The room was very quiet. Wei Yuxian was lying on the bed without any sign of waking up. Fu Xuanyi was sitting on the chair beside the bed and watching over her, staring at her closely and refusing to move away.

He knew that she would be very sad when she learned the news, but he didn't expect that she would faint.

I don't know how much time passed, but the door to the room was opened, and Fu's father, Fu's mother, and Lin Chengyuan came in. The three of them didn't say a word, and even walked softly.

Fu's mother had finished talking to Lin Chengyuan. The latter still felt very angry, with an expression on his face that could explode just by looking at it.

Fu's father and Fu's mother also sat down quietly by the bed, guarding the person on the bed.

Lin Chengyuan came to Fu Xuanyi, patted his shoulder gently, gave him a look, and motioned him to go out and talk.

But now Fu Xuanyi has no intention of paying attention to him. His eyes are full of the people on the bed, and he doesn't want to leave at all.

Therefore, Lin Chengyuan's plan naturally failed.

Seeing the person sitting motionless by the bed, not even looking at him, Lin Chengyuan could only go out by himself to contact Lu Chengxiao.

As Fu Xuanyi's childhood friend, he is naturally related to Lu Chengxiao, and they even have a very good relationship.

Well, since Master Xuan refuses to come out with him, then he will discuss it with Lu Chengxiao himself and promise not to make things easier for that vicious woman!

How dare you do such a thing to your sister-in-law, she deserves to die!

If it weren't for her, why would my sister-in-law have suffered so much for so many years!

As of now, I don’t even have a single relative left!

Anyway, Lin Chengyuan would not let that bitch go.

After Lin Chengyuan left, silence returned to the room again. Once again, after an unknown amount of time, the unconscious person on the bed made some movement.

She seemed to be having a nightmare and cried in her dream. She felt extremely uneasy and her brows furrowed tightly.

As soon as Fu Xuanyi saw her movement, he quickly touched her cheek with his big hand, trying to comfort her.

But his comfort didn't have much effect. Wei Yuxian's dream was really terrible.

The crying got louder and the tears fell more and more. She wanted to wake up, but she was trapped in the nightmare. She couldn't wake up and could only continue to bear the pain in the dream!

Fu Xuanyi was so worried that his heart was lifted. He didn't care that his parents were still around, so he went to bed, held the crying person in his arms, and patted her back again and again to give her a sense of security.

Gradually, Wei Yuxian stopped crying, the movement became quieter, and she no longer struggled, but her brows were still furrowed and frowning.

Fu Xuanyi's big hand touched her eyebrows and rubbed gently to smooth the ravine between her eyebrows.

Wei Yuxian fainted for several hours and didn't wake up until lunch time. Fu Xuanyi and Fu's father and mother also kept watch over her for such a long time.

She slowly opened her eyes, her eyes still full of sadness. At this moment, she was a little confused.

She felt that she had had a dream, a very bad dream. In the dream, Fu Xuanyi said that her biological parents were no longer alive.

After that, she had many more dreams, and every one of them was very bad!

She was easily affected by dreams, and her mood at the moment was even worse.

For a moment, she couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality, because those dreams were so real, so real that she thought they were real!

I opened my eyes completely and realized that I was in a warm place. I saw that I was in Fu Xuanyi's arms. No wonder it was so warm.

She didn't know what was going on, but recently she felt more and more that Fu Xuanyi was no longer scary. Maybe it was because this man's attitude towards her had softened a lot.

This warm embrace made her reluctant to leave. She just stayed in his embrace, feeling a little confused and depressed and said, "I dreamed parents are no longer alive."

Deep down in her heart, she was unwilling to accept the news that her biological parents had passed away. Instead, she regarded these as a dream. This was the brain's protection of the body.

Fu Xuanyi couldn't bear it, but still said: "This is not a dream."

These four words awakened the true memory deep in Wei Yuxian's brain. She was stunned for a while, then she remembered everything, and then tears fell again.

She wanted to deceive herself, but she also knew that sooner or later she would have to accept this fact.

This is the truth, she can't help herself!

Tears fell down in large drops like a kite with a broken string, and sadness came suddenly, like a strong wind and rain.

She was crying so hard that her body was shaking, her thoughts were unclear, she couldn't think, and her hands were unconsciously exerting force, hugging the man in front of her tightly, as if she was grasping the only life-saving straw.

Fu Xuanyi continued to comfort her but said nothing. He didn't know what to say to comfort her.

Father Fu and Mother Fu also looked at them with worried faces, or rather, looked at Wei Yuxian with worried faces.

After crying for a long time, Wei Yuxian's tears didn't stop, and her voice became hoarse from crying.

Fortunately, this time, she was stronger and did not faint again.

After crying for more than ten minutes, Wei Yuxian's eyes hurt from crying, and her tears were gently wiped away by the man in front of her again and again.

Her sanity had recovered somewhat, but her eyes were lifeless, as if someone had taken away her soul.

Mom and dad are gone...

They are no longer in this world, and she is alone in this world.

She has never even met her parents in person!

Her current state was a bit scary, with no desire to live in her eyes, like a living dead.

Fu Xuanyi was frightened by her state, hugged her tighter, and said with a slightly hoarse voice: "My dear, you still have me, and the baby."

Hearing the word "baby", Wei Yuxian had some hope of survival. Her eyes slowly focused and she lowered her head and looked at her bulging belly.

Yes, she also has two babies. The two babies are also her relatives, relatives with the same blood as her!

Their arrival was destined by fate, and it was God's way to make up for her!

Thinking like this, Wei Yuxian's eyes became more and more alive, and she completely calmed down.

Losing her parents was a heavy blow to her, but it did not completely defeat her because she had some hope again.

She didn't want her two children to be without a mother and father!

She wants them to come to this world and enjoy the best love!

Sad or sad, Wei Yuxian couldn't control her sadness, although she also knew that she couldn't stay so sad because it would be bad for her health and the baby in her belly.

But now, she couldn't control herself. She wanted to cry when she thought that her parents were no longer alive.

Seeing that she had survived, but was very sad, Fu's mother went forward, sat down by the bed, and said, "Yuxian, from now on, I will be your mother, you can treat me as your mother."

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