When it was almost time, Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi boarded a private plane and headed to a small county in the south.

There were many people in this group, too many for Wei Yuxian to count, and most of them had unfamiliar faces.

There are only a few familiar faces, Mr. Fu and his wife, Lu Chengxiao, Lin Chengyuan, Aunt Fu and a few servants at home.

Guan Jinyou also came, and the rest were bodyguards to protect their safety.

The plane was packed with people. When Wei Yuxian saw Mr. Fu and the old lady coming with them, she would be lying if she said she wasn't moved.

The plane took off and climbed into the clouds. This was Wei Yuxian's first time flying, but at the moment she was not in the mood to be curious. Instead, she sat by the window and looked at the clouds outside.

She was in a daze, preoccupied.

Fu Xuanyi sat next to her and paid close attention to her movements.

After looking out the window for a while, Wei Yuxian's eyes felt a little sore, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep after a while.

She hasn't slept well these days. She slept even less last night and got up early. Now, she finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Seeing that she was asleep, Fu Xuanyi gently picked her up, put her on his lap, and let her sleep in his arms.

They were sitting in the first-class cabin, and there were not many people there. Wei Yuxian only knew a few people, including Guan Jinyou. It was quiet here at the moment, and no one disturbed her sleep.

Wei Yuxian still didn't sleep well this night. As she fell asleep, she started to cry again for some reason.

Fu Xuanyi gently coaxed her to stop her tears.

A morning passed, the plane landed at a certain airport, and Wei Yuxian also slept for a whole morning.

After waking up, she felt a little better, but she still looked a little languid and was not interested in the things around her.

After taking the plane, they were not done yet. Because Wei Guoan and Lin Xia's cemeteries were in a small county town and there was no airport to land at, they had to continue taking the high-speed train.

After taking the high-speed rail, I had to take a bus. When it got dark, I finally arrived at the small county town.

A real journey.

This was not bad. When Wei Yuxian went to Kyoto alone, she took the green train, which took longer.

After a day's journey, everyone was exhausted. After staying in the villa they rented in advance, they had dinner and then took a shower and rested.

It was too late today, and they were tired after a long day, so they were in no hurry to go to the cemetery immediately.

Wei Yuxian is now pregnant. After running around for a day, her nerves have been in a state of high tension, her body is a little overwhelmed, and she feels sleepy even when taking a shower.

But when she actually lay in bed, she couldn't fall asleep again.

My body is very tired and my eyes are very achy, but I just can't sleep. This feeling is uncomfortable.

She tossed and turned on the bed, keeping her eyes closed to relieve fatigue.

She also wanted to fall asleep quickly, but her body refused to let her fall asleep.

This made her a little irritable, so she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling in the darkness.

There is no floor heating or heating here in the south. The only heating provided is the air-conditioning. However, it is not as cold as Kyoto here and the heating of the air-conditioning is enough.

But Wei Yuxian still felt a little cold and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt. Suddenly, the man behind her came over, opened his hands, and held her in his arms.

The man's embrace was very warm, like a large stove. In an instant, Wei Yuxian felt extremely warm and no longer cold at all.

"Can't sleep?" The man's deep voice sounded in his ears.

Wei Yuxian gave a muffled "hmm", her voice still filled with sleepiness, as if she had just woken up.

But in fact, she was just too sleepy to sleep, so her voice became like that.

Fu Xuanyi squeezed her shoulders and asked her to turn around and look at him. The latter turned over with a puzzled look on her face and looked at him in the darkness.

The next second, a kiss fell. Her breathing stopped and her body became tense!

The man's kiss was a little intense, and she wanted to refuse, but the man didn't give her a chance to refuse, and instead went deeper!

In a daze, her consciousness became more and more confused, her strength was exhausted, and she fell asleep like this.

Fu Xuanyi ended the kiss, looked at her closely, and touched her face, full of affection.

Fortunately, Guaiguai fell asleep.

The night wind was biting and blowing outside the window, causing the leaves to rustle and fall to the ground.

The next day, Wei Yuxian put on thick black clothes to resist the cold, and then got into the car heading to the cemetery.

In the car, she was also restless. The closer she got to the cemetery, the faster her heart beat and her sadness grew stronger.

Fu Xuanyi put his arms around her shoulders, let her lean on his shoulders, and said, "It's okay, be good."

Wei Yuxian was not in the mood to answer him, so she just said "hmm" and started to be in a daze again.

After about half an hour, a group of people arrived at the cemetery. Under the leadership of the bodyguards, Wei Yuxian finally came to the graves of her parents.

When she saw the two tombstones right next to each other, Wei Yuxian couldn't hold back her tears, and they fell like dropped beads.

She covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from crying too loudly.

A sad atmosphere enveloped the cemetery, and Fu's mother couldn't help but shed a few tears. Fu's father held her in his arms and comforted her.

Wei Yuxian was also held by Fu Xuanyi's shoulders, wiping her tears with his other hand.

Wei Yuxian looked at the small tombstone in front of her and the black and white photo on the tombstone, her eyes blurred with tears.

She felt her body was a little weak and she didn't have much strength to support her, so she leaned on Fu Xuanyi, relying on the man tightly.

Now the only person she can rely on is this man.

"...Dad, Mom." She choked and called out these two names, "I am Yuxian...your biological daughter...I came so late...it seems that your...daughter is unfilial..."

She spoke intermittently, and every time she said a sentence, she would feel sad for a while, and then she could control her emotions before saying the next sentence.

It took a lot of effort to finish this sentence.

Fu Xuanyi also stared at the tombstone. After a while, he said: "I will take good care of her."

In front of the grave of the second elder, he promised that he would take good care of Wei Yuxian in the future, and also made the second elder feel at ease to leave his daughter to him.

He will be kind to Guaiguai, and he will be good to her all his life.

A drizzle began to fall in the sky, falling on my hair and on the tombstones.

The bodyguard handed over the umbrella, and Fu Xuanyi took it and held it for Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian was still crying, unable to say a word and didn't know what to say.

Fu's mother and Fu's father came up, and the former said: "In-laws, don't worry, our Fu family will not treat Yuxian badly. Thank you for bringing such a good Yuxian into this world."

Wei Yuxian didn't dare to look at her parents' tombstones anymore. She turned her head to the side and looked at the trees in the distance.

This is a very remote place, and it is not the time to sweep the tomb now, so except for their group, there is no one else here, which makes it even more desolate.

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