Yuchi didn't quite know who the woman in front of him was, he had never seen it before, but there was a rather strange aura about this woman, if he felt it carefully, this woman should be quite powerful, even if she didn't It is possible to kill yourself directly in a short time, but it shouldn't be a big problem to force yourself to escape.

standing on the sea.

The original ocean that lost the heart of the ocean now glows with a kind of vitality. You can clearly feel the power of life emerging from the entire ocean, but this power of life is not eternal. When the heart wakes up again, these life forces will become the supplies of the heart of the ocean, so that one heart of the ocean will appear at a time.

Yuchi blocked Yue Hanjiang behind him, staring directly at the woman in front of him, there was naturally some doubt in his eyes, he didn't take the initiative to ask any questions.

In this case, the woman took the initiative to speak.

There was a lot of gentleness in her words, and there was no threat in her tone when she spoke, she said: "First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, I come from the sinking sea, and my own strength It's half-body realm."

"I have two names, and the name I'm talking to you now is the beauty."

"The other girl behind my head is called Hei Yan."


"Sister, let's salute this creature."

Then, before Yuchi could figure out the situation clearly, the woman in front of him had some strange changes.

The woman suddenly had two extra arms. Originally, the two arms were facing the front, but now there are two extra arms facing the back.


It was a tearing sound, as if someone deeply tore apart two tightly bound flesh and blood.

This kind of sound is not any good.

Immediately afterwards, there were only two women who were originally alone, and now there were two extra women. Another woman came out from behind this woman, which made people frown a bit.

"Congratulations from Hongyan."

"Hei Yan greets you!"

The two women said in unison, and these two women look similar to the human race, but they are not like the harmless human and animal appearance of the human race. From the pure aesthetic point of view of the human race, the two women in front of them now look It looks a little creepy.

There was a sense of uneasiness inside and out, as if the two women had been dead for a long time, and they were revived for some unknown reason.

A kind of metaphor for people before and after is not very good.

But Yuchi has seen a lot of weird Wanzu now, and it is understandable to see these two symbiotic Wanzu.

Then he saluted the two women very politely, and then briefly introduced his name and Han Jiang beside him.

I never thought that I could see a demigod in this place, and the sinking sea mentioned by these two people, after thinking about it, Govlan mentioned it a long time ago, but Govlan didn't explain it in detail at the time. Say it, there's something about the Sunken Sea.

Meeting is the point.

Then Hongyan smiled and said to Yuchi: "The two of us never thought that you would be able to directly accept this Heavenly King Seal in just one year."

"It seems that the talent you have shown far exceeds our previous judgment. We thought you were only here to practice in this area."

Heiyan followed Hongyan's words and continued: "After seeing you showing the seal of the heavenly king today, we can basically be sure that you will definitely become our companion in the future, and you will definitely come to us in the future. Sunken Sea will explore the real mysteries of this world with us."

"And you don't need to worry about it. Before you reach the demigod realm, our demigods in the Sunken Sea will not launch any attacks on the Dao Heart realm. This will do us all harm but no benefit. "

"As for the reason why we came to disturb you this time, it is mainly to meet you and get to know you in advance. At the same time, if you have any doubts, you can ask them directly. I believe we can still explain to you many things in this world. The problem."

"But you don't have to trust us completely."

"After all, if we were fully aware of the situation in this world, we wouldn't be trapped in the demigod realm for so many years."

The two people finished talking one after another. Although they were two people, there was no connection between the two people when they were talking. It was like a normal conversation between two people. It seems that these two people are not just The symbiosis on the body may also have a certain symbiosis relationship on the soul, but the specific situation is not clear for the time being.

Yuchi also nodded slightly after hearing this. Since the other party came with good intentions, he directly asked if he had any doubts: "Thank you for coming, I just happen to have some doubts, first of all, after the demigod realm Is Dao Xin useless?"

The reason why Yuchi asked this question is also very simple, the demigod realm should be a very powerful realm.

So under this state, if you want to subdue the heart of the ocean in the original ocean, it should be a relatively simple matter.

At least after reaching the demigod realm, subduing the heart of the ocean must be more calm than the realm of dao heart, so under this situation, why didn't the two women in front of them do this?

On the contrary, let yourself, a person in the realm of Taoism, take away the heart of the ocean, and still have such kindness towards yourself?

Obviously, if there is an abnormality, there must be evildoers.

When seeing the sudden smiles of the two women, Yuchi was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled easily: "Forgive my preconceived evil thoughts, after all, you should be able to attack me. But not only did you not do this, you even treated me as a friend, I just can’t understand all of this.”

After Yuchi left the human city, he met too many enemies along the way.

He also deeply knows that there will be a very basic rule in this world, that is, if you stay within your race, no one will come to hurt you, but once you leave your race, then this will It represents you to participate in the entire struggle of all races.

Then killing each other is a fairly normal thing.

It's like the various flowers in the forest vying for the nutrients of the sky, which essentially has no position at all.

So why did this kind of struggle suddenly stop when it reached the demigod realm?

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