Of course Hongyan could understand what Yuchi meant.

Now this is going one step further in front of Yuchi. On the one hand, he took out a lollipop from his pocket, bent down and handed the lollipop in his hand to Yuchi who was standing behind him, his eyes wide open. Yue Hanjiang looked at him very cautiously.

When Yuehanjiang took the lollipop in his hands with some doubts, Hongyan's smile became even brighter.

This is a flower in the true sense of the word.

Hongyan's facial features have been distorted under such circumstances. The original eyeballs, nose, and mouth have all turned into various petals, so that a very bright blood-red flower blooms On her face, although this situation looks very weird, but this kind of flower has to be said to be very beautiful.

And all of these existences are fleeting.


She smiled and said: "I think you can ask this question, which means that you must have quite strong confidence in yourself, that is, you think that the demigod realm is just a simple process, just like the Daoyun realm. Or it may be the realm of Dao, which is a realm that can definitely be broken through in the future, and only such an explanation can allow me to understand the position of your question."

Yuchi didn't have any intention of making excuses in this situation, he also nodded directly.

In Yuchi's understanding, although he knows that the demigod realm may be more difficult, but the demigod realm is nothing more than a realm after all.

When he has not really seen the order of all things in this world, he will never stop his footsteps, then the demigod realm will definitely break through in the future, which means that there will definitely be more fights in the future, So under such circumstances, people in the demigod realm suddenly said that everyone should live in peace, which is almost like a joke.

Hei Yan smiled and said: "Thank you for your frankness, and the reason why you have this kind of thought is probably because you don't have a basic macroscopic consideration of the demigod realm, but this is not a big deal, so if you haven't reached it Practitioners before the demigod realm thought that they still had a long way to go in the future, and thought that this kind of fighting was boundless and endless, but after they really reached the demigod realm, all of this would be It’s going to be something else.”

"We also thought about it in the same way back then. We also thought why everyone in the Taoist realm fought so fiercely, and why did everyone start pretending to be a gentleman after they really reached the Dao Heart realm or even the demigod realm."

"Everyone started to condense into a group and began to seek the so-called peace. After all, in our eyes, peace is always a false proposition."

"The reason is also very simple. In the final analysis, there is one sentence. No one in the demigod realm can make a breakthrough."

"Please remember what I said is that no one person can break through."

After hearing this, Yuchi was a little pensive.

Is there no one who can break through the demigod realm?

This kind of thing sounds a bit unbelievable.

Could it be that there is a natural barrier between demigods and real gods, that is, a barrier that can never be broken?

This should not be the case.

Everything is possible, and absolutely nothing is certain.

Hongyan is obviously very interested in Yue Hanjiang, she didn't move on to the next topic immediately, but said to Hanjiang: "Little sister, we have also been to the human race before, and we have also seen the general form of the human race. You are definitely an extremely beautiful beauty in the human race, and you even make me feel heart-beating, so if I am a man of the human race, then I will definitely love you, love you to the core, and your body is even more beautiful. It will have a fascinating taste."

Yue Hanjiang blushed slightly after hearing this.

But this blush disappeared in an instant.

She simply expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the other party. Besides, she still stood cautiously behind her master, and she was not prepared to have an inexplicable relationship with such two people with only her master's permission. What does a woman communicate with.

Hongyan didn't look angry at all, and then her eyes fell on Yuchi: "The next question is to answer another question, why don't we take the heart of the ocean out of the ocean, and why don't we treat the heart of the ocean around you?" Does this person have unreasonable thoughts in his heart? In fact, the reason is very simple, because it is unnecessary."

Yuchi: "Isn't it necessary?"

Hongyan nodded: "Yes, it's not necessary at all. Only after you reach the demigod realm, you can suddenly find that your strength has been firmly locked, and the highest strength you can achieve is nothing more than the top. In that case, it is meaningless for you to obtain more hearts of the ocean and kill more disaster stars. We have reached the limit, so in this case, we The heart of the ocean or the catastrophe should be left to more hope."

"Just like you."

"We can completely kill you who haven't reached the Dao Xin state, but it doesn't make any sense. Apart from letting us gradually die, this is the most stupid decision for us, and The really meaningful thing for us is to allow you to grow freely, so that more people in the realm of Dao Xin can grow to the realm of demigods. Only when there are enough demigods will we burst out more possible."

"Believe this, you should be able to understand."

Yuchi nodded.

Now he finally understood what the other party meant.

Because the demigod realm has been firmly locked, it is a futile thing to snatch more of the original heart of the ocean. Apart from adding two more medals to yourself, there is nothing to do. meaning.

It's better to leave these hearts of the sea to those who really need them. If there is one more demigod, then everyone will have more possibilities. It is a simple matter, on the contrary, cultivation itself is too difficult, and there are very few people who can cultivate to the realm of heaven.

So the reason why there are so many strong people is because the base of Wanzu is large enough.

It is because the number of the Wanzu itself is too large.

No one knows how many tens of thousands of races there are in this world. Just think about it, the human race already has a population of hundreds of billions.

So in this case, any slight difference will cause a miracle.

And the demigods lack the appearance of such miracles now.

Because there are too few people in the demigod realm, and the number of everyone is too small, then under such circumstances, this possible burst will become very small.

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