuchi's ear quite pleasantly:

"Master, it's not that you speak so that others can't understand."

"It's because you directly absorbed the Heavenly King Seal in just one year, so others don't believe it at all."

Yuchi listened.

Is that so?

He really doesn't know this, because things like the Heavenly King's Seal are very difficult on the surface, but as long as you stick to your heart and adopt a relatively soft operation method, then the Heavenly King's Seal can indeed be defeated As for saying that the Heavenly King Seal will be completely absorbed in one year, whether this is really a bit of an exaggeration, then Yuchi is not too clear.

Because now Yuchi is thinking about another matter, which is related to refining medicine.

It was a plan that Govlan came up with before, but Govlan didn't have a chance to finish the specific things.

Just uttering a word, Govlan didn't seem to have fully recovered, so she immediately went back to make up for the previous shortfall in her heart.

Other cultivators were completely stunned.


A group of people all laughed wryly!

It's really a wry smile now!

big brother.

This kind of thing you did is very scary, but you don’t think it’s any big deal at all?

Can you even say such a thing so calmly?

So have you absorbed the Heavenly King Seal?

Have you really directly absorbed the Heavenly King Seal within a year, so that you now have the second Dao Heart!

After Yuchi saw the tangled faces of the people present.

He also looked a little helpless, and then he opened his right hand, and a red gold seal appeared in his hand.

And at the moment when this scarlet gold seal appeared, everyone on the scene knelt down.

Including those two people in the Dao Heart Realm!

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