There were only cries in the study, suppressed cries, sad cries, and Wei Yuxian's cries.

Wei Yuxian couldn't believe what she saw. She threw the information to the ground, looked at Fu Xuanyi with tears in her eyes, and asked, "It's fake, right? It's fake, right!" Fu Xuanyi didn't say anything, just looked at her, He reached out and took the person into his arms.

Wei Yuxian lost control of her emotions and couldn't help herself with sadness. She kept asking: "It's fake... right? A-Xuan... tell me... these are all fake... right..."

She asked while crying, her tears falling down as if she wanted no money, soaking Fu Xuanyi's clothes.

Fu Xuanyi hugged her tightly and said in a hoarse voice, "It's true."

Wei Yuxian collapsed! My whole body went limp, and I didn't even have the strength to stand, so I was about to collapse.

Fu Xuanyi quickly hugged her tighter to prevent her from falling, gave her support, and comforted her step by step.

Unfortunately, it was of no use. Wei Yuxian's tears still fell, and more and more tears fell.

When she heard those three words Fu Xuanyi said, her heart felt as if she had died, huge sadness surged up, and she was trembling all over.

Fu Xuanyi has admitted it himself, so this matter must be true and there will be no more mistakes.

She was hugged by Fu Xuanyi in despair, murmuring: "I have no relatives anymore... I have no parents anymore..."

The information Fu Xuanyi gave her just now clearly stated that her parents had passed away.

Her biological parents are ordinary people, but her mother Lin Xia has always been in poor health. She was married to her father for five years before they had her.

When her mother gave birth to her, her vitality was severely damaged. If she took good care of herself, she could be nursed back to health. But at that time, her adoptive mother was that vicious woman!

She actually held a dead baby and replaced herself!

Both parents thought that they had not made it through, and they were very sad. My mother's health was getting worse day by day, and she died of illness a year later.

As for my father, he originally wanted to cheer up, but three years later, he was killed in a sudden car accident!

As for the parents' relatives, there are no relatives at all, because both father and mother are orphans. They met in the orphanage when they were young and developed a friendship. After they had the ability and conditions, they got married.

They love her very much, because they were once orphans, so they will love their children even more. In addition, the mother is in poor health, so it was not easy to have her.

Wei Yuxian could imagine what kind of loving family she would have grown up in if she had not been replaced!

Instead of living like a slave in that cage!

The adoptive father and the adoptive mother, they deserve to die!

Wei Yuxian couldn't accept the news, very unacceptable!

She also fantasizes about the day when she finds her parents, and their family can reunite again and share family happiness!

But now, all the dreams are shattered!

The scenes she had imagined were all impossible to happen! All were strangled!

Her parents are no longer alive.

There is no one with the same blood as her in this world...

Wei Yuxian couldn't help crying. She was so sad that she fainted from crying.

Fu Xuanyi hugged the person in his arms tightly and pursed his lips.

He felt terribly distressed when he felt the person in his arms fainting! He picked up the human princess and walked towards the room.

Fu's father and Fu's mother followed behind, looking at the little man in Fu Xuanyi's arms with unbearable expressions.

This incident was fatal to her!

But there is no way, she must know, and she must know early!

When she is pregnant, this is the time when she will think too much. If she is not told early, she will also have random thoughts in her mind. This thought today and that thought tomorrow, if it continues like this, it will also be harmful to the body.

Fu's mother couldn't bear it either. If she could, she would rather have such pain go through her!

Fu Xuanyi carried the person in his arms all the way back to the room. He looked down and saw that the person in his arms was full of tears and his brows were tightly knitted. He fainted and was not stable.

Fu's mother called Lin Chengyuan on the way and asked him to bring a doctor over as quickly as possible!

As soon as Lin Chengyuan received the call, he thought Wei Yuxian's child would not be saved, so he hurriedly called the dean and asked him to take several doctors and drive a small consultation car to Fu's house.

Not long after, Lin Chengyuan rushed over with several doctors.

"Aunt, what happened? Did something happen to my sister-in-law?" He asked anxiously as soon as he saw Fu's mother.

Fu's mother nodded, took him and several doctors to the room, and said, "Something happened to Yuxian."

Hearing this, Lin Chengyuan could not walk slowly. He immediately ran into the room with several doctors. Then, he saw Wei Yuxian, whom he had not seen for a long time, lying lifelessly on the bed!

"Master Xuan! What's wrong with sister-in-law?"

He came to Fu Xuanyi's side and asked.

The doctor also rushed over to diagnose and treat Wei Yuxian.

Fu Xuanyi focused his eyes entirely on the unconscious person and said, "I'm too sad."

Lin Chengyuan: "Excessively sad? How could my sister-in-law be so sad? Did you do something to feel sorry for my sister-in-law?"

Fu Xuanyi frowned and said coldly: "No."

Lin Chengyuan continued to ask: "What is that? Why did my sister-in-law suddenly... wasn't she fine in the past few months?"

Although he hadn't seen his sister-in-law for several months, her prenatal checkups were all done at their hospital, so he knew something about Wei Yuxian's condition.

Even knowing that Wei Yuxian was pregnant, he didn't even ask Master Xuan to drink, just to give Master Xuan some private space as his sister-in-law!

Fu Xuanyi glanced over, his tone became even colder, and said: "Shut up, you are noisy."

Lin Chengyuan opened his mouth, but when he saw his horrified expression, he chose to close his mouth and waited peacefully for the doctors to give their conclusion.

After some diagnosis by the doctors, the diagnosis was the same as Fu Xuanyi's: "Excessive sadness."

Fortunately, she has no other physical problems and is still relatively healthy. However, in the near future, she needs to be well educated to help her get over her sadness and stabilize her mood.

Otherwise, even if there is nothing wrong with the body, one can cry out that something is wrong.

Fu Xuanyi said he understood and asked the doctor to go back.

Lin Chengyuan looked at Fu Xuanyi and wanted to ask what happened to make Wei Yuxian like this.

But Fu Xuanyi only has eyes for Wei Yuxian, so how can he care about him?

It was Fu's mother who saw how pitiful he was, so she took him out and briefly explained the situation to him.

After hearing this, Lin Chengyuan was so shocked that he wished he could rush to Father Wei and Mother Wei right now and slap them hard in a big fight!

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