Fu Xuanyi held her in his arms and said, "Cry if you want."

Wei Yuxian couldn't bear it anymore and lay in Fu Xuanyi's arms, holding her hands around his waist, crying wildly.

All Fu Xuanyi could do was to comfort her.

I don't know how long she cried, but Wei Yuxian finally stopped crying, came out of Fu Xuanyi's arms, sniffed her red nose, and her eyes were also red.

She continued to face her parents, as if talking to herself: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will live well, and I will come to see you every year in the future..."

"Actually, I have a lot to say to you, but you can't hear me. Now, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to worry that I will be alone in this world, because I have two babies. From now on, the babies will be my relatives. I will not be lonely. Don't worry."

"After the baby is born, I will take the baby to see you. I will come every year, I promise!"

She talked to her parents in a low voice, and no one disturbed her, allowing her to talk.

The two tombstones were filled with flowers, including white chrysanthemums. Everyone who came sent flowers to show respect to the deceased.

The drizzle slowly turned into light rain, hitting the umbrella surface, then dripping along the umbrella surface to the ground.

Wei Yuxian talked a lot to her parents. After talking for more than an hour, the light rain turned back to drizzle and stopped.

On the horizon, a faint ray of sunlight appeared, and a rainbow appeared.

Wei Yuxian had almost calmed down, and finally stepped forward to touch the photo of her parents and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm leaving. I'll see you again later. Don't miss me too much."

After saying that, she walked back to Fu Xuanyi, looked at the man who had been supporting her behind her and said, "Let's go."

"Yes." The man said softly, holding her waist, giving her a little support to make her waist feel better, and led them out of the cemetery.

She is pregnant and has a bigger belly, so her waist will bear more pressure. If her belly gets bigger, she may have to hold her waist to walk in the future.

With two more children in her belly, her belly will be bigger.

Wei Yuxian looked back three times at a time to see the cemetery over there, reluctant to leave, but had to leave.

In fact, she didn't want to leave so soon, but her body couldn't be overworked now. After standing for more than an hour, her waist couldn't bear it, so she had no choice but to leave.

Mom and Dad, I will definitely come back to see you again. She said in her heart.

A group of people came quietly and left quietly.

After getting in the car, Wei Yuxian secretly wiped her tears from time to time and took out a few photos from her pocket.

It was a photo of her parents, one of the few.

Fu Xuanyi gave this to her, and she didn't know where he got it from. Wei Yuxian just felt that this man was very capable.

Back in the villa, Wei Yuxian was still looking at the photos of her parents in a daze.

She touched her mother's eyebrows in the photo and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt that she looked very much like her mother, almost carved from the same mold.

My mother is a great beauty, she looks gentle and virtuous, and my father is also handsome.

She inherited the advantages of her parents and became even more beautiful.

Thinking of her mother, Wei Yuxian couldn't help but think back to the information Fu Xuanyi showed her a month ago.

According to the information, the mother's health was not very good, and she had a hard time giving birth to herself. After giving birth to herself, her body also suffered from the root cause of the disease, but with proper treatment, there would be no major problems.

That is, from now on, I can’t have a second child.

It was also at this time that the vicious adoptive mother took a dead baby and replaced her!

My mother lost hope and died of illness not long after.

It can be said that the real culprit that caused my mother's death was that vicious woman!

If she hadn't replaced her, why would her mother's condition become worse and worse? Why lose your life!

And I also suffered a lot and grew up in that home!

Everything is that poisonous woman!

The tragic fate of their family was all caused by that poisonous woman!

She will never forgive that vicious woman in her life!

Thinking of this, she thought of the fate of that family. Her adoptive father had his legs broken and was lying in the hospital. Her adoptive mother was also tortured and lost one of her hands. Wei Da went to jail for stealing, and Wei Er became a vegetative state.

Their fate is tragic, and they will all live in pain in the days to come!

Wei Yuxian originally thought that such an outcome was enough, but now, she felt that it was not enough!

Far from enough!

They are so cheap!

Compared with the pain they endured, the punishment they received was still too light!

The pain she endured was the pain of losing a loved one!

Wei Yuxian felt that she could no longer remain weak. If she remained weak, anyone could step on her and bully her!

She never wants to live the days she lived before again!

She wants to become strong, protect the people she wants to protect, and protect the things she wants to protect!

Make it difficult for all her enemies!

It's just that her power is very weak now, it can be said that she has no power, and she can't do anything.

She can't do anything, but there is one person who can, he can do anything!

That person is Fu Xuanyi, a man so powerful that everyone is afraid of him!

Every time she asked him for help before, he didn't refuse. This time, he won't refuse either, right?

Fu Xuanyi said that he liked her, but she didn't know her feelings because she didn't know what it meant to like her.

She only felt that this man was becoming more and more humane, and she was not as afraid of him as before.

She also remembered all the good things he did to her.

So, what exactly is like?

Wei Yuxian didn't know, and no one told her what she liked.

Does it make you blush and your heart beats?

Every time she kisses Fu Xuanyi, she blushes and her heart beats. So, do you like this?

She was lost in thought about the problem. Suddenly, she came back to her senses, shook the thoughts out of her mind, and stopped thinking about them.

I secretly glanced at the man next to me. He was still so handsome, like the darling of the gods.

She took a deep breath, put the photo of her parents in her pocket, and asked, "Axuan, do you know where my adoptive mother is now?"

While she was here and close to her adoptive mother's family, she thought, she could do something.

Fu Xuanyi nodded, stopped twisting the beads, put them back on his wrist, and said, "I know. What do you want to do?"

When he asked this question, he was equivalent to handing a knife to Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian took the knife and said firmly: "I think the previous punishment was too light for them!"

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