After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 104 The dawn will eventually rise, not long after

Father Fu also came forward and said, "You can also regard me as your father."

Only then did Wei Yuxian realize that she and Fu Xuanyi were not the only ones in the room, but Mr. Fu and the old lady were also in the room!

She turned her head blankly and saw the old lady and Mr. Fu. She couldn't turn her head around and kept thinking about what the two old men had just said.

The master and the old lady said that she could regard them as her parents...

These words were very heartwarming, but Wei Yuxian didn't dare.

She was so stunned that she even forgot to get out of Fu Xuanyi's arms, and said with a wry smile on her face: "Thank you, Master and Madam, for your kindness,'s okay, Madam, I'm fine, I just need time..."

No one can get over the grief of the death of a loved one immediately. This is a slow process that takes time to heal and a little bit of thinking on your part.

Wei Yuxian knew that the dead could not be resurrected, and the living could not go with them. Otherwise, who would remember the dead?

She is the only daughter of her parents. She must live well so that she can visit their graves, guard them, and remember them.

Wei Yuxian had been looking sad for many years, and it was already a month later when she finally came out of her sadness and fully accepted the incident.

In mid-March, spring comes and everything comes back to life.

Wei Yuxian is no longer immersed in sadness every day, tears no longer fall from time to time, and her mood is much more stable.

In the past month, she had some minor health problems, but they were no major problems and the child was fine.

Now, she has adjusted her condition and is stronger.

On this day, Fu's mother was still worried about staying with her. Fu Xuanyi went to work. Fu's mother was worried about her being at home alone, so she stayed in Fu's house these days and did not go back to the Fu family's old house.

After Fu Xuanyi went to work, she was the one who accompanied Wei Yuxian, fearing that something would happen to her.

Wei Yuxian was very grateful to the old lady for accompanying her these days. Many times, when she couldn't hold on any longer, the old lady was by her side, encouraging her and letting her get out of the darkness and return to the light.

And that man, although he doesn't speak much and doesn't know much about comforting words, he will always be by his side and give him the greatest sense of security!

Wei Yuxian knew all this in her heart. Compared to the original Wei family, the Fu family was more like her home!

She felt unprecedented warmth here, as well as the feeling of being cared for and loved by others.

After having breakfast, Wei Yuxian sent Fu Xuanyi out to work, watched his car leave, and then returned to the living room.

The old lady was sitting on the sofa, with a slight smile on her face, and said: "Yuxian, come here quickly, I have found a TV series for you. People on the Internet said this TV series is good, let's watch it together."

Wei Yuxian also had a rare smile on her face, sat down next to the old lady, and said "hmm".

She knew that the old lady wanted to distract her from being too immersed in sadness.

The old lady was doing it for her own good and really hoped that she could get over her sadness as soon as possible.

And she didn't want to let down the old lady's kindness.

After watching TV for more than an hour, Wei Yuxian was distracted, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "Old madam, I want to... go see my parents, is that okay?"

She was sad for a month, but she never thought about it. She was also afraid that she would not be able to hold back when she saw her parents' tombstones, so she never looked at them.

Now, it's time for her to visit her parents.

It's been many years since her parents passed away, and it's really unfilial for her to only visit them now.

Seeing that she could come out, Fu's mother was naturally happy and said, "Of course, when do you want to go?"

Wei Yuxian thought for a moment and said, "The sooner the better."

Fu's mother: "Then let's go in two days. Then Ah Xuan will take his monthly leave and go with you."

Wei Yuxian nodded and said, "Thank you, madam."

It will be good to go in two days. She can also clean up, adjust her condition, and be in a better state to meet her parents.

Two days passed in a row, and it was time to go to pay homage to her parents. Wei Yuxian got up early in the morning. She didn't sleep much last night, and she was a little green now.

She couldn't sleep at the thought of seeing her parents soon.

The people around me haven't woken up yet, and they are hugging themselves tightly, which is very warm.

The weather is still a bit cold in spring. Being held by Fu Xuanyi while sleeping is very warm and makes him sleep more comfortably.

During the time she slept with Fu Xuanyi, she gradually got used to waking up in his arms and the warmth in his arms.

I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

She didn't want to wake up the people around her. It was only after five o'clock. This man worked overtime late last night and didn't know what time he went to bed.

She thought about getting up quietly, but as soon as she removed the man's big hand and sat up, the man next to her woke up.

She paused and said in a soft and soft voice: "You continue to sleep, it's still early."

Fu Xuanyi saw that his little ancestor was about to get up and he couldn't sleep anymore. He sat up and held her in his arms, lowered his head and left a good morning kiss on her forehead.

Wei Yuxian covered the area where she was kissed and withdrew from his arms. Without saying a word, she ran into the bathroom to wash up.

To this day I still can't feel comfortable being intimate with him.

She was used to his holding hands and his hugs, but she wasn't used to his kisses yet.

The former two are easier to accept, while the latter is more difficult.

Fu Xuanyi followed her into the bathroom and washed up with her. After leaving the room, the servants had not prepared breakfast yet. It was too early and it was not time for the servants to get up.

Wei Yuxian came to the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room and looked outside, not knowing what she was thinking.

It's not yet bright outside. In spring, it starts to dawn relatively late, but it's coming soon. The sun is about to rise.

Her back was somewhat lonely, and in front of her was endless darkness.

Fu Xuanyi's heart was touched. He walked behind her, stretched out his hand, and took the petite person into his arms, resisting the darkness for her.

Wei Yuxian turned back to look at him, raising her head slightly. The man was also looking at her, his eyes were all about her. Inexplicably, a feeling of relief came out of his heart.

Because of the man in front of me.

The heart beat slightly faster, and something secretly took root.

Unaware of her own changes, Wei Yuxian looked at the man for a while, then looked away and looked into the darkness again.

The light will eventually rise, soon.

The two stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window for a while. Fu Xuanyi was afraid that she would be tired, so he picked her up and carried her to the sofa. He lowered his head and kissed her softly.

Wei Yuxian resisted and pushed her away, unable to withstand the man's gentle attack. She was immersed in it and forgot all her worries.

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